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  1. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I bought a pound of Sluggo Plus bait. Parts of my garden are being munched on by slugs and I think, earwigs too. Sluggo Plus kills both. Just watered the garden, so after it dries a little I'll spread some of the bait around. I think the BT I sprayed on the bok choi helped. The new leaves...
  2. Smokerbill

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    7 out of 7 again. One had a little divot broken into the shell, I guess from dropping directly on another egg when it was laid. The membrane didn't break so it's still edible. Weird thing, the chickens almost always push the fake egg out of the way so they're not sitting on it. They prefer the...
  3. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I gave the tomatoes, peppers and squash a good soaking with some of the fermented weed fertilizer I made a few weeks ago. I diluted it down, 2 cups per gallon of water. Afterwards I soaked everything with the garden hose to push the fertilizer down to the plants' roots. Picked a big mess of...
  4. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I watered the lettuce/marigold/zinnia/crocosmia starts on the back porch railing. Mowed the yard yesterday. I ripped out the last four daikon radishes from the bucket and gave them to the chickens since the plants were bolting and the roots were woody. I think I'll move a volunteer tomato plant...
  5. Smokerbill

    What Bugs Did You See in Your Garden Today?

    Saw this metallic green fly on the lemon balm and crocosmia plants. @PopoMyers , I haven't seen stink bugs here.
  6. Smokerbill

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    7 today, but one was broken in the nest.
  7. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

  8. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thinking more about your potatoes, when I was a kid my grandpa grew a lot of potatoes, several acres at a time. They were always planted close to St. Patrick's day. Sometimes a hard freeze would hit and kill all the above ground foliage. The potatoes always grew new vines after the freeze, so...
  9. Smokerbill

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    7 from 7 again today, but one was big and wrinkled/corrugated, with an extra piece of shell stuck to it in one spot. There are lots of possible causes for corrugated shells but it happens so rarely so I'm not worried about it at the moment. Probably stress related. ETA: it had a single yolk...
  10. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I mixed some fine gravel with compost for my sage starts and got them up-potted.
  11. Smokerbill

    What Bugs Did You See in Your Garden Today?

    Glad you replied to this interesting thread. I didn't know it existed and would like to see it revived!
  12. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I set out 6 okra plants in the garden today. Maybe they'll grow, maybe not. If they don't I won't be buying more seeds to replace them. I need to put together a sandy, rocky soil mix for uppotting the three sage seedlings I have. I'm glad they germinated. The rosemary seeds did not germinate...
  13. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That's got to hurt! Are there potatoes of any size under the plants yet?
  14. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Do they have any skunky smell to them?
  15. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Since it's nice and sunny today I thought the chickens would enjoy a little corn cob volleyball. Should keep them occupied for a while. I hardly ever buy "treats" for the girls, but corn was a quarter an ear at Walmart today so I got a couple for them. Me, I'm not a big fan of fresh corn.
  16. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I've given my chickens grapes larger than that before and they just gulped them down whole. No problems other than some got the runs if they ate too many.
  17. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Got another shot in the knee today, this time hyaluronic acid, aka rooster comb gel. Two more to go. I tried switching to a different chicken feed last month. Xcel was a few bucks cheaper than the CHS payback feed I bought before. Xcel pellets are larger and the feed is lower in protein (16%...
  18. Smokerbill

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5 yesterday, 7 today.
  19. Smokerbill

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I saved zinnia seeds from last year's flowers. They germinated, but I have no idea what the blossoms will look like. Hopefully they'll be the same as the parent plant. I saved marigold seeds too.
  20. Smokerbill

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    I got the cornstarch gel carrot seeds planted, took a break, then went out and picked the red Russian kale. The leaves filled one side of the kitchen sink to overflowing. I filled two 1 gallon bags with the trimmed leaves for the freezer and have the chopped up stems cooking on the stove. I...
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