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  1. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Likely the same population! In some parts of the oceans, cetacean distribution can shift a lot over time as these populations follow the best food sources. For example, Southern California use to have a local population of pilot whales, but they disappeared after a strong El Niño and market...
  2. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! I need it today. Planted the potatoes, tomatoes, onions, leeks, and celery yesterday. I'm a bit behind, but it's just that kind of year. Peppers will go in today :)
  3. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Yes!!!! There were tuna-eating killer whales off New England back in the day, but they haven't been seen much over the last few decades. Super cool! Source: Northern Naturalist (Emma Luck)
  4. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Thanks! Offshoreorca has a bit of a better ring to it 😝 and is a handle that I had across several platforms before starting with the pilots
  5. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Decision-making, synchrony, and leadership in pilot whales! Here are two parts of it that have already been published.
  6. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL. That's scary! HGE is no fun, but at least you have a diagnosis. I am always worried about blue-green algae poisoning this time of year, so I am grateful for you that it wasn't that! Hope Piper gets better quickly! It's a more cloudy day here. I'm...
  7. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee! Another warm and sunny day here. Yesterday it got to 27C (81F), which is fairly warm for this time of year. I'm in the middle of hand-stripping Salt (who is not so little anymore). Buoy is next on the agenda. Just in time for the good weather!
  8. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Another nice day here and things are finally drying out. My dahlias suffered a bit from the wet and cold weather - definitely more losses than normal, but it was a year in which I couldn't baby them along. Good for sorting out which will thrive in...
  9. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! It's a beautiful sunny morning again here. I am gearing up to do some planting!
  10. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! I also had a bad bought of insomnia last night... not very pleasant, but happens from time to time for me when I have too much on my mind. There are still good physicians out there! I have a wonderful one, but I think they are perhaps a bit easier...
  11. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Beautiful sunny morning here after a very rainy day yesterday. I think there's more dark clouds on the way though! I'm slowly slipping back into a normal routine and thankful to be back in the yard once again!
  12. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good afternoon Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. I'm finally back from two weeks in Hawaii (and then a quick trip within the province). Did not have time for much other thank teaching, but I think I need a rest now 😝 Here are some photos of the cetaceans I saw there - including a first for me...
  13. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. Another beautiful morning here and a busy day ahead.
  14. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee. Last night we went down to Kona to watch the reef mantas - there’s a hotel there that has a few spotlights in the water and the rays have been going there for 60 years.
  15. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee! I write this morning from Hawaii - helping teach some field courses here and finishing up writing my thesis.
  16. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee - it is dearly needed today. We had Mother’s Day dinner last night and my sister is back from South Africa to pick up her pup (which we kept here while she was away on her honeymoon - her husband is from South Africa so they went back there for a...
  17. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Sorry to hear about the pain... It's going to hit 76 degrees here (over 24 Celsius), entering our first warmer period of the year. Summer has apparently arrived. Here's some ranunculus I picked for the house - they are too far open to sell, so we...
  18. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Scary to read about all the weather brewing (especially in places where it wasn't common in the past).
  19. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL! Ah, the beach is a good place to be!
  20. Offshoreorca

    BYC Café

    Hi Cafe! Another busy week in the books - I was at a few meetings and then had semester grading deadlines. Was on the ferry to Vancouver Island this past Wednesday and stumbled upon a family of killer whales I know while we were navigating a pass!
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