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  1. Cinnaminute

    Chicken finds it annoying when i try to pick her up!!

    I spent time handling my chickens from day 1. As they've grown up, not all of them want to be handled anymore. I have a few that seem to adore me, gather around me, and perch on me. Those are usually very willing to let me pick them up. I taught them to "step up" by bumping my hand against the...
  2. Cinnaminute

    Looking for liver-friendly diet for my hen

    @Barnette @LaFleche She's been doing great so far! I had given her dandelion tea for a few days to try to help her release excess fluids. That didn't seem to do much, maybe I started it too late. So on July 18th I drained her a second time and so far, so good. She has not filled up again yet...
  3. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    Forgot to update! I ended up attempting a drain again the night of July 18th since she just started showing signs of losing her appetite during the day and overall seemed miserable. I think she was too far along for the tea to be of any help. Anyway, draining worked first try and I left the...
  4. Cinnaminute


    Just wanted to say hi to all my fellow Georgians! A bit overdue, honestly. I'm in Augusta/Hephzibah and have had chickens since I got my first 6 from TSC in June 2022. My others all came from Barnhart's Feed & Seed. I currently have 19 chickens of various breeds. I'm hoping to try my hand at...
  5. Cinnaminute

    Speckled Sussex Roo & Hen pair needs home, 1yo, Augusta GA area

    Rehoming two Speckled Sussex chickens age 1yr 2mo, a rooster named Truffles & a hen named Hazel. Truffles was supposed to be a pullet and I already own another rooster. I had to split my flock to accommodate both boys, but each having only 9 hens isn't enough. I'm choosing to rehome the SS...
  6. Cinnaminute

    Aggressive Flock

    I'm not much of an expert, but that doesn't sound like enough space. I keep a mere 20 chickens (full grown) in a run that's 200sqft. My coops are too small, though, so I try not to confine them in there longer than needed (just dark hours). I still end up with some fights and had a girl feather...
  7. Cinnaminute

    Eyes closed, lethargic, tail down, falling asleep standing? Crop empty, just dewormed. Need advice please!

    @HannahCarter Aw, your poor hen. I hope she will get better soon! As for the fishmox, this is the place I bought it from: I got the Aqua Mox at the time, but Fish...
  8. Cinnaminute

    Looking for liver-friendly diet for my hen

    Thank you both for your responses! For now I'm giving her some dandelion tea and will be giving her some milk thistle capsules. Hopefully those will be enough to give her some support. I came across something about L-tryptophan being helpful but I don't know much so I'm going to nose around...
  9. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    So I messed up a bit yesterday. I was very tired and stressed. My needles are 1" long 18 gauge. Because I'm scared of stabbing something important, I wrap the needles lower portion with tape to shorten the needle. I learned to do this because the first time I drained her, I was slow poking her...
  10. Cinnaminute

    Looking for liver-friendly diet for my hen

    Hi, I have a hen with recurring ascites. Her thread with more info: I'm looking for info on a liver-friendly diet for her. I do have milk thistle that I'll begin giving...
  11. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    Update: Cleo has filled up again the past week. I check her every day and for the past month she's been very very slowly gaining weight. However, the past week her weight increased more rapidly and the past few days she's begun to pant heavily. It never felt like she was too swollen, but this...
  12. Cinnaminute

    Comment by 'Cinnaminute' in article 'Caring for Chickens in Summer: Tips for a Happy and Healthy Flock'

    So glad you found her in time and she's doing better! I don't know about others' chickens, but mine love free-ranging so much that they don't always go to the run even though it's cooler in there. I have to make sure there are a few extra water locations in the yard because they don't always...
  13. Cinnaminute

    Comment by 'Cinnaminute' in article 'Caring for Chickens in Summer: Tips for a Happy and Healthy Flock'

    Great article! Here in Georgia, we have many humid days but thankfully have some non-humid ones mixed in. On the non-humid days, I make sure the entirety of the run is covered, only leaving the front un-tarped. Then I hang up a hose with a nozzle on mist. Many of the chickens will stand under...
  14. Cinnaminute

    Pick a ducky egg Hatch a Long

    Awww, no eeny. Can I take morty please?
  15. Cinnaminute

    Pick a ducky egg Hatch a Long

    I'd like to pick eeny ❤️
  16. Cinnaminute

    Comment by 'Cinnaminute' in article '11 Accidental Ways To Die (For Your Chickens)'

    Wonderful article. I know some aren't home as often as I am, but I periodically go out many times a day to do a head count. Even the ones in the run, I head count. One time a hen was wedged between the coop and the fence. There was no way she could've gotten back there unless she fell from the...
  17. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    I figured it'd be good to keep this updated, just in case someone happens upon this post one day. So next day (Saturday) after draining, she was lethargic. I probably only got about 1/4 to 1/3 of the fluid out last time. Sunday, 48 hours after the first draining, I decided to drain her again...
  18. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    Update: Tuesday and Wednesday she was seemingly doing a bit better. Less panting, more interest in food (only when heavily watered down) and some interest in treats. However, yesterday and today she is worse again. Lethargic, dehydrated, barely eating (mostly dirt and some bugs I guess). She is...
  19. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    Sorry for a second post, I just wanted to share some videos of her behavior. She had a pretty good afternoon. Was more active and responsive. Drinking plenty and eating a little. Very interested in foraging and took a dust bath. There were a some times she didn't mouth breathe, but most of the...
  20. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    I edited my original post a bit. I was mistaken, thought she didn't lay the past few days but she did. I also forgot to mention she acts like she's hot when she's panting like this. In 80 degrees (which is definitely hot) everyone is fine. But she starts to hold her wings from her body and...
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