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  1. MountainWoman73

    Ameracauna hen or rooster?

    Pretty bird. Could she be a little older than the others? I agree that comb looks iffy for a bird that young. But if she's a couple weeks older I would say pullet. You may have to wait for saddle feathers to come in (or not).
  2. MountainWoman73

    Question about rehoming a rooster.

    Nope. They're chickens. It's true they need some flock members around to thrive, so they're social animals in that sense. But they have no sentimentality about each other (or you). He'll be just fine.
  3. MountainWoman73

    Fussy (not broody) hen

    Sometimes they're just talkative. I had a Welsummer named Moaning Myrtle because she would just wail and moan like nothing I have ever heard before or since. Almost like trying to crow but one long note. She got rehomed from town because she got the original owners in trouble with their...
  4. MountainWoman73

    How can I best introduce 1 one year old hen to my new flock of chicks?

    If your pullets have been in the space and the adult hen is new, she will be at the bottom of the pecking order, even though she's bigger. Try to arrange it so that they can see but not touch each other for a day or so. Then I would just let them all loose together and see how it goes.
  5. MountainWoman73

    Something you saw a chicken do that made you stop and say, WHAT The Hell?

    Omg. Same. The lid to my grain bin was upside down and when I picked it up my EE hen flew right up in my face. I think the lid was left half on and half off by my kid, and she managed somehow to flip it over and trap herself inside. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
  6. MountainWoman73

    Have you Incubated for others?

    I sort of did this today. My hatching eggs shipped 5 weeks later than expected, and we're flying out of town ON their hatch day. So I got a friend to incubator-sit for me, and I set some extra eggs for her in with mine. :)
  7. MountainWoman73

    Hen or Roo

    All pullets.
  8. MountainWoman73

    Any problems with chicks via USPS in Southeast?

    I have eggs in the mail right now. Trying to calm down about it.
  9. MountainWoman73

    12 Week Easter Egger

    I vote pullet.
  10. MountainWoman73

    Broody hen, tried many “cures”

    I've been there. How long was she separated in the wire cage? It takes a minimum of 3-4 days, sometimes a week, but I've never had it fail. If she can go back to the nest at night or at any point, you have to start the clock again.
  11. MountainWoman73

    First eggs from new Sapphire OEs

    So pretty! I love those colors.
  12. MountainWoman73

    Onyx Olive Egger?

    Nice! Thank you. Mine doesn't have the copper color around the neck, but those are definitely her breed. If the cockerel is an onyx olive egger too, looks like they're sex-linked?
  13. MountainWoman73

    Egg color?

    Could be either, I think. The green or olive colors come from a blue egg overlayed by a brown coating. So if the new chicks get a copy of the blue egg gene from their mom, they'll probably be olive eggers too. And if they don't get the blue gene, they will have white egg shells underneath the...
  14. MountainWoman73

    Chicken wrangling!

    I use canned corn when I need to move my chickens back inside their fence. It's a very special treat and I only throw one kernel at a time until they follow. As far as teenagers needing to be stuffed in the coop at night, that's a phase all mine go through. Sometimes it's easiest to let them...
  15. MountainWoman73

    What age should I get?

    I love having little ones in the house for a couple weeks because I enjoy their company. And though it depends on the temperaments of your individual dogs (I will never trust a husky), it did help my livestock guardian dog get used to the idea that these birds were hers to protect. She used to...
  16. MountainWoman73

    Hen or roo?

    I agree. It looks like a mixed breed cockerel. Speckled Sussex crossed with something else.
  17. MountainWoman73


    Yes. I agree. That looks like a gold laced wyandotte cockerel.
  18. MountainWoman73

    Gimmie Your Gender Guesses!

    The hatchery called her an "onyx olive egger". Not sure what she's a mix of.
  19. MountainWoman73

    Informal research poll on broodiness

    I think individual temperament and breed are the two most important factors. I treat all my birds the same, and have only had three individuals go broody on me. One was a Black Copper Marans, one was a Bielefelder (who was broody so often and so insistently we just called her Broody Hen) and...
  20. MountainWoman73

    Gimmie Your Gender Guesses!

    I also have a pullet named Onyx right now. :)
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