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  1. Australorpfamily

    Grey colored EE roo, yes?

    Subaru, we suspected around 2 weeks was a roo. He's smaller than his hatchmates, probably due to his parentage (blue wheaten Ameraucana dad x ermine amerucana/BCM mom) he's the grey colored one, tried to get different shots He is a rooster, yes? Want to make certain before finding homes 9...
  2. Australorpfamily

    12 in by 12 in cubical for nest boxes

    We are thinking of using our cubicals, 12in by 12in (11.5x11.5x11.5) Has anyone else every repurposed their cubbies? Will update as we process!
  3. Australorpfamily

    6 week old Easter egger pecking / attack older chicks / hens

    ...and I barely got him (one finger to the back). He's always been vocal, he carries in like he's dying when a hen pecks him once bc he's under foot. *We are out there a lot and watch, we only have three hens out of 17 that don't like the babies and I believe it's because they are lowman on the...
  4. Australorpfamily

    Buff Brahma, pullet / roo ? 8 weeks old, pic heavy

    While I am visually documenting the growth of this group, for myself and others, curious if anyone had any input on roo vs pullet? They were supposed to be all pullets. And while we have 4- 8 week olds, there are 3 different sizes so far lol SO I'm hoping just their size is what's making their...
  5. Australorpfamily

    Urgent! Possibly of what's wrong with our 5 week old chicks? Graphic pic poop

    Out of our 9 easter egger chicks, two started acting weird yesterday. Thought they were cold outside so we turned on the CHE, it did drop here from the normal. We lost one this morning. The other is still hunched over. In almost a standing sleeping ball. Barely chirping and moving. We have...
  6. Australorpfamily

    Olive Egger cockerel or pullet, 8 week old

    Will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, Olive Egger, I suspect a roo. Hoping for more input as we are taking our first broody hatch last roo to a 4H auction this Sat and want to get all suspects in one go. Any help is appreciated. Thanks lol
  7. Australorpfamily

    Americana/Easter Egger with green legs

    Have a little Americana (Easter Egger, not Amerucana) that has the cutest little green legs/feet!!! 🥰 What kind of chicken would give her green legs? Just curious, obviously she's a mix from Hoovers, but I'm just curious! Thanks!
  8. Australorpfamily

    Broody not breaking, day four

    Goldie, our olive egger is attempting to brood. We have moved her original broody jail to on top of the rooster(who is in our only dog crate- I'm not chasing him again in less than two weeks to take him to auction (he's too big for me to snatch from roost bars easily, I tried before he was...
  9. Australorpfamily

    Olive Egger roo or pullet

    We have four (more) olive eggers and one almost seems to be a roo. They are six weeks old, and I will be sharing in eight as well. But is it showing signs of roo feathers? Our other roos were very easy to tell. This one not so much. I've debated and waited and we've gone back and forth on...
  10. Australorpfamily

    Adventure in Easter Eggers!

    Adventures in Easter Eggers. Five are from a local breeder who have a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana as their sire (she breeds Blue Wheaten) and the other four are Americana(Easter Eggers from TSC/Hoover's) This is just to track their cuteness!!! 😍 Because I have to share! Hatch: March 15
  11. Australorpfamily

    General what if Americana breeds?

    Yes, Americana, as in Easter Egger, from Hoover's, but what might she be mixed with? Or what her color is called? I know on their site they say a blend of Amerucana and Arucana ? Thanks for any suggestions. 4 weeks old
  12. Australorpfamily

    Olive Eggers and their eggs

    We have four OE that are currently laying (the others are five weeks old and not in flock) Sharing their colored eggs over the past couple of weeks as the last two days I have gotten pale minty(ish) green ones from them! Lol Yes, we did change feed, from commercial to a feed mill, same...
  13. Australorpfamily

    I am a roo magnet lol

    I seem to always pick out, and hatch out, roos lol (first hatch was 4 of 6 roos, this hatch we have 5 eggs and I think the odds are 2 to 3 but not sure which) Now, yes, I know they are still young yet, but their behavior is roo to a T! Lol! Cleaned them out and these two just kept chest...
  14. Australorpfamily

    Buff Brahma as they grow

    We finally found Buff Brahmas at our local TSC(Hoover's) and got four "premium pullets" (yes yes there's a reason it's in quotes lol) We brought them home March 2nd (with an Easter Egger) They are housed with four rowdy olive eggers who are a week older lol I swear they think they are song...
  15. Australorpfamily

    Survivor: tale of crushed hatchling

    Following the story of our Survivor. Backstory, Mama Noisy Girl went broody and we got her some Easter Egger eggs, yay! Thursday, March 14, we had some severe weather, and when I got home from work, I checked on eggs and noticed one had been crushed. I could hear a cheep, and honestly didn't...
  16. Australorpfamily

    Enlarged crop, sour crop

    This link is to my original post about this same bird, HeadHen. As stated in the last post of that thread, HeadHen's crop is huge. During winter when she wasn't laying, she was "normal" or "even"...
  17. Australorpfamily

    Funky chick feet and comb

    Not sure where to place this question, but our olive egger who is almost three weeks old now, has some funky toes/claw and like a chunk missing from comb... Now, I did notice it when we got her that her outside nails were almost non-existent when we brought them home at day olds and are tiny...
  18. Australorpfamily

    New to incubating Bourbon Red turkey eggs

    Few questions, and I'll try to keep it simple to follow lol My friend has a red bourbon turkey who is laying eggs and she'd like me to try to incubate them. I did some chicken eggs for her last year, no issues in a broody lol I've tried to scour the site for information and am having issues...
  19. Australorpfamily

    Buff brahma chicks different shade

    ...said, we got four Buff Brahmas from TSC(Hoover's) and one is much lighter in all around shade than the others, and one has a spot on her head lol *Note, yes we have grey eggers and a chipmunk easter egger in with them Just variations? I'm learning more into the genetics and it's a fun...
  20. Australorpfamily

    New chicks! I've been grounded lol

    We got more chicks! Yay! But in the process I've been grounded from getting more. Lol. Actually I've been told I'm not allowed to go to TSC anymore lol We have 6 egger eggs(one did) under a broody and 9 chicks inside plus our 23 outside. (One is a rooster that needs a new home lol from our...
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