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  1. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I had some when I was a kid for a few years before we moved, then in my early 20s someone dropped a bunch off on my property, but I found a home for then after a few weeks, now I've had them since 2020.
  2. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Goodness, I never knew when I first got chickens how much drama they'd be! I'm glad the possible Judy Booty egg is still looking ok, I really hope it hatches a beautiful pullet for you :fl I've given up selling anymore cockerels or pullets. Everyone I have is staying and I am just planning on...
  3. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Thanks for the photo update :love
  4. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Uh oh!
  5. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Those first chickens sure are special (no matter the breed, or thought to be breed 🤣) we were supposed to get 3 blue plymoth rocks and 2 GLW pullets, both Wyandottes ended up being cockerels and the Rocks were actually Black Astraulorps :confused:
  6. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I currently have a SLW from the hatchery with a straight comb, good point!
  7. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Those are really pretty! I've definitely done that with pullet vs cockerel :oops:
  8. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    They're beautiful!
  9. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    She was so beautiful, I hope the weather cooperates so you can properly take care of her. You couldn't have done anything to save her either 🥺 I'm so sorry Pipd. I'm so glad you have her chicks, I hope they are even more gorgeous than Judy Booty!
  10. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh my goodness, I am so sorry Pipd :hugs Judy Booty was so precious, I'm glad you have a few chicks from her and hopefully one last one from the egg today. Oof, chickens can sure break our hearts. :hugs
  11. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I'm down to maybe 15 in the brooders, so once I have them outside and settled and the brooder room totally scrubbed down, maybe I'll start to get the hatching bug again 🤣 I really would like to hatch some from my satin paint over a silver based black, and you know they way chickens like to just...
  12. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Sounds like my house 🤣 I think I'm around 100. I have some family who are all ready to come help process chickens so, I think another 7 weeks or so and we'll start cutting back.
  13. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    SO hard!!!!! There are so many wonderful breeds, so you need a few, then you find out the AMAZING color varieties they come in. A couple each of a couple breeds, and poof, you have 100 chickens and wonder what in the world happened :lau
  14. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Judy is gorgeous no matter how irked she is at you about being locked up 😄 I'm glad Nora is doing well and you have your coop breach found and dealt with. Your dedication to good breeding shows, I like your discipline. You know my story, I was just going to do BBS, now I have kinda BBA...
  15. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Hey how are Nora, Judy, and the Judy Booties?
  16. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Great news! Whoohoo!
  17. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Love love love the broody pics! Well, bummer it isn't a recessive white, but maybe also good that you don't have that gene hiding in your flock.
  18. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    They are SO cute :love Oops, I see I had a typo 🤣 vroodies :oops: Thanks for the photos! Send more!
  19. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I've never heard of CDS, the nutrition thing wouldn't make sense unless there's one chicken with some anomaly that is keeping it from absorbing vitamins like it should? But it would seem that over time you'd see it struggling? I hope someone can help figure it out, I'm am curious to know as...
  20. 2ndTink

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh my gosh! Yes! Time for this ride to stop all the drama and return us to cute chick pictures and stories of the peaceful flock life! Wow, I'm glad you caught the racoon, bad that it managed to destroy more property though 😠 What causes the chicks to not fluff up correctly? I've had 1 each...
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