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  1. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    update! Day 29- all 6 ducks hatched- 2 pipped backwards, which needed assist and one of those is not super thriving but everyone else seems to be doing well and fluffing up- I only had 1 of the remaining bantam Cochins hatch on day 22, yesterday, so today I picked it up some surrogate friends so...
  2. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    tonight is day 27 for my Runner ducks and day 21 for my cochin bantams and we have 2 duck eggs pipped!! I know they will take a while to hatch, but its almost day 22 for the cochin bantams and I am worried they have not pipped yet. usually they go a little earlier. crossing my fingers!
  3. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    I almost forgot how difficult it is to twiddle your thumbs on lockdown days!! I have my 6 Runner Duck eggs and 2 remaining Bantam Bobtail Cochin eggs ( originally started 24 in the 360 but shipping was rough) in my Kebonnix both set to hatch starting thursday/friday! the wait is sooo hard. I...
  4. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    Hi Y'all! Update: eggs have been coming and going over the last week or two, getting things organized into the proper incubators. Duck eggs are a few days out from hatch and I ended up with 6 strong eggs between Janoel12 and Kebonnix- I felt the Kebonnix had the most accurate and stable...
  5. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    ...The Janoel has slightly larger swings up and down within that degree. I noticed the temp dropped a bit when I moved my govee over just a little- ** I do wish the thermometer probe that registered its temp was central to the incubator but its off on a slightly far side that the eggs don't...
  6. shmooborp

    Goose egg rescue

    Unfortunately this is correct. While it might seem like a rescue mission, the egg has not formed a zygote yet so technically there is no life saved as the sperm cell and the egg cell have not connected yet. There is no life in it. This process only happens after hours of incubation at the proper...
  7. shmooborp

    Goose egg rescue

    Thread 'Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!' This is the most comprehensive goose egg incubation thread for the geese eggs that are coming- what breed are you getting btw...
  8. shmooborp

    Goose egg rescue

    Interesting. Your intro post simply said you and your friend found it at a pond. The road seems like pertinent information. While you may be able to help the birds themselves when in danger, in the state of Colorado you do need a permit to even handle a Canadian goose egg. You may be able to...
  9. shmooborp

    Goose egg rescue

    I feel I have to agree with what huntmaster said. It takes many days for a goose to lay their entire clutch of eggs. They don't sit on them consistently until they are ready to synchronize their development. The mother was likely off foraging, leaving her egg behind knowing it wasn't ready to be...
  10. shmooborp

    Thank you! That worked!

    Thank you! That worked!
  11. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    Today I decided to take a snap shot of my Govee thermohygrometer grafts showing the whole days fluctuation and averages. Each image has the name of the incubator it represents. The NR 360 keeps a TIGHT temperature rating as you can see barely fluctuating, while the Janoel and Kebonnix oscillate...
  12. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    This is awesome!! I also started out making my own. My first about 17 years ago was an old Colman cooler that I rigged with a lamp and a water heater thermostat. It worked wonderfully. After a few years it broke down and fell apart- I tried to make more iterations, fancier each time but none...
  13. shmooborp

    Dewlap Toulouse eggs?

    I tried to join and he declined me :/ I’m not sure why, maybe he thought I was a fake Facebook profile?
  14. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    Seccond set of eggs came to put a first batch into the NR 360. A little dirty on some, I decided to wash the single dirtiest one. Unfortunately one of the goose eggs was rotten upon arrival. It smelled bad, was a little damp but no cracks. Dark one in photo. It started to ooze as it heated up...
  15. shmooborp

    Dewlap Toulouse eggs?

    Thank you for this! :) I discovered the weird egg was in fact rotten. It started seeping from its pores within a few hours of incubating so I quickly pulled it. I was just curious if anyone’s had a good personal experience or comes with recommendation.
  16. shmooborp

    Dewlap Toulouse eggs?

    I recently ordered a few Dewlap Toulouse eggs from someone I haven't bought from before. All arrived in tack but one of the eggs seemed a little darker than the others, and when I unwrapped it, it had a lil damp spot. I candled it and cant see much but I didn't notice any cracks. It has a bit of...
  17. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    Update on day 5, runner duck eggs! in a shocking turn of events, somehow I didn’t kill the eggs with low temps the first few days. After candling today only 2 eggs showed no development out of 12 shipped eggs. One in the kebonnix, and one in the Janoel12. My govee says each bator is stable...
  18. shmooborp

    Duck eggs dying during lockdown

    Sometimes the last to not make it didn’t hatch for a reason, like failure to thrive. The strength and vitality it takes to make it through the hatching phase is a part of natural selection ( it feels sad I know). Sometimes is incubator stuff like getting too sticky in the egg and getting stuck...
  19. shmooborp

    Incubator Face-Off! comparison and review

    My NR 360 seems much more reliably stable than the little cheap other two. I would say your NR 360 is likely calibrated fine and you probably also received a well calibrated Thermohygrometer (they can lose calibration) but mine was certainly off compared to a few other cross references. When in...
  20. shmooborp

    Duck eggs dying during lockdown

    @Ktbui, while this post was from 2013, I can say that 90% humidity is likely far too high for the ducks to hatch. I gather that there are mixed opinions on this but- while some good humidity in lockdown is important, 50-60% is plenty. Too much, and the egg will become overwhelmed with moisture...
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