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  1. cavemanrich

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

  2. cavemanrich

    Your Mood Guides Your Music

  3. cavemanrich

    If I keep my rooster am I just asking for trouble?

    Your rooster should be fine,,, and I don't think his presence is contributing to some of the issues you are experiencing. :idunno As long as Rooster is not dangerously aggressive,, to you, or family members,,,(especially children) , he should be fine with your flock. Are there restrictions on...
  4. cavemanrich

    Need to rehome 3 laying hens - Framingham, MA area

    If I was closer,,,,,,,,,,, I would adopt these girls in a heartbeat.🩷
  5. cavemanrich

    Need to rehome 3 laying hens - Framingham, MA area

    Consider asking around in your area/neighborhood, if anyone is interested in chickens. There are sites like Nextdoor, and Facebook marketplace as well. The ones local to your area. You can also post your message on the Massachusetts State thread. It is not overly active,,, but new...
  6. cavemanrich

    Candling Day 27

    Leave alone,,, and hope for the best. Still one day left. Haste makes waste,,,, is a term I often use. WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
  7. cavemanrich

    Nipple watering vacuum questions

    Drill a 1/8 inch hole in top,, or on side of bucket near the top. No worry about a vacuum issue. Here is a tip,,, for HOT areas. Chickens will not drink hot water. Keep your waterer in the shade,,, and also throw in some ice inside. Make sure your chickens know how to drink out of...
  8. cavemanrich

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

  9. cavemanrich

    Songs We Like

    :love 🩷 3 dog nite:old
  10. cavemanrich

    Bloody poop

    You can and it should be good. Here is an article you can read,,, with much info. After reading, you will be better informed, and can make a better decision.
  11. cavemanrich

    Bloody poop

    I am not sure how long the coccidiosis vaccine is active for. That is one reason many peeps use Medicated feed for their first starter feed. When that bag is eaten,,, chickens build up their natural immunity, and medicated feed is no longer given. The bloody stool is usually due to...
  12. cavemanrich

    Bloody poop

    I suggest you get Medicated Starter feed,,, and that may be the best option. What vaccination did your original chicks have been given? There are more than one vaccine given to chickens. That is why I'm asking. WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
  13. cavemanrich

    Looking to Trade or Rehome

    Only suggestion I have for you,,,, Post your message on the Texas State thread. This way you have readers in your closer vicinity. Here is the link. WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
  14. cavemanrich

    Sand in coop

    That sand will be just fine. You don't have your location in your profile. Reason I am asking??? Climate does have a factor in satisfactory use of sand. In very humid areas, peeps did not like using sand. It got musty if not dried. I'm in the upper mid-west, and sand is fine in my...
  15. cavemanrich

    Ideas for run in an irregularly shaped area

    Without pictures,, its kind of hard to give detailed advice. Can you make the run larger,,, and include the wood pile inside??? Then as you remove the wood during winter,,, just step into run to get some. When wood is gone,, you will have additional space. A run can be any shape that is...
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