

Pekins originated in China. They were bred from a Mallard duck. In 1873, they were brought to...

General Information

Breed Colors/Varieties
As adults they are White, and Cream. As ducklings they are Yellow. Their beaks range from pink to orange colors, and their feet are orange.
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Pekins originated in China. They were bred from a Mallard duck. In 1873, they were brought to Long Island, NY. The ancestors of the Pekin lived in a canal, which was connected by waterways to Nanjing. The Pekin is now one of the most popular commercial ducks bred for meat.

Latest reviews

Almost gave a 4.5
Pros: So Beautiful and funny
Cons: prone to leg problems and other health issues if you keep them for many years (NOT for meat)
Everyone who visits me says the white ducks with the orange bills and feet are their faves - they are just so classic and pretty. Because of their weight they can have foot and leg problems so they require extra extra niacin supplements. also they may not live as long as other breeds because they are bred to be meat ducks (fast growth and heavy weight leads to heart failure and more)
Pros: Personable, loving and silly!
Cons: Can’t think of any except for projectile poops (which happens with any duck lol)
We rescued an abandoned duckling in a nearby lake, and her charming personality has made us have a whole new love for these feathered friends! She is cuddly and loves to follow us around, I highly recommend raising ducks if you’re looking for a loving companion. They need to be kept with other feathered companion!
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Pros: 1. Lays an eggs almost daily.
2. Friendly.
3. Trainable.
4. Good brooder.
Cons: 1. Really big eaters.
I currently have 2 Pekins, both females. They are my best layers of the flock. They lay eggs almost daily; rarlely missing a day in egg production. Weather does not affect the consistency of egg production. Eggs are white and LARGE and taste great and are great for baking. My Pekins are trained to respond to my call. I can call them in from the water early if I need to. They are sticklers for routine, so they will come up out of the tank at the same time every day on their own. Pekins are BIG eaters. I jokingly call them my piggies. They are usually the first to get to the feed, and will shove others out of the way until they've had their first bite. Pekins are great foragers; I haven't seen a grasshopper on about 5 acres (I only have 5 ducks). They are gentle for the most part. If it's not time to eat, they tend to be skittish with people other than myself. They only let you get close enough to touch them when it's dinnertime. They will eat feed and pieces of fruit from the hand of my 2-year old. My Pekins are also the best brooders of my bunch. Out of my 3 breeds, the Pekins were dedicated to their nests until the job was done.
Purchase Price
$8.50 per duck
Purchase Date
July 2018


If your ducks are that heavy it's your feed. Mine are perfect try less corn and soy up the alfalfa and sunflower seed. And feed a lot of fruit and veggies scraps. Yes they are water hogs or sure :p
I wouldn't believe it if I say a 'Divine Vision' singing of it's truth in the Eastern sky. I wouldn't believe it if Elvis re-appeared, singing about a Fabulous 2-a-day Duck.
Bringme the duck...let me watch it lay two eggs in a 24 hour period..........and I

still won't believe it!
Your lose, our gain. I would love to have a duck that does that, sadly they would mess up our horses water XD

We each have our own opinion, your the one that is trying to shove it down her throat, while she is just stated what she has seen. I had a chicken lay a egg the size of a turkeys, and let me tell ya, it had at LEST 3 yokes, couldn't tell because I dropped it XD
At least three yokes? Don't hatch any of he eggs not even the regular ones...chickens that continue to lay extra yokes after a year are very prone to serious problems.

I've lost nothing. If she thinks she saw a duck lay two eggs in one 24 hour period, then more power to her.
Too bad the ducks never read your well documented data. I'm sure it would save them a lot of trouble if they knew it 'does not happen'.
They can be like that. I have had one jerk Drake (he was Christmas dinner). But other two are far from. Just like some people are jerks and others not.. same with animals. And I like that they can't fly that's for sure. And I like that the ducks lay all year long. I have one broody, but the share the nest so she gave up.
My runner was a jerk after we got rid of the jerky male. It seems like a boy thing.

My Pekin hen ended up broody over the summer last year and hatched two chicks. I have a bunch of these birds and Ancona.
We have a total of five Muscovy drakes ( we are keeping the senior drake and one back up, will be selling or eating the other three) and the one Pekin drake. He is the only aggressive duck in the entire flock Compared to the Muscovies he has little personality, and he's nothing to look at either. If we didn't need him to keep the Pekin hen laying we'd have cut his throat and eaten or sold him by now..... although the Muscovies are far, far better eating.
Pekins are great birds , they know how to take care of themselves are great when broody . I don't eat my ducks but they are very fast growing and usually live ALONG time . Mine lived for 15 years .
I'm making a note of your indication that Muscovies are better eating than Pekins! I have both Muscovies and Pekins. I like Pekins but they are noisy. I find them amusing and they were very good at eating bugs. The Muscovies are very quiet and very easy to train. I clipped their wings early on (got them as adults) but generally I have to chase them out of their pen to get them to free range. Guess I didn't need to worry about them leaving. We really like the quiet and the non-agressive nature.
Ducks in general suck. They are noisy and crap everywhere. High maintenance. Don't buy into the romance of ducks as In a few months you will loath them.
I can attest to the messiness and the noisiness and the large volume of food needed to make them happy. We have six females. I love them all to death though and they do lay some extremely large eggs.
I have two Pekins and LOVE LOVE them! They are very sweet and follow us all over the place. When a weasel came out at Dusk, It was our Pekin who made so much noise it alerted us to the weasel!
My pekins lay over 250 eggs a year and every one loves the eggs!
They are messy and they do eat a lot(but you don't have to feed them all they want) that being said I am very happy with our Pekins!
Hate to tell you, but all ducks are exactly like that, with the exception of Muscovies which may little noise, but are far more annoying & can be downright dangerous, flying all over, pooping all over, and mean as heck in mating season.
Aside from that, they all taste good, and are fantatstic lawnmowers !
I have three Pekin ducks and they are about 4 months old now. This is my first experience with ducks as pets so I was wondering if you could tell me about how old are the ducks when they start laying eggs? I don't know for sure if mine are male or female because none of them have the curled feathers at their back end like I was told. I know the smallest one is the most aggressive, honks and cackles a lot and lately it has been grabbing the back of the neck and pushing the other ducks head under the water when they are in the pool. The other two I have heard honk as well. I would appreciate your thoughts :) Thanks
Pekins are a duck you either love or don't. People who like lots of big eggs for cooking/baking, or sweet funny pets love these guys. If you are looking for a quiet duck none exists, and no duck I know is neat - they love to waddle in mud, quack constantly, muddy their pool water so they can build up algae at the bottom to dive for it, and nervously guard the yard with much noise. On the farm they are great but I would not recommend them in city neighborhoods or with chickens in a small yard - the chickens will drink the dirty pool water of the ducks rather than their own clean waterers. Pekins are fast growing and ready for table meat by 8-10 weeks - process young before they get heavy layers of fat on their meat. Ducks are messy and kinda leave a smelly yard or water pool so I wouldn't recommend them in pristene gardens but they are an excellent range/farm duck for eggs and/or meat. If you don't want them wandering far off keep a filled pool of water and they won't stray far from it. These guys love snails, watermelon rinds, and produce scraps. My folks always kept a yard with Pekins on the farm, along with geese, and chickens but all breeds were penned separately at dusk.

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