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  1. LaynaDon95

    Swollen leg/foot

    Hi there guys! I know it's been forever since I've been on. Most of you probably won't even know me anymore. I got married and moved out of my parents' house (obviously) and don't have chickens anymore, so I've not had a need to post. But anyway, I was at my parents' house today and my mom told...
  2. LaynaDon95

    Dog Attack. Tylan 50 question

    Thank you. I'm going to continue giving her Tylan because she does have a bit of rattle-y breathing sometimes. I think it's probably physical damage, but I'm not taking any chances. There aren't any vets that treat chickens anywhere around here so I have to treat my girls on my own. I flushed...
  3. LaynaDon95

    Dog Attack. Tylan 50 question

    My leghorn hen hopped the fence into the neighbor's yard today and their german shepherd got ahold of her. :( Her tail area is pretty ripped up. Will giving her Tylan 50 help prevent infection? I know it's mostly for respiratory infections, but does it help with skin infections?
  4. LaynaDon95

    Can chickens have reptile calcium/vit D supplements?

    We use Dumor when we shop at Tractor Supply, CowTown (local) when we shop at CowTown, and Lone Star (also local) when we shop at Lone Star. When they are free ranging, their feed is enough, but being cooped up, it just isn't cutting it. Their eggshells are starting to get too soft and if we...
  5. LaynaDon95

    Can chickens have reptile calcium/vit D supplements?

    My hens used to be completely free range, but due to the rise in predator problems, they are always kept in the coop now. We are in the process of building a run, but it isn't completed yet. They aren't getting enough sun or calcium right now. They still healthy, nice bright combs, shiny...
  6. LaynaDon95

    Atwoods Bantams. A little help here please?

    That would be so exciting! I <3 porcelain d'Uccles. Thanks! Thanks!
  7. LaynaDon95

    Atwoods Bantams. A little help here please?

    I have pics up now! Here's my little cutie I think might be a gold Sebright. Whatdya think? Here's the guy I think is either a Gold Dutch or a Brown Leghorn. Thoughts? (Ignore the poopies. I cleaned them up immediately) This one is just for laughs and awws. My Maggie is a good...
  8. LaynaDon95

    Atwoods Bantams. A little help here please?

    I picked up 4 little bantam babies at Atwoods today and could use some help figuring out what they are. I think 1 is either a Gold Dutch or a bantam Brown Leghorn, because it looks exactly like this (internet pic) The other dark one I believe to be a Gold Sebright because it looks just like...
  9. LaynaDon95

    please please please say this isn't coryza

    ...both of them. If not, I'll put them both back out. That was the best thing I could figure out. I'm watching the flock for signs of illness but so far so good. *knocks on wood* Thanks for the input! I have been reading them. Sorry I haven't been responded. I've been very busy. Merry Christmas!
  10. LaynaDon95

    please please please say this isn't coryza

    I noticed yesterday that both of one of my pullet's eyes were swollen. One way worse than the other. I took her in and started her on tylan 50. Just now I decided to soak the bad eye with a warm wet rag and it opened up to reveal a nasty cheese like substance. It doesn't stink. No other...
  11. LaynaDon95

    Emergency Help ASAP My hen is VERY ill

    She just died. She went fairly easy. Just laid down in my lap, closed her eyes, and died. Can't save 'em all I guess.
  12. LaynaDon95

    Droopy hen

    You poor thing. :( I have a hen in the same state right now. She's pretty much dead, but still breathing. How did your girl do? I'm so sorry you never got a reply.
  13. LaynaDon95

    Emergency Help ASAP My hen is VERY ill

    Doesn't seem to be a prolapse. I'm gonna shoot some vitamin E oil down her. Can't hurt, and if it's a neck problem there's teensy weensy chance it might help, right? She's one of my favorite hens. I don't want to lose her. :(
  14. LaynaDon95

    Emergency Help ASAP My hen is VERY ill

    I had a bantam show similar signs several weeks ago, but her symptoms came on slowly and took a long time to ultimately kill her. I did everything I could for her but she died. But this girl only started acting funny yesterday. I watch all my chickens very day. I went up to feed yesterday and...
  15. LaynaDon95

    Emergency Help ASAP My hen is VERY ill

    I thought about that, as she's almost 1 and has still never laid and egg. I've been looking up several different things so that's on the list. I'll go look it up now. I felt around but I didn't feel an egg. I had a hen do this once before and I could feel the egg inside of her. A little shot of...
  16. LaynaDon95

    Emergency Help ASAP My hen is VERY ill

    Yes, she had poop all over her butt feathers and her wings are very droopy. I washed the poop off and dried her with a hair dryer with a defuser (sp?) attachment. She's laying under a heat lamp right now, but she's not doing well at all. Her head is droopy. She can't hold it up. Her neck feels...
  17. LaynaDon95

    Emergency Help ASAP My hen is VERY ill

    I walked outside to feed this morning and noticed my Brown Leghorn standing alone in a corner, all puffed up with her eyes closed. I picked her up (without a fight, which is a bad sign) and carried her in. She is very skinny, so she hasn't been eating much. I started her on Tylan 50 immediately...
  18. LaynaDon95

    My bantam mommy is sick :(

    I lost her a few day ago. She seems to be improving, and then all of a sudden she lost all her color and began rattling when she breathed. She died the next morning.
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