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  1. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Camera didn't catch anything! I am so angry.
  2. ElfenLied89

    Our first call duck incubation adventure (hatch-a-long)

    I have 5 ducks. They're brats. Don't do it lol.
  3. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Someone stole Dolly's babies. I moved her into the enclosed area. Idk what to do. There is nothing on the camera. Uuugggghhhh. This pisses me off.
  4. ElfenLied89

    Our first call duck incubation adventure (hatch-a-long)

    Oooooo ❤️
  5. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Everyone is a black yellow floof mix. Lol. Even Dolly's baby had black yellow floof! (Well I say Dolly's baby, but we both know she don't lay blue tinted eggs)
  6. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    One BB hatched and I swear it's smaller than the Seramas!
  7. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Here are the 2 americanas, Serama, and whatever popped out the pure olive egg. Something tells me they all have similar DNA with those colors.
  8. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Btw I had 7 hatch from the 24 variety. Numbers 8, 14, and 15 didn't make it :(
  9. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Hand em over! I have only one broody who hatched her first egg early!
  10. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    I wanna know which one is hers. I know the blue tinted eggs aren't hers lol.
  11. ElfenLied89

    Speckles's Babies Hatch Along!

    Name one AngelDust the 3rd in memory of Angel 1 and 2. Lol. ❤️
  12. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    Yes! There are babies being grown as we speak. Type. Whatever. Lol.
  13. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    Only if you give me silkie eggs lol
  14. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    And chickens running are funny af
  15. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    I didn't take pics. I'm terrified of spiders so going out at night isn't my favorite
  16. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    Ong the beards 😍
  17. ElfenLied89

    Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!)

    I have 2 now. They are "broody for the day" as I call it now. Only Dolly is committed.
  18. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    Maybe it is Dolly's silkie half that has her channeling her inner broody. 😆 The other 2 that I noticed will sit down, act broody, and shove eggs under them. They do end up leaving after a few hours though. They even squawk and peck at me if I get too close (when I am checking on Dolly during...
  19. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    Should I just leave eggs for them to sit on? 🤔 I don't want to waste eggs either.
  20. ElfenLied89

    Broody Dolly Parton Hatchalong!

    Dolly is the only permanent broody. Everyone else gets broody and defensive when I walk by. (Those who aren't just popping an egg)
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