

The silkie chicken was developed in the southeast asian countries or china.It was valued as a medicinal food item because of its black skin and bones

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light Brown/ white
Breed Temperament
Friendly, Easily handled, Calm, Bears confinement well, Quiet, Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Grey, Blue, Splash, Partridge, Buff, Black, White are the standard colors with many off standard & derivative colors in existance today.
Breed Size
Feather Legged
Grey, Blue, Splash, Partridge, Buff, Black, White are the standard colors with many off standard & derivative colors in existance today

The Silkie breed was developed in the southeast Asian countries or China. It's named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most other chickens only have four. They are often exhibited in poultry shows and come in various colors. It was valued as a medicinal food item in Asia, because of its black skin and bones, and was thought to be particularly good to reinforce body immunity and protect from emaciation and feebleness. It also is reported to treat diabetes, anemia, female reproductive functioning and postpartum disorders. Marco Polo gave the first accounts of Silkie chickens in the late 13th century. As trade route between East and West were established, the Silkie was brought to Europe. Records have shown that in the Netherlands, they were sold as the product of crossing a rabbit and a chicken!

Nowadays the breed is very popular for the purpose of pet chickens as well as exhibition. They are not good layers, averaging 3 eggs per week, but are known and valued for their exceptional broodiness and are often used for hatching eggs from other breeds. They are also considered very good pet chickens, especially for children and are known for their friendliness and docile temperaments.

The breed was officially recognized in North America by acceptance into the Standard of Perfection in the first year of publication which was 1874.

Silkie juvenile

Silkie chick

Silkie rooster

Silkie hen

For more information on Silkies and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

Nicest, cutest, and fluffiest babies ever.
Pros: Amazing pets, great hatchers, sweet, can be kept in a smaller space.
Cons: Low egg production and eggs are small. Also take up to a year of age to start laying.
I have a few and I love them to death. Got to say that they're my fav breed. They take a long, long time to lay though.
Pros: Super sweet
Delighting to the eye
Cons: Can get picked on easily
I have one of my own and she is super sweet I would highly recommend one if your looking to naturally hatch out some eggs.
Pros: Beautiful breed
Popular and easy to sell
Great mothers
Docile and friendly
Cons: Skittish
Not the brightest birds
Susceptible to predators
Infrequent egg layers
Silkies are a favorite breed of many, including me. They’re just downright adorable, and there truly isn’t another breed like them. Their feathers feel like fur to the touch and they can be quite cuddly— for a chicken, at least.

I would say their friendly and docile demeanor is most likely because these birds aren’t very smart. I would even go as far to say they’re dumb, as much as I dislike calling an animal breed dumb. Silkies just genuinely don’t seem that bright and out of the hundreds of chickens I own, are the only ones to always find a way to get themselves into trouble on a consistent basis. They do best in smaller runs with similarly sized chickens.
Purchase Price
$5 per chick
Purchase Date


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I am trying to decide between silkies and Andalusians (two that a local, biosecure hatchery has available). I like the thought of the silkies more but worry they won't tolerate our 115+ heat index summers here in VA :/
I have brush and shrubs in all my cicken yards for shade and protection from hawks. Also my barns are all located under dec. type trees for shade in the summer and sun in the winter. Works great.
Yes, I love silkie bantams! They are beautiful! I'm getting 13 day old white Silkie bantam pullets around September 19! Can't wait!
I have a silkie that does the same thing. He chased after my hubby, and two daughters separate times. i think it was becasue they were too close to some of the girls. Also they were either getting out of a car or on a bike. he hates wheels. and is dopey at times. I think the one silkie hen i have isn't a true silkie. She doesn't look like what I've seen.She has a white cap and feather on her feet that's it.
Thank you for sharing your story. How sweet! I have two black silkies and one white. They are always going broody but we cannot have roosters so my hens just pretend. I can just picture them with chicks from your story. 15 eggs! Wow. I love my white silkie but she is very different from the black, a bit looney. All my silkies love to be picked up and held under my coat when it is cold and they love to come inside and watch the 5 o'clock news with me!
About being too broody I don't find it a problem at all. It is part of their natural healing cycle. My Favorelle is three years old and has stopped laying whereas all the silkies continue to produce beautiful little eggs. I don't mind them being broody at all, it is quite adorable.
I am not familiar with serama chickens but I bet the silkies would nurture any egg. I have a variety of hens, and the silkies sit on all sizes and shapes of eggs, including a large egg from the Brahma. It is cute, they can barely get the egg underneath to keep it warm.
More seriously: not very large, but not ridiculously tiny like quail eggs. They aren't great layers - they stop laying when they are broody, and they are always broody.
I believe that they'll start laying around 5 months (the same as all chickens). They mostly* do a good job hatching eggs, even standard sized eggs. They'll even attempt to hatch rocks.
*My silkies just couldn't figure out what was an egg and what was sawdust - especially when entrusted with expensive eggs.
Also inherited my 2 silkies. They are laying better than my Barred rock and Easter Eggers right now. Since all but the silkies are molting!
Silkies make wonderful pets I would say and children would really love them. I have five white bearded bantam silkies I raised from chicks and they are so cute. At only four months old now, they are jumping on my lap and pecking at my shoes until I pick them up and pet them. They are very nice chickens and I am so happy that I got them. There isn't one thing I am not happy with about them, although their feet get extremely messing when it rains and the ground get muddy. But, that's besides the point.

Silkies are the most friendliest chicken I have ever heard of or even been around. They make great pets for any family and for children.
My silkies are very curious to. They are scared of the scraps I throw to them. :) One of them is always the first to take a peck.

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Chicken Breeds
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4.37 star(s) 299 ratings

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