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  1. Callender Girl

    Cluck Cluck Hello

    Sounds like a beautifully diverse flock! Hope you got the pasty butt handled quickly. Welcome to BYC!
  2. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Looks like I've been out of the loop for a while. But, as always, your critter adventures are great fun. The coop plan looks ambitious; and, I laughed out loud when I saw the photo with Winnie under Matilda's wing! I also enjoyed Eva's expression when she and Faith shared a chair!
  3. Callender Girl

    I need advice for my duck dilemma!

    Yes, spending the night together will be a problem. One of my drakes was endlessly mating with one runner hen -- to the point that he ripped her eyelids. She and the less-dominant drake are ALWAYS now separated from Sheldon; he sleeps with the other females, she and Layne sleep together in a...
  4. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    It's nice you haven't had to water the pear tree, but it would also be nice if you could get it in the ground. Lately, it seems like every rain here turns into a storm. Last night's "severe thunderstorm warning" poured down rain in sheets and took out the TV for a while. Good luck with the...
  5. Callender Girl

    Got Goose; now unsure- help!

    While my Buffs are sure they are higher in the pecking order than mere runner ducks, the smallest hen chicken can send them running!
  6. Callender Girl

    Hi, i need advice on how to properly take care of a duckling

    You've already gotten some good advice about caring for Pepper. Since animal control has not answered, how about calling the DNR? I recently found injured baby rabbits and while the DNR couldn't directly help, someone there put me in touch with a wildlife rehabilitator who could. In the...
  7. Callender Girl

    Beginning Chicken Mama

    I like your naming protocol to help you remember breeds! And, yes, getting chickens does sound like a win-win for you and your husband. Congrats on adding chickens to your retirement years, and welcome to our flock!
  8. Callender Girl

    New chicken parent

    Too bad you've only been a chicken owner for weeks and are already dealing with a chick with crossbeak, but congrats to you for caring enough to hand feed your baby. Sounds like a lovely mixed flock. Hope you get more hens than roos; sounds like you've already gotten enough boys! Welcome to...
  9. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Sounds like the same method I use to get things done. I tell myself I don't feel like doing much, so I will just do ONE thing. Which leads to another and another. Trying to get outdoor work done before guests arrive Friday. Rain showers are slowing me down. Good luck with the eye doctor. I'm...
  10. Callender Girl

    Murray Fest

    Is anyone else planning to attend Murray Fest in Webster City, Iowa? From June 29-July 1, Murray McMurray Hatchery is holding "a weekend of learning and community; a "poultry and homesteading festival." If so, it would be great to meet some BYC folks in person!
  11. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I rather suspected it was Calypso's kill. On the other hand, I've heard Calypso growl when the youngsters try to horn in on her cat food. Maybe she'd rather toss them a little mousy and save the "good" (as in, I spend too much money on it) stuff for herself?
  12. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    There are some huge lilacs that have been on the property much longer than I have. The smell reminds me of home: there was a beautiful lilac bush at the end of the driveway at my folks'. Sorry no roofing is getting done. No mowing here today, either. But pretty cool about the doe and fawn. I...
  13. Callender Girl

    Got Goose; now unsure- help!

    I would strongly recommend getting two females. My Buff girls are practically inseparable; they call to each other if one gets out of the other's sight. They sleep together, eat together, walk around together. Maybe because there's no gander, they also fiercely defend each other's nests and...
  14. Callender Girl

    Hello Everyone

    Congrats on your hatch! I hope you get useful answers on your shrink-wrapped baby; I've never dealt with that issue. Also, sounds like you have quite an interesting menagerie, in addition to your flock. Welcome to BYC, and best wishes with all your critters!
  15. Callender Girl

    Do you cull occasional egg eaters?

    You've already gotten some good advice. I've added ceramic or wooden fake eggs into the nesting boxes when I've had an issue with occasional egg eating. By giving them something that doesn't reward them for their efforts, my girls quickly give up trying to break the "eggs." BTW, yesterday one...
  16. Callender Girl

    Secret chicken lover

    Just a bit of advice: No matter how hard you try, eventually folks will discover your chicken addiction. So, let them! Maybe it will lure them into the wonderful world of chickens that you've already discovered? Congrats on your chicks and pullets, and welcome to BYC -- where we are proud of...
  17. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    I may NEED a 12-foot boat. I thought, or was hoping, that the rainy season was over. Today's forecast has proven me wrong, and rain looks likely for the next several days. That should help the grass and weeds grow even faster so I can do lots of mowing next week. The kittens have figured out...
  18. Callender Girl

    Surprise Surprise

    Ah, the last thing I need is MORE chickens (or ducks, geese, goats, sheep, dogs or cats -- especially since a stray delivered six kittens that are living under my deck). But I appreciate your kind thought/offer. :D
  19. Callender Girl

    Surprise Surprise

    YOU might have believed that you didn't need four more chickens, but your girl clearly disagreed:). Congrats on her return and the arrival of her chicks! It will be interesting to see what they look like as they grow. Please send photos!
  20. Callender Girl

    Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

    Rain spitted and sputtered all morning, so I took my time doing errands in town yesterday. Unfortunately for my budget, the new owners of one of the greenhouses FINALLY got in some amazing perennials; I will need to plant several of those as soon as I decide exactly where they can fit. I have a...
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