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  1. Fawkes

    Raccoons won't leave

    Thanks for your replies! I'm currently fixing any weak spots e.g. using hardware cloth to cover where wood rotted out. I'll be making a double door (the doors on dog kennels are kind of awful - huge gaps) and burying wire as well. Right now I have paving stones buried around the edges but that's...
  2. Fawkes

    Raccoons won't leave

    I used live traps years ago but surely it just means more raccoons move into the area to replace the ones that I relocated? In my yard I have a large pond and woods, plus neighboring ponds and that's always going to attract raccoons I think. Looking at my ring cam, I discovered the...
  3. Fawkes

    Raccoons won't leave

    I still have raccoons prowling feet from my duck enclosures, despite having lights on and a podcast running pretty loudly on an outdoor speaker to make it appear that there's people nearby. My bedroom window is right there and I have ring cameras. That's how I’m aware of the raccoons - I have to...
  4. Fawkes

    One egg hasn't pipped yet but it's still alive

    That's true, I'll have to get a cheap one for cases like this! Eventually I'd like to hatch my own birds for fun but I've always just let the momma ducks do it before.
  5. Fawkes

    One egg hasn't pipped yet but it's still alive

    Nope I see no movement, and don't hear anything. I thought maybe it had died since the last time I felt it moving, but I don't know. I figure the smelly drops are probably a good indication but I wanted to make sure before I remove it.
  6. Fawkes

    One egg hasn't pipped yet but it's still alive

    Hmm I don't know why but I can't get a video to load. Maybe a picture will work?
  7. Fawkes

    One egg hasn't pipped yet but it's still alive

    I think this should work...having issues uploading the vid
  8. Fawkes

    One egg hasn't pipped yet but it's still alive

    Yep here's the vid! There's some weird dark spots in the air sac area as you can see. I keep thinking surely it can't be alive because there have been tiny drops of clear, gooey, weird smelling liquid on the egg. But i feel its heart beating. There's just no way I can imagine that, it's obvious...
  9. Fawkes

    One egg hasn't pipped yet but it's still alive

    My muscovy duck's eggs hatched yesterday/early this morning except for two. One was definitely dead, the other I wasn't sure about, but now I just felt its heart beating. The mom has left the nest with the other babies at this point, except for one duckling that had issues yesterday and she...
  10. Fawkes

    Female duck not eating well - tube feeding questions

    I hope after she reaches the desired weight and you don't need to do the tube feeding anymore that she'll start eating enough on her own! Does she live with any other ducks? I find other ducks are handy for getting a duck to enjoy a certain food or treats that I'm wanting them to eat. Seeing the...
  11. Fawkes

    Is Metzer Farms a good option for buying ducks?

    I've only ever ordered from mypetchicken. I got an order of 3 ducklings and all arrived perfectly fine :)
  12. Fawkes

    Call Duck Assortment from Metzers

    I was using ceramic bowls. I just tried to keep my ducklings' feet drier and cleaner and it went away. At this age they're producing so much poop and causing such a mess with the water that it's hard. Mine also tried to eat any bedding I tried using so I switched to washable puppy pads which...
  13. Fawkes

    Bad gasping episodes. Non-prescription fungal meds?

    That's good to hear she's getting better! How much colloidal silver do you put in the nebulizer? I'd like to use it in a nebulizer, I've only used the silver orally so far.
  14. Fawkes

    Call Duck Assortment from Metzers

    I've seen those cuts with some of my ducklings in the past, I thought they were from standing on wet bedding/surfaces too much, although I wasn't really sure. I wasn't using anything sharp like shavings. It didn't look normal to me.
  15. Fawkes

    NEED advice. Healthy?

    I would agree with Canadian Wind - two ducks aren't that much different than one duck, really, and itd take the weight off you from having to worry about spending enough time with him. Female muscovies are only 6-8 lbs so they're not huge like the males are, and therefore easier to care for.
  16. Fawkes

    One of my ducks laid a perfectly-formed yolk? + Odd duck

    Regarding the panting, not sure if this has been mentioned but IME panting when it's not hot is an indication of a respiratory infection. Sometimes that's the only indication they have an infection. I first saw this a year ago when my blue Swedish got a respiratory infection. She was panting...
  17. Fawkes

    Bad gasping episodes. Non-prescription fungal meds?

    He's still improving, just maybe not as fast as I would like, but his episodes arent as severe and he doesn't need much help now. Although I'm still scared to leave for long periods. To control it now, i try to just slightly elevate his chest or hold his head and talk sweetly to him to calm...
  18. Fawkes

    NEED advice. Healthy?

    What a cutie! Re aggression, the girls don't tend to get aggressive exactly, but they might have an attitude and be nippy sometimes. Rarely though, IME. I've had a lot of muscovies since I was a teen, I think the only girl that's gotten nippy with me is my girl who was born last summer. If...
  19. Fawkes

    Pekin Behavior

    I have a special needs duck inside too, he cant cope with being outside. He's been inside except for playtime for 10+ years since he was born with 1 eye and has always been nervous about unfamiliar things so has felt more comfortable indoors. He's imprinted on me but I also have other ducks...
  20. Fawkes

    Can Peking ducks survive on their own???

    Yeah, I used to have pekins, I'd say he should weigh about 8 lbs.
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