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  1. KsKingBee

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    The one in the pic is a Pied WE and will have a better color than SP. When referencing SP there is no need to say WE as all SP will have two copies of the WE gene. That chick will be a very beautiful bird.
  2. KsKingBee

    One year old India Blue peacocks for sale

    Craigs list.
  3. KsKingBee

    Crossing High Spalding Hen with Peach Pied Cock

    Here are a few examples, the last one is a pure Green hen.
  4. KsKingBee

    Crossing High Spalding Hen with Peach Pied Cock

    She is not high enough to be called Emerald, that is in the 75% range, what we call 'better than mid'. She is more like low to mid-range. Once a hen has a reddish neck and barring they will be considered in the upper range. The body traits like a long neck and legs, a lean and long body and a...
  5. KsKingBee

    I thought I had three peahens…

  6. KsKingBee

    Crossing High Spalding Hen with Peach Pied Cock

    Peach is a sex-linked color so all of the hen chicks no matter what hen you use will be Peach, all of the cock chicks will be split to Peach although they will look like the normal Wild Type pattern. You mention the cock is either WE or split to WE but no mention of the hens pattern(s) so I can...
  7. KsKingBee

    Peacock lost train early?

    You already answered your question with the light on 24/7.
  8. KsKingBee

    My peacock keeps chasing my dogs

    I would much prefer that than dogs chasing my peacock. Here is what you are dealing with, it is the beginning of breeding season and the cock has his breeding territory established and your dogs are invading it. He does not want 'anyone' in his area and will chase 'anyone' who violates his...
  9. KsKingBee

    Puny 10 day old peachick with yucky poo and not gaining weight

    Tylan 200 may also work if you don't have Baytril.
  10. KsKingBee

    Puny 10 day old peachick with yucky poo and not gaining weight

    For a very young chick with pasty butt a drop of Baytril orally for a day or two usually clears it up.
  11. KsKingBee

    Should I get peafowl

    There are many variations in peafowl but there are no breeds. Your criteria is quite unrealistic although if you happen to develop such a bird the world will come knocking at your door.
  12. KsKingBee

    Puny 10 day old peachick with yucky poo and not gaining weight

    If it is cocci it is probably too late to order the toltrazuril but here is a place I have ordered it from before. I order 500ml and larger so I use a different supplier now. may also have it.
  13. KsKingBee

    Puny 10 day old peachick with yucky poo and not gaining weight

    Kaytee Baby Bird food from any of the pet store big box stores.
  14. KsKingBee

    Question about Black Shoulder Peafowl genetics

    A Black Shoulder cock will have solid-colored wings. A split to BS cock will have baring on its wings like any Wild Type IB.
  15. KsKingBee

    new peachick, alone and needs to eat/drink

    The chick will have enough egg yolk in it to survive for a few days, it is not imperative to feed it right away. It will start to peck at most everything soon and find the feed. Dipping its beak in the water is the first thing you should do but feed is not a requirement yet. Put a bright...
  16. KsKingBee

    Peafowl people, teach me.

    This is where you begin your education, Congrats on hatching your first pea, most people can not.
  17. KsKingBee

    Serial Perch Bomber - Any Suggestions?

    I have known breeders that completely remove all the perches during the breeding season. I have lots of perches high enough to walk under and some that are adjustable where I can lower them down to four foot for the season. Eggs don't usually break dropping only four feet onto the grass...
  18. KsKingBee

    Peafowl enjoying the view

    Wow! Great capture!
  19. KsKingBee

    Truly noisy?

    There is also different sounds that High Spaldings and Greens make that the IB type doesn't make. One of them is kind of trill and exotic sounding. Look at some of these sticky threads, housing is in one of them.
  20. KsKingBee

    Peahen age

    Now we are all going to wonder because we sure don't know.
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