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  1. FunClucks

    My housing auth is trying to trap chickens

    Unfortunately, unless you were to trap them yourselves and relocate them to your personal property elsewhere, I can't think of much you can do. Also, they may be considered livestock or nuisance animals/wild animals, and not pets by your local laws. Slaughtering livestock for food is not...
  2. FunClucks

    Trying to dial in FCR for broilers

    Haven't actually farmed them myself, we get a lot around here naturally. They do nice things for my compost heaps, and like to live in my mulch piles that I use to refresh the coop bedding. So the chickens get a periodic treat when I refresh the bedding. Worm farming is awesome, I'd love to...
  3. FunClucks

    Trying to dial in FCR for broilers

    Love my CX from Welp. They did well all things considered. Very healthy chicks, would order again.
  4. FunClucks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    Good job on the autopsy! It's not an easy thing for many people to do, especially if you cared about the chicken. If you found puncture wounds on the neck that look like a snake and not a chicken got to it, combined with the wetness of head and torso (feathers all matted up), I'm gonna hazard...
  5. FunClucks

    6 week old AC chicks drop dead

    Did the birds look wet like that on their heads and wings and torso when you found them? Kinda looks like a snake got ahold of them, and couldn't swallow them past a certain point, so spit them out. Might be worth a close inspection for injury and a posting (or cross posting of this thread) on...
  6. FunClucks

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    Not sure I'll be much help - I plan to cull everyone with Angel wing as soon as I can get around to it in the next month or so. But if it occurs again, or in their descendants, I'll add that info to my post. It seems to have gotten better since I switched to 20% for some of the birds, but not...
  7. FunClucks

    First time processing, two questions

    1 cm long hairs: you can ignore them and not eat the skin. Burn them off with a kitchen torch so they at least don't stick out. Remove with a pinning knife (should be info on this site - videos and pics and such - if you search for it). Remove with a table knife (same as pinning knife but...
  8. FunClucks

    7 week old frizzle bantam injured, please help!

    Sorry I don't have better news. I'm assuming you've looked for signs of a break or sprain, bruises, or other injury, and have found nothing. There's pics on this site of all of those, if you need a visual on what to look for. The search function is helpful, and the Similar Threads at the...
  9. FunClucks

    Selling whole chicken chilled or frozen?

    At my farmer's market, they sell them frozen. Don't forget to let them rest before you freeze them, and def check local laws and regulations for raw chicken sales to the public.
  10. FunClucks

    7 week old frizzle bantam injured, please help!

    Sounds like severe internal injuries to me - there may not be much you can do. I'd give her Nutri-drench by mouth by syringe (just drip it across the side of her beak, she should lick it or suck it up). Small drips at a time inside her mouth, avoid the windpipe (there's a picture of how to...
  11. FunClucks

    How to slow down cornish cross weight gain

    You can put them on lower protein food for sure. It slows their growth.
  12. FunClucks

    What chicken parts do you give to your dogs?

    Your dog can eat the entire raw chicken. Whether he should or not, well that's a management/ dog guardian decision. I cut off the feet, and will eventually give one at a time to him as a treat to eat outside. I also cook and feed giblets as training treats. Don't ever feed cooked chicken...
  13. FunClucks


    Welcome to the forum! I always keep a second method of dispatch available so if something goes wrong I can end things quickly. I used to use English method (similar to broomstick but in your arms), but 6m CX were too strong for me, so I switched to wrapping the birds in a large bath towel...
  14. FunClucks

    Meat Bird Comparison: Freedom Ranger Hatchery White Ranger, FR New Hampshire, Cornish Rock Cross, and Ginger Broilers

    Pics of "angel wing" in White Rangers and New Hampshires: Pic of birds raised on 20% chick starter for comparison...
  15. FunClucks

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    Here is a pic of the two New Hampshire I've raised on 20% chick starter since day one. Next to an olive egger pullet (black, 13 wks) and a starlight green egger grown hen (red tinged white) for size comparison. No "angel wing".
  16. FunClucks

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    Pictures of "angel wing" in White Ranger and New Hampshire chickens, 12 weeks old, from Freedom Ranger Hatchery. I've included pics of chickens with "angel wing" and chickens without. There are various degrees of "angel wing". In quotes because this is typically seen in ducks, but I'm not...
  17. FunClucks

    Anyone seen Angel Wing in Meat Birds? Seeing it in New Hampshires and White Rangers, wondering causes/solutions?

    3/7 male white rangers and 1/3 female white rangers are affected. 2/3 male New Hampshires affected. Haven't seen it much, or it's very mild in the female NH. This is on the birds fed for a number of weeks on meat bird feed (details in thread above). They are 12 wks now. I'll upload pics...
  18. FunClucks

    Clarity on CX sun exposure please?

    Here's my progress thread, with comparison to the other breeds I've tried. I think they'd be a worthy addition to your program. For breeders, I'd keep them on no more than 20% protein feed throughout...
  19. FunClucks

    Meat Bird Comparison: Freedom Ranger Hatchery White Ranger, FR New Hampshire, Cornish Rock Cross, and Ginger Broilers

    Background: This thread is to document my experiences with Freedom Ranger hatchery's White Rangers (3m broiler very similar in appearance to CX) and New Hampshires optimized for meat production. My previous meat bird experience has been with a straight run 25 bird batch of Cornish Rock Cross...
  20. FunClucks

    Comment by 'FunClucks' in article 'Owls 🦉 How to Deter'

    Thanks for sharing your experience. This is good information to know!
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