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  1. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  2. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  3. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

    I was with you until ' now the main question'. Since this is a chicken site and we are just here to share scripture, I won't argue with you on the timing of Jesus return, rapture or second coming. The doctrine of the pretrib rapture is sound and those that rightly divide the word of God are...
  4. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 rapture first . Dont forget Jesus words in John 14 also 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10 everlasting torment
  5. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

    The rapture happens first. Then the first seal of the 7 year tribulation is opened. This starts the wrath or judgement of the wicked on earth. Not to be confused with the bema judgement of the church by Jesus in heaven or the great white throne judgement of the wicked dead which is the second death
  6. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  7. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  8. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  9. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  10. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  11. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  12. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  13. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  14. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  15. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  16. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  17. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  18. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  19. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

  20. cubalaya

    Bible Verse sharing

    Its been 13 going on 14 years since i had a cigarette. Jesus set me free from that bondage. I was a smoker for 35 years. Praise the Lord.
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