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  1. lmadeline146

    7wk olds picking on each other

    I just moved my 7wks in with the rest of the flock and I know that they have been getting pecked and whatnot but nothing has been extreme so I think it’s just the pecking order. However, the chicks have been pecking at each others heads and open backs now and eating their feathers. They’re...
  2. lmadeline146

    Help - 6wk Old Chick dead with stuff coming out of rear?

    I just came home to find one of my baby chicks laying dead in the coop. I just introduced 14 6wk olds to my flock through a fence for 2 weeks and after being able to walk around together they seemed to be doing fine. I only noticed a bit of feathers missing off of some little ones but no chasing...
  3. lmadeline146

    Help Sexing 5wk Chicks

    I hatched 14 chicks in April and I’m wanting to know what gender they are. They’re 5 weeks old and majority are fully feathered. They glitched and the letters are out of order for some reason so sorry about that! Plus the pictures aren’t the best, they were hard to keep still! :wee
  4. lmadeline146

    Month Old Chicks Without A Heat Lamp?

    The weather today was 85 degrees and i turned the heat lamp off for the chicks since I noticed a few were breathing with their mouths open. They’re exactly a month old today and majority are almost fully feathered. Would it be okay to keep the heat lamp off all night? The lowest temp will be 66F.
  5. lmadeline146

    Broody hen acting strange

    I have a hen that’s been broody for a few weeks now, but I’ve just been taking the eggs daily since I don’t want her hatching any chicks. About 10 mins after I took her eggs today, she went out in the run and started digging holes and clucking. All the other hens had went inside to roost, but...
  6. lmadeline146

    Chick Zipped Halfway but looks stuck

    One of my eggs pipped yesterday morning and started sometime last night while i was asleep. I woke up this morning and it looks as if she zipped halfway and got stuck. Her beak is poking out and it looks like she keeps trying to get out of the egg instead of continuing to zip. Should I interfere?
  7. lmadeline146

    Hatched Chick Not Moving? help!

    I’ve been watching my chicks hatch the past few hours and I just checked them and a chick is not moving. She hatched fine and was moving, but I just checked and there is NO movement. Her eyes are half closed, she hasn’t gotten up since I noticed, and I can’t see breathing. What should I do...
  8. lmadeline146

    White/Yellow goo attached to chicks back?

    It’s day 21 and I’ve had 4 chicks hatch so far, but one came out with some stuff on it’s back still attached in the image below. There was no blood, but I don’t want it to dry and get crusted in his/her feathers. What should I do? We still have multiple chicks pipped.
  9. lmadeline146

    NR 360 Lockdown Humidity

    Today is day 18 of incubation (yay!) and I prepared the incubator for lockdown an hour ago. The humidity has not risen from 47%. I have both water pots filled and the air vent is about 2/3 open. Any tips? Last time I put wet paper towels in my incubator, but while I wasn’t home they ended up...
  10. lmadeline146

    Dark Shadow near air cell?

    Its currently Day 13 and I just recandled the eggs and I noticed one egg had a shadow around the aircell that was detached from where the chick was developing. It has some visible marks but I have no clue what it is. Has anyone seen this before or knows what it means?
  11. lmadeline146

    Blood Ring? Day 9

    Can someone help me figure out if this is a blood ring or not? None of the other eggs had this when I candled them today. There is a dark line going around part of the egg and the egg is underdeveloped compared to the others.
  12. lmadeline146

    NR 360 Temperature not rising

    This is my second time hatching with the Nurture Right 360. Everything was fine until the low temperature alarm started going off. The temperature is at 92 and won’t rise. The temperature light is also on but not blinking. Everything else is working and I’ve unplugged the incubator and it still...
  13. lmadeline146

    Missing NR 360 Plug

    I hatched a batch of eggs last year in my NR 360, but since then I lost the red plug that goes over the B port. I’m starting to incubate eggs later today, so I’m looking for a quick solution. I tried using masking tape, but after an hour or so the humidity caused it to fall off. Does anyone have...
  14. lmadeline146

    Hen with Back Wound

    The temps here during the past week have been less than 15 degrees so every day my flock has been on the roosts for long periods of time. I noticed one of my pullets with a back wound that wasn’t there prior to the last few days. I think its most likely due to her late molt and the other hens...
  15. lmadeline146

    Lump/ Swollen Area on Hens foot?

    I have a 1 1/2 year old Barred rock who has never had bumblefoot or any other health problems before. We did have one hen with bumblefoot a few months ago, but nothing since. I noticed one of my hens has a lump or swollen area on her foot. I cleaned her feet after these pictures was taken and...
  16. lmadeline146

    Hens standing tall

    I have 2 barred rock hens going through their first hard molts with the rest of my flock. They’re all hard molting except for the young hens, and I’m only getting 2-4 eggs a day out of 12 hens which I don’t mind since they’re molting. two of my hens who are missing feathers have been acting...
  17. lmadeline146

    Bumblefoot with no pus?

    One of my hens has two marks on her feet that resemble the brown scabs that look like bumblefoot. I’ve been soaking both feet in epsom salts and doing normal treatment and always making sure to wrap the feet carefully. Whenever I remove the top of the scab, theres no pus underneath. I saw...
  18. lmadeline146

    Possible Bumblefoot

    I’ve had a few hens with bumblefood before but they have been very minor cases and I’ve gotten them fixed up easily. Is this bumblefoot? I didn’t have time to clean the foot but I took a quick picture. It looks like it in the middle of the foot in the center pad area. Since I’ve only had...
  19. lmadeline146

    Pullet missing after free ranging

    I’ve been letting the pullets in my flock free range for some time now. A few weeks ago a pullet named Butters vanished for a day but came back by dusk. Today, I was free ranging the flock as usual when I heard my rooster freaking out. When I went to check on them, I found my rooster with 5...
  20. lmadeline146

    15wk Cockarel Missing While Free Ranging

    I’ve been free ranging the younger chickens in my flock for around a month now and have had no issues. I let them out like normal today and go to round them up a few hours later and notice I’m missing one of the cockarels. It was broad daylight and I some feathers scattered in an area behind...
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