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  • Users: awagnon
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  1. awagnon

    question about Acidified Copper Sulfate administration

    I have a 3 yo hen who is lethargic. She stands in one place or lays down in one place. Yesterday her crop was extremely large and firm. I found her still on the roost after her flockmates came out this morning. Her crop was a little smaller, but still more full than it should have been. I...
  2. awagnon

    Was this from worming?

    One of my Red Sex link hens has suddenly begun acting off. She was off to herself just standing around, tail down and slightly puffed up. She is 2 years old. Comb color normal, poo is pretty watery though. She did eat her normal amount today, as her crop is full this evening. She was running...
  3. awagnon

    Miconazole dosing question

    I need to treat a couple of my hens for Vent Gleet. I read a protocol here for treatment to follow. I have mixed up some egg (a guarantee they will eat this stuff as of course it's the picky ones who have it), calcium tabs (these girls are just now coming back online & laying thin shelled eggs...
  4. awagnon

    New additions!

    My sweet new girls! 5 days old today. 2 Buff Orpies, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 2 Speckled Sussex.
  5. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    I have a hen who has been acting 'off' the last couple of days. She hasn't laid in a bout 3 days, where as before she was an every day layer. She did take a couple of days off during mid winter, but I can usually count on her to give me an egg every day. She has been acting a bit slow for...
  6. awagnon

    Impacted Crop Treatment

    Hi everyone, I just found this YouTube video that shows a Vet Tech treating a hen for impacted crop. I hope it's OK to link it here in case others may need this information and can't afford or don't have access to a vet that treats chickens.
  7. awagnon

    New Chick Conundrum

    I am planning on adding 6 chicks to my flock this year. Buff Orpingtons, SLW, and Speckeled Sussex. My issue is that the stores are getting these breeds in at different times. Has anyone had experience on obtaining chicks in staggered time frames. Looks like I may need to wait a couple weeks...
  8. awagnon

    Need some experienced Wyandotte owner's feedback (Texas Heat)

    Looking to add some chicks to the flock again this year. I am interested in the silver laced wyandotte breed. One article I read says they are good with heat a cold but another one says because of their dense feathering, they have a lot of trouble in hot weather. I am in Texas and we get some...
  9. awagnon

    Wyandottes and Texas heat

    I am considering adding 2 Wyandottes to my mixed flock. One article I read says they are both cold and heat hardy, but the other says they can have trouble in the heat. (What bird doesn't, usually) lol Is anyone here in Texas (north central area) keeping this breed and what are their experiences...
  10. awagnon

    Bumblefoot update and question

    I have been treating my hen Bossy for Bumblefoot in the center of her foot pad for about 2 weeks. Soaked foot a few times, but scab was so small I couldn't even see margins to pull it off with. I have been thoroughly cleaning and applying antiseptic, Neosporin w/o pain relief, and PRID then...
  11. awagnon

    Sapphire Gem question

    For those of you who have raised Sapphire Gems for a while. Do they go broody at all? I have two that were hatched in March, so they are still young. They are not showing signs of broodiness, but I was wondering if they did and made good mothers. The other breeds in my flock are not known to be...
  12. awagnon

    Bumblefoot question

    In treating Bumblefoot I have a question. Is soaking the foot completely necessary or does it just help the condition resolve earlier? I am treating one of my girls with this for a little over a week now. I soaked her the first couple of days, but it turned cold here and I was worried brining...
  13. awagnon

    Equimax 1.87% paste question

    I am needing to treat my girls for mites/lice/worms and saw a video that a guy used the Equimax 1.87% paste diluted in water and applied 1 cc to each of the chickens necks/backs. He wouldn't give the amount of paste/water ratio and I can't find any info on this anywhere. Has anyone here done...
  14. awagnon

    bumblefoot question

    Looks like one of my girls has the beginnings of bumblefoot. I will be soaking her foot and treating with Neosporin. My question is if I wrap her foot with gauze and some of the self sticking sports wrap will it stay on if I return her to the flock afterwards or will she or the other girls try...
  15. awagnon

    Ugh first the heat and now Fowl Pox

    Does anyone know of anything I can put on my hen's comb and wattles to relieve itching from Fowl Pox? She's constantly scratching and shaking her head like she's itching badly. She's got the classic pustules and then black turning bumps on her comb and wattles that look exactly like Fowl Pox. I...
  16. awagnon

    Crushed Granite for run and coop flooring?

    Been looking for an answer through the threads, but haven't found one. I see a lot of people using or wanting to use sand. I was curious if anyone has used crushed granite in their runs and on their coop floors? I see there are concerns on type of sand due to silica in it, but does crushed...
  17. awagnon

    Hens and heat issues

    Hi all, I have a Red Sex-link hen who has not been herself the last two mornings. She has laid every day except one since she got to the POL age. She hasn't laid one the past two days. She's a little over a year old. No apparent illness or injuries showing. I didn't notice any mites or lice...
  18. awagnon

    Integration FAIL. Arrrggghhhh

    Well after about a month of look don't touch, we attempted integrating our 3 15 wk olds with our 1 year old hens. Did NOT go well. As long as I am sitting out there, the big girls are on their best behavior, little squabbles like charging but no pecking occurring. Once the youngsters turn away...
  19. awagnon

    Oldish comb injury

    I have a hen I just noticed has an injury at the back of her comb where it meets her head. I picked her up and examined it and it is scabbed over, but has a 'nodule' inside and it is very warm to the touch. Comb does not look especially swollen at the moment. It was clearly painful to touch as...
  20. awagnon

    Just wondering...

    So I have 3 1yr old hens and got 3 more chicks this Spring. I Speckled Sussex and 2 Sapphire Gems. The chicks are 10 weeks old today. They have been in a look don't touch side by side situation for about 3 weeks now. Only one of my original hens seems to continue to make pecking motions toward...
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