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  1. EggSighted4Life

    Mites. Want to do full coop cleaning but situation not favorable.

    ...once it dries out. I recommend against DE on the birds or in the dust bathing holes, you'll both be breathing it every time they shake out.. *maybe* something like a little wood ash or peat moss.. With over 2500 species of mites in existence.. according to my current understanding.. there...
  2. EggSighted4Life


    Welcome to BYC! :frow How many are you looking for? Have you already checked your local or other nearby craigslist farm and garden section? That's the place I most often see those types of listings in my area.
  3. EggSighted4Life

    White Leghorn? Pullet or Cockerel

    Others are correct.. Belt sent the wrong breed or misidentified it.. looks like a red sex link type cockerel.
  4. EggSighted4Life

    Calcium overdose - EYP

    Excess calcium ingestion is a long term killer not a short term one.. according to my current understanding. No, under NO circumstances would trying to help your hen be "murder".. even if it is specifically euthanasia. Doesn't seem necessary but if you want laboratory feedback on her condition...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    White Leghorn? Pullet or Cockerel

    Welcome to BYC! :frow How long have the comb and wattles been red like that?
  6. EggSighted4Life

    Rhode Island hen ,wing

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow Probably from preening.. even by a flockmate next to her on roost, since it's only one side?? Or maybe she's rubbing the wall or other barrier going in and out of the coop, etc?? Feathers won't improve until they are molted out and replaced. They can get a bit ragged...
  7. EggSighted4Life

    Difference in Blue Plymouth Rocks and Blue Andalusians? Help Identifying a Mix up

    It appears they are sex linked and will all be female if the crossing staement is true.. and thus you *may* be able tell the difference by egg color?? So because the "blue rocks" would be barred if male. all the solid black or blue males should be pure for Andi. White eggs may not rule out...
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Difference in Blue Plymouth Rocks and Blue Andalusians? Help Identifying a Mix up

    While I'd like to agree with the first poster.. blue rocks are a hybrid that aren't rock's.. but a cross between Andalusian and rock.. so may still present with white earlobes or skin.. since white skin is dominant.. according to my CURRENT understanding.. see pics in following link...
  9. EggSighted4Life

    Rooster or hen?

    Mixed breed cockerel or something I'm unfamiliar with.. feathered legs pretty much rules out hatchery RIR. Starting as early as 10 weeks on non hen feathered breeds, gender specific pointy or rounded saddle feathers may become noticeable. Usually more flowing like the 2nd pic by around 16...
  10. EggSighted4Life

    Will a dog protect chickens?

    Sorry for your loss. :( Consider electrified poultry netting.
  11. EggSighted4Life

    Wyandotte Chicks.. What Colors??

    Welcome to BYC! :frow It's a sex link I've been interested in for while.. they should also be 50/50 black and blue laced. Interesting to see just how hard it is to see the difference with this specific variety! I'd probably be looking mainly at the head and under good lighting. Sorry I'm...
  12. EggSighted4Life

    Dont know what to post this under is my pet chicken a good place to get chicks from and are they...

    As far as I know they are a drop shipping site.. I have used them.. but shipping to my address for bantam chicks was never successful from them.. as my delivery route is quite rough, they all died. Customer service was acceptable. You can see in this link from MPC that they ship from several...
  13. EggSighted4Life

    Cuckoo Maran chick gender Q please

    That's an unhealed naval sack.. indicative of an incubation or hatching issue.. *possibly* too high of humidity for the egg color/size if it hatched on day 21. The vent (or butt/anus and reproductive opening) is closer to the tail. On (pure) cuckoo and barred chicks you *MAY* be able to tell...
  14. EggSighted4Life

    In Coop Brooder

    When effective, the Marek's vaccine just hides the symptoms and does not actually prevent the disease.. The vaccine in and of itself does NOT actively shed live virus or spread it.. but again... MAY hide it if it is present. According to my current understanding.. it takes at least 2 weeks to...
  15. EggSighted4Life

    In Coop Brooder

    If they are coming from an unknown, untested source.. or if they're being vaccinated against Marek's as it needs time to set up before possible exposure. Otherwise it's a really good choice if you have everything needed out there!
  16. EggSighted4Life

    Sick chick or runt?

    Welcome to BYC! :frow Runty I think.. but I don't understand why you're giving so many treats so early. I'd stop with the majority of it.. and stick with chick starter.. The meal worms and BSFL are both very high fat. The alfalfa.. is gonna be lower protein, and amino acids.. etc. All that...
  17. EggSighted4Life

    Losing feathers

    Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow It may still be one of their juvenile molts on their way to maturity. Are you just seeing feathers everywhere or actual bald spots on the birds?
  18. EggSighted4Life

    I’ve tried everything for impacted crop

    Maybe she has a bit of a pendulous crop? If she's not drinking in excess.. or gone off feed with limited appetite.. I'd probably return her to normal activity...
  19. EggSighted4Life

    Day old chick with fused/webbed toes

    Checking one of my favorite hatching resources.. it's known as syndactyly.. I see it listed under *possible* hatching egg deficiencies (or excesses) in folic acid or biotin on page 56 of the following link..
  20. EggSighted4Life

    I have 2 Novogens and not sure one if a male

    If breed is accurate then they are red sex linked.. with no barring.. Roosters hatch white.. that's just how the juvenile plumage is coming out.,create%20this%20ultimate%20egg%2Dlayer.
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