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  • Users: ReiMiraa
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  1. ReiMiraa

    Swedish Flower Hen eggs 12

    This breed shares a common ancestor to the Icelandic's. Some look quite similar. They can be crested. In my 2 breeding trios that are mixed together I have Light brown & white pattern and the other color pattern is hmm.. milli fleur? (a mix of many colors). This breed seems to be performing...
  2. ReiMiraa

    Icelandic Hatching Eggs 12

    My Icelandics are from two separate import lines. My rooster Lundi is a direct import from Iceland. They lay medium white eggs. Have white earlobes and come in many colors. Some are crested some are not. There is no standard, they are a product of their environment, a Landrace. Mine are the...
  3. ReiMiraa

    Cayuga Hatching Eggs 12

    Right now my ducks are outlaying my chickens. I will clean the eggs if they are mucky (ducks have a bad habit of laying eggs in the mud to hide them). Mine have always hatched even if cleaned, its better than adding that much bacteria to the incubator. The female ducks quack and the males...
  4. ReiMiraa

    Ready to Ship Monday- Pure Icelandic Hatching Eggs 6

    Ready To SHIP MONDAY Icelandic hatching eggs from my flock my two hens are the the Lyle line gotten from Lisa Richards and my rooster Lundi is a 7 month old direct import from Iceland from Vala. I have two separate bloodlines from different imports. The icelandic is a land race and comes in...
  5. ReiMiraa

    6 Cauyga Duck Hatching Eggs

    I need to sell eggs because my incubator and brooder says i have hatched over 40 ducklings and i'm out of room.... so please save me from hatchitis. for sale are 6 fertile duck eggs from my cayuga ducks. I only have one female duck and 3 drakes, fertility at home in my incubator is 100%. no...
  6. ReiMiraa

    Trying to trace 3 generations.

    Ok so i lost Lionel today. and i started running through my memory if i had kept any of his offspring and looked through the most recent set of photos. something was bothering me and i think I have his 3rd generation. this one rooster i have left, he has a signature look to his face, the beak...
  7. ReiMiraa

    **Update 2/21** 2 Badly burned chickens ***Warning Graphic Photos.

    **Update 2/21** Dad checked on the birds this morning and found Lionel laying down and not moving. He passed away during the night. He was a favorite and one of the first chickens I had, very friendly rooster. I am sad that I never kept his offspring hoping that I would have him another year...
  8. ReiMiraa

    Alternative to Heating with lightbulbs

    ...I am wondering if anyone has used this in an outdoor setting to keep the coop above 40* its a lower volt than having tons on lamps. For me electricity is cheap where i am... My concern is the safety of the light bulbs. last winter the birds kept breaking them somehow and we had a few...
  9. ReiMiraa

    Guess the cross game. Multiple levels :P

    I am pretty sure I know what she is. Its another guess the hybrid game. I have many birds and can make the game harder fast... I have ~4 "rounds" for tonight (birds). Raven is leg feathered. there is the first hint. She likes to go off alone and catch flies.
  10. ReiMiraa

    A concept on Mareks (if correct)

    I could be totally wrong. And its not the best thing to admit but i think i have Mareks in my flock. My Jersey Giants were wiped out. along with birds a year later suddenly going lame and die in same time frames. Why i think i have it in my flock: most chickens that are mature have a "red ring"...
  11. ReiMiraa


    so this summer i hatched out 7 cayugas. they are growing so fast... i think they are almost 5 pounds now. from little information i can find about them is that they get to 8 pounds. So for those of you that own them i need to know a few things how do you know the quality of the bird? ex...
  12. ReiMiraa

    Dilated eye?

    I have noticed this one milli fleur rooster of mine has funny eyes. I finally got to look closer.. he is 1.5 years old... his left eye is fine but his right eye pupil is like completely dilated or runs everywhere... he sees fine out it.... just wondering what could cause this? His brother's...
  13. ReiMiraa

    Cayuga Ducks - first time owning

    My Cayuga Duck eggs arrived today. 12 all look good. going to let them rest a day, candle them tomorrow night to check the air cells and might put them in the bator tomorrow night. This is my first duck batch. Never owned ducks before. anything special to know about hatching duck eggs...
  14. ReiMiraa

    Alternate forms of feed or supplement

    I just had a brillant thought... My mom had spoiled the chickens with grocery vegetables during the winter and they had good egg production throughout despite less than 12 hours of light.... and i know that my birds love clover and alfalfa.... just not the stems and i do not think they like the...
  15. ReiMiraa

    Guessing game.

    I am pretty sure I have figured out what these breeds are after looking at the pictures for a long time. Need others opinions on what they see. I know he is a rooster This roosters ears are fluorescent purple/pink Have fun figuring out what some of these roosters are.
  16. ReiMiraa

    First Hatch set 4/24 Sportsman Cabinet

    ...temperature of 100.4 and 52-55% humidity the manual temp reader said 98 degrees I think i am in the ballpark and as long as i am consistent i think *should* do well. I plan to candle on May 7th. Currently i am in college so mom is checking up on my bator to make sure everything is staying...
  17. ReiMiraa

    Update- rooster being put down monday, unable to walk & green poo

    Help!!! My Jersey Giant Rooster has a dislocated leg and is not walking. Won't put weight on it I couldn't figure out why for the past few days but now i realized his leg is dislocated. (noticed that while sitting leg was sticking out at a weird angle to the side, a bit) I felt the joints and...
  18. ReiMiraa


    well my Dad had a surprise last night, so did my Boyfriend. and then me... I got a call from my bf, saying he wanted to kill my chickens (he loves them too... most of the time....) Dad had called him earlier saying "We have a problem John" apparently one of my chickens, that i got as a chick...
  19. ReiMiraa

    Confused about Molting diet. protein or not?

    I'm at Washington State University and today was career and internship expo. There was a Wilcox booth (they do dairy and eggs) So i asked them some questions. BTW their free range chickens are true free range eggs, get to see grass, more pasture like. They don't let the free range ones molt...
  20. ReiMiraa

    Guess what It is.

    it might be unfair. but i know his parents. so I know what he is. i just feel like testing out you guys today. so who is the chicken breed expert to guess this guys parentage? (best pic i could get of him, he is always on the move.....)
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