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  1. S

    Help. Turkey poults fell in water

    Thanks. Yup they are under a heat lamp and all dry and warm. And they are all able to stand and walk. My main concern is the one that is panting with its mouth open. It’s not all the time but maybe 40% of the time.
  2. S

    Help. Turkey poults fell in water

    Somehow 4 of the poults managed to get stuck in about 2 inches of water in a proper Chuck water bowl that should have been safe! They are about 5 days old. I have no idea how long they were like that but when we got to them they were all cold and stiff and gasping. I have warmed them up and...
  3. S

    Chicken backing away and pawing at chest (running backwards)

    Thank you! Yip we have checked her for injuries and parasites and crop issues. We will add the VitE. Thanks for the suggestion!
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    Lethargic chick with heavy laboured breathing

    Update: the poor baby all of a sudden perked up for a minute then had a seizure and died. I have no idea why and the other chicks are doing fine.
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    Lethargic chick with heavy laboured breathing

    Hi all Posting on behalf of my father. He hatched a small brood of chickens and they seem to be doing great. They are in the greenhouse with the ability to roam and scratch around but still have a lamp and warm safe spot to sleep. We had a bad storm here last night and looks like their water...
  6. S

    Chicken backing away and pawing at chest (running backwards)

    An update as requested. She is still making that strange sound. Still backing away and pawing at her chest. She is eating and drinking though and although still skinny, she does not seem any worse.
  7. S

    Chicken backing away and pawing at chest (running backwards)

    This is amazingly helpful thank you. They are all free range and have about an acre to scratch around. We don’t have crushed oyster shells but plenty of grit for them to pick up while scratching around.
  8. S

    Chicken backing away and pawing at chest (running backwards)

    Her poop looks normal It’s my fathers flock but he has dewormed Nothing of note by her neck. No large pin feathers or anything odd like that No eggs yet I believe. Although it’s hard to tell when she is with her flock And yes we have a rooster but she is separated at the moment And ye that...
  9. S

    Chicken backing away and pawing at chest (running backwards)

    Please help figure out what is wrong with our chicken. I have tried to look online but not found anything that explains this behaviour. Chicken is eating and drinking. Approx 8 months old. No other chickens showing the same symptoms. Seems fine in itself but keeps pawing at its chest/crop...
  10. S

    Baby chick cant stand .

    How old is she? And what do her feet and legs look like? If you could post some photos it would be helpful since it could be something easily fixed like straddle leg. So far in my 2 years experience there can be a whole load of reasons why it’s struggling to stand
  11. S

    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Posting an update here. The chick was getting weaker yesterday and even though I had here next to or with me all the time, there was no improvement. She was even peeing less than she had before. Her crop was full up, so much so that she was struggling to swallow when she drank water. She spent...
  12. S

    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Wow a tsp each time that’s more than I was giving for sure. Ok here it comes! Thank you coach
  13. S

    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Thanks. Her crop feels very full. She is drinking better today but seems to struggle swallowing. As if she can’t fit more in. Luckily I did not need to encourage her, she drank on her own. So far she just wants to sleep. No exploring of her environment. And her butt is always dirty with the...
  14. S

    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Thank you! The air sac is slightly larger today but she seems to be breathing ok. I am still doing coconut oil and gave her another bum soak today but she is still not passing any solid poop. She is really straining and pushing but just the usual white liquid comes out. She is still eating and...
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    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Sadly no one around here seems to stock it. I have ordered some online in the meantime but will continue to look tomorrow.
  16. S

    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Hey everyone. We had 3 chicks hatch on Tuesday from an incubator. One had a bit of shell stuck to its back and wing. A bit like a hunchbacked tortoise. It’s weaker and smaller than the other 2 chicks so I am trying to nurse it back to health. These are my fathers hobby but I do all the sad...
  17. S

    Hatched duckling with noisy breathing and umbilicus

    Thanks. We are putting him back in the incubator tonight. He seems to be a bit stronger and can hold his head up now at least. He was not assisted as far as I know. We learnt the hard way with chicks to let nature do it’s thing
  18. S

    Hatched duckling with noisy breathing and umbilicus

    Thanks everyone. No one pulled him out the shell. But perhaps he rolled out? The egg was totally in half where the last batch were split into 2/3rd. I’m not sure if it ruptured or not. I only recently finished work so did not see what happened earlier. He was just rolling in the incubator...
  19. S

    Hatched duckling with noisy breathing and umbilicus

    Hi all. My father had his second batch of eggs start hatching today. Just one so far so maybe it’s a day early. This little one had a rough time getting out. Its ambulicis is still protruding sllightly and bloody. Looks like some of the yolk got onto the duckling since it is a bit caked into...
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