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  1. P

    Encouraging Use of a Free-Range Nest Box

    ...the next urgent thing my family needs and forget to open it. Maybe I'll have to stand there and stare at them until they lay. :lol:) My "next" box *may* be too small. I thought it would work, especially since I had a hen years ago who decided to cram herself into a tight space. She laid a...
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    Encouraging Use of a Free-Range Nest Box

    ...the stubborn, flighty one who I chased out of my vegetable garden for the 3rd time. Today, I was trying out my original theory of locking them *out* of the coop to use the free range nest box. I was foiled by the new auto pop door, which decided to re-open due to detecting light. (I'm still...
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    Encouraging Use of a Free-Range Nest Box

    Hi LR, Thank you for responding. It would be a pretty tight fit. It's why food and water are outside the coop. I could try it though, just to see what happens. Any idea how long to give them to figure it out?
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    Name 3 Things You Did Or Will Do Today - 2024

    1) Cleaned up my Earthbox after one of my hens breached the perimeter...again. :he 2) Make some beef jerky. :drool 3) Go check on Mom. :hugs 4) Bonus: I avoided doing laundry because I'm on BYC. :D
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    Encouraging Use of a Free-Range Nest Box

    Hi All, It's been quite a while since I've posted here, but I love to read ideas and philosophies of our various members. :thumbsup Maybe someone can share his or her wisdom on my question. Some background: The coop for my 2 hens is a converted Little Tikes Playhouse. A 10-foot roost extends...
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    Winter Feed Cost and Growing Fodder

    I know it's been awhile since you posted this, but it looks like it wasn't answered. I was getting gnats in my indoor potted spinach plants. Nasty little buggers. Their larvae feed on the roots. A solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water kills the larvae, but doesn't harm the...
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    I've finally scanned the report for upload. Hope someone finds this helpful.
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    The lab at UC Davis sent me the reports. I'm posting this here in case it may help someone in the future. The initial exam results were: "Thin body condition...Marek's disease is what I am suspecting and the lesions in the skin, liver, and kidney could be due to this." In the final report, after...
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    The UC Davis CA Animal Health & Food Safety Lab website was down yesterday. I just accessed the form and hope to drive her there tomorrow for necropsy. I'll update once I get the results.
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Thank you. I'll have to look that one up. I'm washing, then bleaching the crate today...outside.
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    6BeachChicks & Wyorp Rock, Thank you for your support. At least I didn't immediately put them with my old hen. Quarantining makes sense. It was 30 days today.
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Hi FFH2, Thanks for responding. There wasn't a bad smell with the scabs when I worked on them. The skin was more firm than spongy. I found new lesions on her side this morning. None on the wings. I hope this wasn't Marek's.
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Hi Eggcessive, Thank you for your thoughts on this. Unfortunately, she passed this morning. There's an additional photo below.
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Thank you for the details on dosing, especially on alternatives to pilling. Good to know. I hunted on the internet last night for mg/kg and came up with something similar. I prepped capsules for this morning, but unfortunately, she passed away. There's an additional photo below.
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Hi azygous, Thank you for the feedback! I do have Fish Mox. If she were your bird, what would you dose for a 1 lb, 4 oz chick? How many times a day would you give it to her and for how long? Does she need to have a certain amount of water intake with it? It's been so long since I've pilled a...
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Thank you for tagging other members! The more opinions on this, the better. From what I understand, Chloe was on medicated chick feed before I bought her. She was in an outdoor environment, so the possibility of exposure was there in order for the feed to be protective. I used to have Corid, but...
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Pics are now from my phone with more pixels. (Yay, poop details. ;)) This was drop shipped overnight. A lot more urates. The newspaper was wet with water from Chloe's bowl. This morning she produced this one. Chloe accepted ~12ml of electrolyte water from a dropper today. She liked the...
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    Hi Wyorp Rock, Thank you for your detailed reply! Sorry for the delayed response. I had to go to several locations to replenish the expired parts of my chicken 1st aid kit. The store shelves are getting thinner. I wasn't able to get chlorhexidine, but picked up the last Vetericyn+. Today...
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    Pullet with a squishy lump on her neck that is growing

    ...look rough. She’s still talkative/very curious & hops in my lap each day when I open the cage to clean & replace food/water. Today, the lump is *twice as big* and she didn’t like it when I tried to part the feathers to see it better. She did much better during her photo shoot tonight. Photos...
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