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  1. goats-n-oats

    Trying to dial in FCR for broilers

    And one additional thought... Lowering expenses is good; increasing revenue is better. Is there an upscale grocer within a reasonable distance who would be willing to pay $1/lb more than your current customers?
  2. goats-n-oats

    Trying to dial in FCR for broilers

    As far a storage, I use 55 gallon drums (previously used for olives), get them from Facebook seller for $35 each. They each hold six 50-lb bags and are fully weatherproof. So ~8 barrels or and investment of $280 to store one ton. Just another option for storage so you can get the large bag at a...
  3. goats-n-oats

    Trying to dial in FCR for broilers

    Just one comment about your pallet cost. I get my feed from a local farmer in the upper midwest who charges $13 per bag for 22% non GMO mash. So $520 for a pallet. The Amish dealers charge a little more, $13.50-14.50/bag. All cash. I wonder if there are similar mills near or even within 100...
  4. goats-n-oats

    Economics, expansion of cottage industry

    Hi BYC, question about starting a meat bird side gig / cottage industry. I sell eggs in a couple of grocery stores and they said they would buy butchered poultry from me as well. This week, a horiculturalist visited my orchard and suggested setting up chicken tractors between the rows of trees...
  5. goats-n-oats

    How to bring ducks back in from fenced pasture?

    Hi BYC, there is a fenced pasture on my property that I currently use as a dog run. It's about 150*150' (1/2 acre) and is made of 4*4*60" goat fencing on tposts. Its located 500 ft from the barn where the ducks sleep at night. I'd like to take some or all of my 40+ ducks down there to clear the...
  6. goats-n-oats

    Peachick injury by a cat

    It sounds like it might have a broken bone or injured spine. I'd separate her in a cage (you can leave the cage in view of her family to lower stress) for a few weeks. They usually regain most of their movement. I'd leave 2-3" deep layer of woodchips in the cage for her comfort and ease of...
  7. goats-n-oats

    Scissorbeak hen asking for help

    No Of course not. The flock has free access during the day to 22% non GMO mash. I examined her briefly yesterday and it seems like she can open her beak. I'll check again today to see if there's anything else going on.
  8. goats-n-oats

    Scissorbeak hen asking for help

    She was hungry @Wyorp Rock
  9. goats-n-oats

    Scissorbeak hen asking for help

    Maybe her beak has overgrown so much she can't eat at all?
  10. goats-n-oats

    Scissorbeak hen asking for help

    Hi BYC peeps, this is a one year old Orpington hen with severe scissorbeak. She has grown normally. Lately I noticed she is always underfoot (standing near or under me) in the coop. Yesterday she appeared perched on the propane tank of my RV which is outside of her coop and range - her first...
  11. goats-n-oats

    Am I overreacting with biosecurity?

    Ok I think what OP needs to look for is NPIP-AI.
  12. goats-n-oats

    Am I overreacting with biosecurity?

    There's always a risk of common chicken illnesses (mycoplasma, coccidia, primarily) when buying from private local breeders. (I probably would have returned a sick chicken as well.) In the future, you can seek NPIP certified breeders.
  13. goats-n-oats

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    I wonder if you went above your city council to your state representative for help. On a parallel note, the State of Ohio legislature ruled last year that homeowners are allowed to rent out space for short term lodging (like Airbnb), and the ruling stated that this decision overrules any city or...
  14. goats-n-oats

    Backyard flock genetics

    That's very interesting. Thanks for the explanation and reference.
  15. goats-n-oats

    Backyard flock genetics

    Hi, I have a mix of Cayuga, khaki, golden 300, and Pekin. If left to breed on their own, will the future generations revert back to mallard coloring and size?
  16. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    Pardon, so which kind then?
  17. goats-n-oats

    Growth suddenly appeared on dog's dewclaw

    Hi, this suddenly appeared on my dog's dewclaw. It is very painful for him. Is there any way to treat this at home, without the expense of surgery?
  18. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    @R2elk is there any benefit to the cattle panel frame over the wooden a-frame? The aframe will cost a bit less.
  19. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    Ok thanks that was helpful. I'll start with a Salatin style box 6*6*3 until I have the funds to build something larger. At what age can the poults be moved outside? Temps here range from 45'F at night to 82'F during the day. Lots of rain.
  20. goats-n-oats

    Best turkey breed for commercial feather sales?

    Hi, which breeds (or colors of "turkey") have the nicest colored feathers for sales to craftspeople, fly fishers, etc?
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