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  1. Jelibaen

    Duck Phallus Prolapse - Surgery Anxiety

    Long story short, Daisy is going for surgery on Tuesday, and I feel like my anxiety is going to rip my stomach apart. Daisy's phallus prolapsed at the beginning of May. Managed to get it back in and fixed with home treatment, but it happened again this week. We couldnt get it back in to stay...
  2. Jelibaen

    Accidental Chickens - Breeds??

    Thank you Winderdear for keeping up with me!! Your input has been awesome. I'm really excited to see how these guys all grow up to be. Slightly distracted with my baby geese right now but will keep updating!
  3. Jelibaen

    Accidental Chickens - Breeds??

    9 week update! Their combs haven't grown very much, still red but havent gotten any redder, but the red on the wings has definitely spread. Its mostly on the wing but also the chest and back. Still no crowing. Some fighting between them but everyone seems to be doing that. Here are the other...
  4. Jelibaen

    Accidental Chickens - Breeds??

    I will absolutely upload more photos! I'm so used to ducks that these guys are fascinating because they grow so differently. Their colors change constantly and its super cool. Thank you for all of your help!
  5. Jelibaen

    Accidental Chickens - Breeds??

    The more I look at those red shoulders the more convinced I am that I have more than one cockerel on my hands. But their combs are barely growing in at all. Please ignore Fuzzyfoot trying to photobomb in the back. It was a race between taking photos and not letting him peck at my camera.
  6. Jelibaen

    Accidental Chickens - Breeds??

    Bumping this up because chick 2 and 5 have now started to get a red spot but only at the very top of their combs. Their combs aren't getting any bigger and they still have little feathers growing on the comb itself. They are developing muffs around their ears though! They will be 8 weeks on...
  7. Jelibaen

    Accidental Chickens - Breeds??

    Thank you both!! I didnt know there were different kinds of combs until now. Thats super cool!! Hopefully with the rose comb it means I wont have as many issues with frostbite in our -40 winters. I'm very excited to see these guys grow up!
  8. Jelibaen

    Accidental Chickens - Breeds??

    Okay so... I got eggs from my neighbour in February. They were supposed to be duck eggs. They were not. They hatched a week early. They are chickens! I now have 5 chicks. I've had chickens once before (also by accident) and I am learning as I go. They are wonderful chicks!! I love them so much...
  9. Jelibaen

    Advice Needed: Aggressive Gander Trying to Kill Goose

    Thank you all. I've talked with my vet and a few other breeders and it seems like the consensus is to cull him for the sake of everyone's mental health. My vet pointed out that the stress on my flock might be contributing to the lack of eggs too, so its not just between him and the goose. A...
  10. Jelibaen

    Advice Needed: Aggressive Gander Trying to Kill Goose

    Hey everybody. I'm a mess as I type this out, and its going to be a long post. Sorry and thank you in advance. Today's subject matter: My gander is trying to mate with my ducks instead of my goose, and tried to kill the goose. Context: My Toulouse gander (2 yrs) refuses to pair up with the...
  11. Jelibaen

    Bad year, good hatch, things are looking up

    This year has been insane for me, and we are only 3 months in. In January I had a mink get into my coop. Killed 7 in one afternoon. Injured 5 more. I ended up with 3 ducks in my bathtub for 3 weeks being tube fed medications. One of them had to stay in the tub for another 4 weeks cause we found...
  12. Jelibaen

    Canadian Winters with Ducks

    I use the heated rubber buckets and those work great. It only heats it enough to not freeze, so it doesnt evaporate or anything! And yeah talk about indestructible - the only thing that broke mine was a bear last year and thats cause they pulled it through the duck door
  13. Jelibaen

    Canadian Winters with Ducks

    I keep water and food in the coop because mine refuse to go outside lmao but my water buckets are covered and only have a hole big enough to dip their head into, so they arent tossing it around and getting ice everywhere. If you heat the coop you will get more condensation
  14. Jelibaen

    Canadian Winters with Ducks

    Move your feed and stuff away from the water even by a few feet. If you're feeding pellets and they arent getting greens right now, they dont need grit. And if they arent laying, they don't need the oyster shell either! I dont even bother offering letting my ducks out past -15. I have one duck...
  15. Jelibaen

    Canadian Winters with Ducks

    I'm in Alberta, Canada. This is our forecast this week. It has already been like this for 3 days. Needless to say, my flock is a bit upset about the temps. Last year I only had 8 ducks and we hit -53C. Managed okay, had some frozen poopy bums every few days. This year I have 20 ducks and 2 geese...
  16. Jelibaen

    5 ducks broody on 4 eggs

    Quick update: Cayuga egg ended up getting shrink wrapped. The membrane tightened up and dried to its wings and neck so I did have to assist it out but its out and doing well now!
  17. Jelibaen

    5 ducks broody on 4 eggs

    The eggs I just put in have condensation on them now from the temp change but I didnt have much other choice. My little cayuga egg on the other hand is determined to hatch within the next hour lmao he is just going crazy in there
  18. Jelibaen

    5 ducks broody on 4 eggs

    So she abandoned the other eggs that havenr hatched yet. I've put them in my incubator - I cant see very well into them because the ducklings are so big but at least 2 are still alive. They were pretty cold so I'm crossing my fingers. The other ones in my incubator are hatching right now. The...
  19. Jelibaen

    5 ducks broody on 4 eggs

    The two eggs hatched under her this morning!! One had a bloody navel but he is doing well now. She's still sitting on her eggs. I have her penned off in a relatively small area so hopefully she stays with them. My eggs inside are supposed to hatch on Saturday so what I might do is give her the...
  20. Jelibaen

    5 ducks broody on 4 eggs

    So quick update: when I separated the ducks and put one in with the other broody hen, she just straight up abandoned the eggs. I ended up adding them to the nest with the other broody hen in a last ditch attempt to save them. That was last night. Today they're both internally pipped. Mama is...
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