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  1. W

    Sexing/Breed Questions (Sapphire Gems? / Baby chick crew! Bonus, DUCKS!)

    They said they worked with Mcmurray? i dont really trust them but i love my birds! im going with sapphire gems honestly, they fit it best, i dont really know, but also it doesnt matter!! super cute, and some suuuuper friendly babies!
  2. W

    Sexing/Breed Questions (Sapphire Gems? / Baby chick crew! Bonus, DUCKS!)

    we have some 8-10 week old rouens! im loving this group of diverse babies. First time we've ever gotten a 'different' flock
  3. W

    Sexing/Breed Questions (Sapphire Gems? / Baby chick crew! Bonus, DUCKS!)

    its time for an UPDATE!!! SO all of the Sapphire gems who are now outside, fully feathered babies, are 100% the ladies team. They are gorgeous blues and blacks and ill post a group picture before the settle down for the night! Heres where it gets fun! the chick crew has grown and feathered out...
  4. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Churkey has recovered :) she is still smaller than her same age brooder companions, but she is still keeping up with them! her but stays a little dirty but we just clean it and its all good She is doing soooooo much better!!
  5. W

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    this is why socialization of your day old chicks is IMPERATIVE you're more likely to get an aggro rooster when you have to many chicks to spend individual time bonding with them. i have 10 right now and socializing them all using my very loving 3 year old. Our suspected cockerels are VERY...
  6. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Update # Day whatever? Churkey is still behind but seems to be starting an upward trend. Temps are good, weight is improving from two days ago, still some swelling and vent trouble but overall better. Feeling Hopeful!
  7. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    should add, she eats and drinks well. Really well..
  8. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Her belly is purple-blue, and still a little swollen, kind of hard. She has been really enjoying the warm baths, they seem to make her relax quite a bit; ill pick up some of the drops as soon as I can
  9. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Update: Churkey is active again, Yesterday was very very scary for us, She struggled with wing dropping, she was unstable on her feet and getting pushed around but the rest of the chicks. I noticed this morning her size is not increasing with her age she is now smaller than the bantam chicks...
  10. W

    Unwanted Males

    Letting them mature is the best financial bet. THey costed what at max 6 bucks a bird give or take?? A pound of chicken is worth however much at your local stores, id suggest letting them grow until they have a good weight, and plenty body build up. Smaller chickens produce less meat, and...
  11. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Churky has begun to act a little more withdrawn today. as of now her abdomen is hard, and swollen. She is still eating and drinking but appears in pain when she is touched she panics.. still trying to get her comfortable ://
  12. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Yea, the pin is farily large enough i just like them to have alot of space :))
  13. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    ive been watching them (they are RIGHt next to my desk all day) no one is really paying attention to her vent YET, or while im looking. Ive got a lil one so the desitin is easy ive already got it. Im thinking of getting some save-a-chick for the entire crew, just to be safe, they honestly...
  14. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    The birds vent has become bloodied and red. No blood in the poop. but shes def got some redding and scabbing
  15. W

    Sexing/Breed Questions (Sapphire Gems? / Baby chick crew! Bonus, DUCKS!)

    I did some digging with the feed store and the hatchery they go to. Spoke with the hatchery. they are NOT sapphire gems. they are Blue Plymouths according to them. So someone lied along the way BUT i dont really care, still my gorgeous babies. Now im vurious if those are sex linked barred or what!
  16. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    The navel appears to be doing well. The little gals behavior is also very good a little skittish but good. the red heat lamp is something we had on hand, when i ordered a heat plate brooder thing, and it never arrived. I like the use of the heat lamp mainly because its been easy, but next...
  17. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Ill put the Vaseline on, just gotta go grab more, and then ill offer her some of the wet feed, they like that alot. i've been cleaning her but everyday so far even if its not really dirty, just to give her a sort of gentle warm massage. The temp seems to stay stable above 85 and below 95. We...
  18. W

    All Hens killed by Dog

    when laws or really just the unwillingness to do harm to them stops you from killing them, you should trap them with appropriate traps, call animal control, report them to the police if needed, and in EVERY situation where the dogs or cats are present on the property, photograph them and call...
  19. W

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    We have a five ish day old Naked Neck called Churkey, is very light almost as light as the bantam i have in the same cage. The chick appears to be behaving as normal and has a slightly purple underbelly swollen vent hole, purple area around it and the vent is OUTSIDE of the body. i FEEL like...
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