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  1. Bananaplinko

    Any idea what breed this is?

    Where did you get them from. Knowing which breeds are possible might narrow down the search. She’s pretty no matter what breed she is.
  2. Bananaplinko

    Best indicator for Blue eggs

    I don’t think any of these factors is a for sure tell tale sign that a bird with lay blue eggs. Polish can have beards and muffs but lay white eggs. Breeds like buckeyes have pea combs but don’t lay blue eggs. Just because one characteristic of a breed carries over to an EE doesn’t necessarily...
  3. Bananaplinko

    Chicken with mucus

    last night his mouth was dry but his muff still appeared wet. He was eating so I didn’t want to try and feel his crop and have him stop eating. He was born in mid February and is not vaccinated for anything. There isn’t a ton of hpai in my area. All the other birds appear fine and he is still...
  4. Bananaplinko

    Can you eat unfertilized, incubated eggs? What size incubator should I get?

    I think they mean that you shouldn’t add eggs in on separate days. It’s best if you put all you eggs in the incubator on one day. Then all the eggs are able to lock down together.
  5. Bananaplinko

    Need Help! What breed is this Rooster?

    It’s possible he’s a sapphire gem however some of his feathers almost appear to be buff tinged. I don’t know if any breeds that match with the buff feathers. Hope you can get a more for sure answer
  6. Bananaplinko

    Chicken with mucus

    His crop is empty
  7. Bananaplinko

    Need Help! What breed is this Rooster?

    Where did you get him from?
  8. Bananaplinko

    Chicken with mucus

    This is my Ameraucana cockerel. Yesterday it looked like he was trying to get something out of his throat. He had his mouth open and was shaking his head. The gnats are starting to get bad in our area so I summed it up to be related. I sprayed him with vanilla water to help. This morning I went...
  9. Bananaplinko

    Sicilian buttercup

    I’ve never had a buttercup before but a hatchery accidentally threw her in with my order. I think that her feather pattern is coming along really nicely. Her hackle feathers and tail base are still growing in. I’m hoping to exhibit her at several shows this summer. Does anyone know if she is a...
  10. Bananaplinko

    Black breasted red jungle fowl

    The mix was only supposed to include large fowl so that’s most likely what it is. Thanks a ton
  11. Bananaplinko

    Black breasted red jungle fowl

    Thanks for your reply would these pictures make any difference? The speckled chest is really throwing me off
  12. Bananaplinko

    Black breasted red jungle fowl

    I bought a couple mystery birds from valley hatchery earlier this year. I think this is a black breasted red jungle fowl which the hatchery does offer. I’m need to enter birds into the computer so I can show them in July and I wanted to make sure that the breed is accurate. Is there anybody who...
  13. Bananaplinko

    Yellow liquid coming from chick

    This is my 4 day old cream legbar pullet. When cleaning off her pasty butt yellowish liquid began oozing out. It hardened and is shown in the picture. She is otherwise acting normal. What happened and what can I do to help?
  14. Bananaplinko

    Huge legs!

    Maybe you're right that they're roosters. You need to wait, because depending on the native qualities, the bird changes and acquires at different times of maturation. -is what svetiks reply roughly translates to
  15. Bananaplinko

    Huge legs!

    In my experience leg size doesn’t really show much difference between genders in young chicks. Brahma chicks tend to have huge legs in general and some of my pullets had larger legs as chicks compared to the cockerels. Depending on how young they are you can try to see them based on wing sex...
  16. Bananaplinko

    In search of polish chicks

    I’ve been trying to find a polish breeder in the Midwest. I can’t find any breeder lists for polish. I don’t have any major preferences for colors, but I want the birds to be bred to the sop. I’m mainly looking for chicks but any polish would ok. Thanks in advance!
  17. Bananaplinko


    EE are a crossbreed so it may or may not develop a muff. Usually you can see the muffs pretty early on so it’s my guess that he won’t have a muff. He’s a super pretty bird.
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