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  1. A Swede in France

    Do your chickens nap more when days are long around summer solstice?

    Hi everyone, My chickens look tired and nap a lot during the day... like proper head under wing napping not just chilling. And I've been wondering... how much sleep do chickens need at night? I grew up at 58 degrees north where the length of the day varies wildly between summer and winter. Now...
  2. A Swede in France

    Hens laying eggs without shells at night

    Hi! I know it's been two years but did you find a way to resolve this issue. One of my girls is doing the same and has been for months. I've tried extra calcium in the water and even a course of antibiotics from the vet. I'll try to get the calcium tabs recommended in this thread but I'm curious...
  3. A Swede in France

    Comment by 'A Swede in France' in article 'A Viewpoint on Handling Roosters: How to Deal with Aggression'

    Great article, thank you! I found the distinction between fear based and familiarty based agression particulatly helpful. I have a 22 month old Brahma rooster who I raised from hatching. He was super chilled until four or five months ago, when he started to charge at my feet to peck. He...
  4. A Swede in France

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I find that picking up poop regularly, maybe every second day, means I don't have to deep clean very often at all, so that's what I do. I weirdly enjoy it, it feels like a sweet act of care and love for the gang 🙂 I use hemp litter which I find great at absorbing liquids, neutralising smells...
  5. A Swede in France

    Are my neighbour's goats mistreated - should I intervene?

    Little update - the goats now live in a walnut grove and have a small hut for shelter 🙂. I hope the neighbour doesn't hate us for talking to him (I have not had a chat with him since then and worry a bit that he feels shamed or offended).
  6. A Swede in France

    Are my neighbour's goats mistreated - should I intervene?

    Thanks both of you! My partner and his aunt who knows him better and also lives in the village went to speak with him last night. He basically said the goats are used to it since they lived like that for years. But he also said he hurt his hand and can't build anything, and that nobody wants to...
  7. A Swede in France

    Are my neighbour's goats mistreated - should I intervene?

    I am definitely willing to help - I am even considering adopting them
  8. A Swede in France

    Are my neighbour's goats mistreated - should I intervene?

    Medium... village dynamics, he's famously grumpy. I am afraid he would take offense, but maybe if we are really skillful we can present it as help. He's right at the age where you'd need to start accepting help but maybe don't want to yet, if that makes sense. But - since he's done this for...
  9. A Swede in France

    Are my neighbour's goats mistreated - should I intervene?

    Hi goaty people, I would love your advice! I have never had goats so I don't know what's acceptable, but I think my neighbour is mistreating his animals. Basically, stakes them out using a central stake, in the middle of exposed fields, without any shelter from sun, baking heat (it gets up to...
  10. A Swede in France

    Constant diarrhea - completely soaking the coop bedding

    Thanks for being so thorough @John Sutter123 ! One of my Faverolles has had diarrhea for a month now and I found your posts super informative and helpful. I hope everyone is well over at yours by now!
  11. A Swede in France

    Is there ANY chance of recovery? Silkie with paralysis and rapid decline

    Hi, and sorry for the slow response I only saw this now for some reason. I'm so happy to hear that your Silkie recovered and has chicks! What a wonderful, life-affirming comeback 🙂♥️ Sadly, we didn't manage to save Susu. It was horrible, one of the most difficult chicken deaths we've had. In...
  12. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    My moulting ones are snacking on mealworms and scrambled eggs :) They can really be a pitiful sight!!
  13. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    Thank you! My girls free-range in a large area every day so have access to lots of grass and insects. I give them thyme, oregano, chili and garlic as extra support, and anyone who's looking off gets scrambled eggs, mealworms and fruit. And yes definitely, once they are visibly ill it's often...
  14. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    Seems like it from the response I'm getting. I thought lash eggs were layered like an onion but I'm having to rethink. Have you seen an all white lash before? Thanks for taking the time to respond!
  15. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    Yep, I agree and will definitely hold off unless things get worse 🧡 for now I'm just working to support their immune systems with some extra vitamins, herbs and garlic.
  16. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    Thanks! We're well stocked on baytril should we need it
  17. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    In the article you shared she speaks about viral salpingitis and says that's when there would be white/gelatinous lash eggs rather than the usual ones, so that's what I went on.
  18. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    Great article, thanks. From this I would guess viral salpingitis 😞
  19. A Swede in France

    What the heck just came out of my chicken?

    Pardon the dirty nail 😅 One of them, who I also suspect is responsible for the white thing because of where she slept last night, was looking off in the morning the day before yesterday. A bit lethargic, no appetite. We fed her whatever goodies she would eat and kept her separate for the day...
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