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  1. Eggcessive

    Coccidiosis poop or intesinal lining?

    I would use the maximum treatment dose which is 2 tsp per gallon of the liquid Corid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder. Give it for 5-7 days.
  2. Eggcessive

    My poult’s navel has a bubble under the skin. What do I do?

    I know nothing about turkeys, but with chicks, I would normally clean it daily with Betadine or similar disinfectant, and leave it to dry up.
  3. Eggcessive

    Coccidiosis poop or intesinal lining?

    I might go ahead and treat for possible coccidiosis with Corid, just because of the number of pink to orange shed in their poop. It won’t hurt them.
  4. Eggcessive


    With the bits of blood, I still would worm orally, and treat for coccidiosis in the water for 5 days. Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water. For a day or 2 also give her 1/4 tsp of undiluted Corid once a day.
  5. Eggcessive

    Help. Turkey poults fell in water

    I think that all you can do is to get it dry and keep it warm. Hopefully it will be alright. Do you have them under a heat lamp? Offering lukewarm sugar water (1 tsp per cupful) may be helpful.
  6. Eggcessive


    Note if you see any moving specks of white in her droppings. Those could be tapeworm segments, and would require a different wormer. Here is what those look like:
  7. Eggcessive


    Yes, that may be a small skinny worm. I couldn’t see any in the pictures before. Definitely worm her, but coccidiosis can cause her symptoms as well.
  8. Eggcessive


    I would treat her for coccidiosis with Corid because of the reddish material in her poops. But worming her orally can be done at the same time. Valbazen 1/4 ml given once and again in 10 days, or SafegUard liquid goat wormer can be used 1/4 ml per pound of weight given for 5 consecutive days...
  9. Eggcessive

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    Also here is a link with pictures of what coccidiosis can look like during a necropsy:
  10. Eggcessive

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    This is a good video on doing a necropsy where the organs are identified:
  11. Eggcessive

    two orpingtons with curled outer toes

    They should be fine. I have had a few with crooked toes. One speckled Sussex had the worst ones, but even she roosted for all of the 7 years she lived. It isn’t always noticeable the first days, but if crooked they can continue to get a little worse until they stop eventually.
  12. Eggcessive

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    Could a weasel get into your coop through an inch opening? They can suffocate a chicken, and can get through a large crack in a door or wire fencing. Sorry for your loss. Post any pictures of your chick’s organs when you do the necropsy. Someone might have some suggestions. Look at the...
  13. Eggcessive

    two orpingtons with curled outer toes

    What is their exact age? Crooked toes can be a common defect, and sometimes can be corrected within the first day or two of life by taping the toes in a normal fashion (see below.) But after that, it is permanent, and trying to treat it is both painful and a waste of time...
  14. Eggcessive

    help with day old chick not walking

    Get some chick vitamins with riboflavin or human b complex. NutriDrench does not have it. Poultry Cell does though. Pictures of the chick would be helpful. Are they legs fairly close together? Can you get a small wineglass or padded cup in the brooder?
  15. Eggcessive

    Sleeping Chicken, drinks lots when woken, falls asleep while drinking

    Usually, with a crop impaction (it feels full and firm or doughy early in the am before eating or drinking,) most people give fluids and a tsp of chilled coconut oil cut into small pieces to peck. Mineral oil or olive oil can be substituted if given carefully or in a small bit of egg or food...
  16. Eggcessive

    Weak Lethargic Chick

    Are it’s feet fairly close together when it is walking? Make sure it doesn’t have splay/spraddle legs which is easily treated. Are you still giving the chick vitamins? B complex tablets 1/4 daily crushed in water or food works well, as well as other vitamins with riboflavin listed on the label.
  17. Eggcessive

    Sleeping Chicken, drinks lots when woken, falls asleep while drinking

    She may have an impacted crop which can happen if the crop is not working, and a reproductive disorder could possibly be a possible cause. Has she laid any eggs recently? I would consider worming her with Valbazen or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer in case worms could be related to the crop issue...
  18. Eggcessive

    Swollen chicken eye!

    Can you post any pictures of the eye? Those 2 antibiotics are not usually affective against MG. ( mycoplasma gallisepticum.) MG can cause bubbles, foam, or gunk in an eye, and the eyelid or face to become swollen from a sinus infection. I would flush the eye with saline and apply either...
  19. Eggcessive

    Eye Infection / drainage

    Her eye could be a sign of a respiratory disease, such as mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) or she might have been pecked. Flush the eye twice a day, using a warmer compress for a few minutes to soften any crusty drainage or gunk. Then apply the Terramycin or Neosporin twice a day into the eye...
  20. Eggcessive

    Chicken with bulging eye

    I agree with Wyorp Rock on what may have happened (pecking injury or respiratory disease,) and the treatment. Softening and cleaning the eye, and applying Terramycin or Neosporin ointment twice a day. It looks like the eye may be gone, but you will eventually be able to tell if it is intact or...
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