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  1. deer trail duck farms

    Odd question. How long does it take for the egg to come out of the duck?

    they need atleast 16 hours of sunlight for an egg. so atleast that long thats the best answer i got.
  2. deer trail duck farms


    in my opinion. it wont hurt a thing no matter where they find the worms to eat theres always going to be a risk of roundworms or bacteria.. its wildlife....... most of the ground they dig through to find worms at one point in time was full of some king of dung....
  3. deer trail duck farms

    Fly Repellent

    I have the best solution to this problem... get more ducks and chickens and whatever else floats you goat... buy enough where they eat all the fly... its like chicken math LOL im kidding of course
  4. deer trail duck farms

    The Welsh Harlequin

    good. nice big live trap can relocate it. i feel it save a headache for you.
  5. deer trail duck farms

    The Welsh Harlequin

    just out of curiosity have you tried trapping the fox? it is only a matter of time before it gets what it wants. i have found this out the hard way..
  6. deer trail duck farms

    Welsh Harlequin, Silver Appleyard, Saxony, Silver/Splash Swedish?

    i have welsches and silver Appleyard's. there both quiet ducks. good egg layers. welsch in my opinion is a much prettier duck and more sought out after. my order of favorites are ancona,welsch,rouen,khaki Campbell and cayuga
  7. deer trail duck farms

    best way to dispose of bad duck food?

    it would make good compost..... but either find a place to dump or bag it and dispose.
  8. deer trail duck farms

    ADVICE/HELP - 9wk old Blue Runner duckling having seizures.

    my opinion very likely chance it just has neurological issues. if it only happens rarely or not a lot i think it still live a happy life. if it becomes more frequent... well that's if it is truly neurological. some smart folks will chime in I'm sure.
  9. deer trail duck farms

    duck food

    my feed mill carries prince foods so i buy it like that. i prefer all flock because i have turkeys and chickens and ducks. just go in ask if they can mix an equivalent ive never been to a feed mill that will not help you with a plan.
  10. deer trail duck farms

    Ducks not laying

    Maybe allow the drake to stay in with the hens. maybe there bonded.
  11. deer trail duck farms

    Ducks not laying

    they are getting plenty of sunlight right? no shortage of food. no kids chasing them around? stress is huge. its even possible the drake is mating to much stressing them out
  12. deer trail duck farms

    Help me guess

    id say rouen mom.... to hard to judge for dad
  13. deer trail duck farms

    What are they?!

    id definitely say you got duped. id say its def a mix if i had to guess a mix between welsch and Appleyard. but it could be a lot of things
  14. deer trail duck farms

    duck food

    go to a local feed mill. they will have much higher quality feed. at a much more reasonable rate
  15. deer trail duck farms

    Sawdust as bedding?

    for young ducklings i think personally fine wood shavings work the best. can go a couple days without changing and if its outside can stir it up and extend the life some. and doesn't break the bank
  16. deer trail duck farms

    I only have one duckling what should I do!?

    i apologize if you took what i said to heart against you. i in no means was saying you meant to or your neglectful. we all have our opinions on things. stuff like this happens and its tough. i personally would rather seperate my males. for a few weeks so ducks can live with ducks its...
  17. deer trail duck farms

    I only have one duckling what should I do!?

    i agree as why i said supervised visits. but imo keeping a duck by itself is neglectful. just my opinion maybe rehoming is the best bet..
  18. deer trail duck farms

    Did I layer my duck run ok?

    i personally would avoid using hay or straw.. when it gets wet it gets slimy.... not bad for the ducks. not so great for us to walk on and or pick up when cleaning. what you have otherwise will last a long time! i mean eventually the poop will catch up depending how many ducks you got.
  19. deer trail duck farms

    broody call duck info please

    sorry to hear that and your loss!
  20. deer trail duck farms

    Duckling identification

    the bottom pic makes me think there welsh
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