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  1. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Very well thought out, and very reasonable! I will definitely keep your "broody selection" process in mind for the future, if I ever get to the point of having multiple in the free ranging group Hopefully Idris will get her shot soon. Sounds like she's very committed to the cause!
  2. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    I'm sure you've mentioned it before, and I'm sure your reason for doing so is very good, but why don't you let the under 1 year olds hatch? For maturity reasons, like more of a chance to break, or over commit?
  3. fluffycrow

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    Awe, thank you for showing us your keeper!
  4. fluffycrow


  5. fluffycrow

    Cochin! Hen or roo?

  6. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    And you'll just grow to love them more! Yup, water when they're wrinkled
  7. fluffycrow


    Yup, cockerels
  8. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I hope they'll be fine. I sure have my specials, and sounds like that's exactly what some of the ones you're paying close attention to are Lithops are quite addicting, aren't they🤣?
  9. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Glad to hear that you think it's a good thing. Especially glad that Kolovos is the one roosting there. I haven't seen him have too close of a relationship with this particular pullet, but I'm glad she's supporting her in her broody endeavours. With the son leaving within the week (most...
  10. fluffycrow

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 8th, 2024

    Dogs, chickens, fish, more bugs and insects than I can remember, budgies, rabbits, maybe humans, and almost by a horse. Glad tha last one didn't become a reality. Otherwise I'd have one less ear
  11. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Apologies for derailing the thread again, but I trust the knowledge of the people in this thread very much. How should I regard this behaviour? Good? Bad? Last night they did not roost there. Is it possible that having Kolovos and the older hen (not one that has given the broody any sort of...
  12. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    It was OK, wasn't something too serious. I really hope all turns out well for you, I hope you don't lose much of your collection!
  13. fluffycrow

    Ameracauna hen or rooster?

    EE, could be cockerel
  14. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Last year some of my plants got mealybugs. Brought in from an echeveria von nurnberg. I'm still checking frequently, worrying if they'll be back. You'll get through this, and gain SO much experience from it :hugs !
  15. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    I too would prefer to keep things hands off, because none of the birds in the free range group tolerate any kind of handling. The broody is the only one that sort of tolerates handling, but not too much. Especially in these first few days, I'd like to simply observe and not intervene, but so far...
  16. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Glad you got it under control. Scale is SCARY! You're a very good succulent parent :hugs The last part of your post is what being a succulent parent is all about🤣
  17. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    I'm very excited. I'm hoping her aseel side shines through, and she becomes a very protective mother. She's going to need it, being in the same pen with Miss Mayhem. Judging from the fact that she's gone broody at 10 months old while she was artificially brooded and incubated, I think it has so...
  18. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Thank you! I can do something similar, as in, making sure the other birds can't get to her. I was thinking of putting a large vegetable crate on top hers in the mornings while the birds are laying, so that they don't bother her. I can't limit access to the coop entirely, because all the other...
  19. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    So, it finally happened. Someone from the free rangers went broody. It's Big Red's (and Gogo's) daughter. I thought I heard some clucking from her on Thursday, so I left some eggs in the nest box Friday morning. Soon enough, she was sitting on them. I gave her more eggs from the mix breed...
  20. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    If these little dummies want to act like quail, they better not crow like them too!
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