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  1. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I'm in South America, so it's about 8°C here. I don't know how much cold is too cold for a hen who isn't fully feathered... She is 3 years old and is acting and eating normally otherwise, yeah.
  2. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I spent some time with my chickens and I witnessed this behavior. It's getting cold in here and this hen isn't fully feathered below her wings. Would you say she's cold? Or just resting?
  3. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I thought that Bianca was sick. And that would've been really bad because you won't find a vet around here on a Saturday. But then I sat down next to her and asked her what's wrong (like she was going to tell me "I have a headache" or something lol). And she did this. Then...
  4. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Bianca, my chronically ill hen, has an appointment with the vet next Tuesday. Nothing is particularly wrong with her, it's just time for her checkup. However, I've spent some time with the flock today and I realized that Callia is having trouble pooping. It takes her a lot to expel the...
  5. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I held one of my chickens and her abdomen felt weird to me. I don't know how to explain it. I don't know if I've spent too much time without holding a chicken or if it's actually swollen/distended. I hadn't seen my chickens in about 10 days and I don't know if she is perhaps a bit...
  6. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I couldn't find my ladies... They had hidden under the car to take a nap together. Hm, Callia didn't like my "awww"s In other news, Bianca is molting, her neck is still kinda nude but damn, look at that fluffy butt! She's so cute because she is so small, she's an adult but...
  7. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I know! I don't have a picture of that, but I have a picture of -perhaps- a more important moment. When Bianca got sick, she was isolated in this "laundry room" and slept in a dog house. One evening, I turned on the lights to give her medication and I saw Mabelo on top of the dog house where...
  8. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I found out that Bianca is getting along with her former bully. After losing her sister, Bianca was kind of lonely. But then the rooster died, and Eris (the barred rock) stopped bullying Bianca, and even hangs out with her. Perhaps she was jealous? The rooster used to roost besides...
  9. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Not today's picture but a relevant picture. Bianca gave me a Eskimo kiss.
  10. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Thank you for asking. My ladies are fine, I'm free ranging them as much as I can so that they can distract themselves. I try to spend time with them but I gotta work, too, and it's never been harder to be away from them. After Ruby's necropsy, and the vets telling me that I have a virus in my...
  11. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Exactly, what the actual ****? I understand this in older chickens, but 3-year-olds or, in your case, 8-month-olds??? My vet had even joked about the fact that Mabelo's health was perfect, he said during a checkup: "Mabelo will bury the rest of the flock himself". Sorry for your loss, too :(
  12. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I love this idea, but I can't really have any more chickens at the time, which is probably another reason why I'm so heartbroken. But it is not a good idea, not until I have my own house at least. I started my flock with only two chicks at my parents' house, and I ended up with six when one of...
  13. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    My beloved rooster died on Saturday. I'm barely recovering from having to cull Ruby due to reproductive issues, and then, all of a sudden, Mabelo dies in his sleep. Necropsy is not an option so I think I will always see this as a random curse. He died kind of how I expected my chickens to die...
  14. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I spent some time with the flock after Ruby's death. They all seem to be doing pretty good, except for Ruby's sister, Bianca. I think I already showed you this picture... It is from the last time they chilled together. And I mean, they've been always together... I mean, always...
  15. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I let her go. I donated her body to the Vet college. Hopefully Ruby will help other hens with reproductive issues in the future. Thank you everyone for your support.
  16. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    When Ruby's sister, Bianca, got sick with pneumonia with pulmonary edema, one of her vets said that she would be dead in two days. The other one offered to euthanize her while she was receiving oxygen. That happened in June last year. At first, I refused to euthanize her out of my own...
  17. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    She prolapsed three times. First time, she got a relatively simple surgery, where the main idea was to put it all back in and keep it there. Second time, she prolapsed a few minutes after the stitches from the number one surgery were removed. So they put it all back in again and stitched her...
  18. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Yes, there were complications. It was not just a "get the prolapse back in" surgery like the previous time. The previous time, the surgery was done with local anesthesia and it lasted 10 minutes. This one was done with complete anesthesia (inhaled) and lasted 40 minutes. This is because the...
  19. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Yes but she must recover from the prolapse surgery first, and right now she is barely eating, drinking, and pooping by herself. 😔 I don't understand why that ****ing diarrhea won't go away
  20. MaeM

    What did you do with your flock today?

    IKR?? But this one is expensive (hospitalization is expensive) and is far from me and, Gosh, I took my hen there on an Uber, then I ran out of money and went back home in a bus in the middle of the night. Just thinking about going back there (because I must pick her up if she survives) stresses...
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