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  1. awagnon

    question about Acidified Copper Sulfate administration

    I have a 3 yo hen who is lethargic. She stands in one place or lays down in one place. Yesterday her crop was extremely large and firm. I found her still on the roost after her flockmates came out this morning. Her crop was a little smaller, but still more full than it should have been. I...
  2. awagnon

    Crop issue?

    Ok thanks! I wish Amazon had it. I need to get it pretty quickly.
  3. awagnon

    Crop issue?

    @dobbieLover, where would one get the acidified copper sulfate? I have a 3 yo hen going through the same thing. She went into molt right after winter, hasn't laid for almost 9 months. Crop is full but less than last night. Doing the miconazole at the moment and sequestered in a crate inside.
  4. awagnon

    Was this from worming?

    Ok, that's good to know since I have a large bag, probably a lifetime supply. lol She's actually back to acting like her normal self, staying with her sisters, active, tail up, alert, scratching, dust bathing, bossing the others around, and eating and drinking normally this morning. I haven't...
  5. awagnon

    Was this from worming?

    ok. I already popped one in her mouth last night, will give her another today. She's eating the oyster shell. Does that stuff lose potency if it's been set out a while?
  6. awagnon

    Was this from worming?

    One of my Red Sex link hens has suddenly begun acting off. She was off to herself just standing around, tail down and slightly puffed up. She is 2 years old. Comb color normal, poo is pretty watery though. She did eat her normal amount today, as her crop is full this evening. She was running...
  7. awagnon

    Miconazole dosing question

    is there any after affects I should be aware of after giving this to her?
  8. awagnon

    Miconazole dosing question

    Ugh. Not good news to hear, but thanks for the response. Not sure I am up to the tubing, but may have to if it comes to that. She's not hard to handle, but not my most cooperative girl, of course. I may just recrate her and offer this ES water ONLY to see if she will drink it on her own. I...
  9. awagnon

    2 hens-laying same time, same nest box

    Last week I found out how many LARGE sized hens can fit in a 5 gallon bucket (I use orange home depot buckets on their sides with the bottom cut out for my nest 'boxes' with artificial grass pads in the bottom.) THREE the answer is THREE. If another girl had tried to get in there, I'd probably...
  10. awagnon

    Miconazole dosing question

    I need to treat a couple of my hens for Vent Gleet. I read a protocol here for treatment to follow. I have mixed up some egg (a guarantee they will eat this stuff as of course it's the picky ones who have it), calcium tabs (these girls are just now coming back online & laying thin shelled eggs...
  11. awagnon

    New additions!

    My sweet new girls! 5 days old today. 2 Buff Orpies, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 2 Speckled Sussex.
  12. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    Update on my girl. She's 100% back to normal and laying again. I am so glad she liked the coconut oil so well she just gobbled it down so I didn't have to 'force the issue' so to speak. lol
  13. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    No worries. Their layer feed (18% protein) is pellets and they do have grit and oyster shell available at all times. Haven't been watching who has or has not been eating it tho. Thanks for the responses!
  14. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    Thanks, that's my plan on the calcium even tho the feed is supposed to be for layers, maybe she's not getting enough. She's NOT displaying any nesting behavior right now, but did lay an egg about 3 days ago, that is why I first suspected a beginning molt. Yeah, when I researched her 'breed' I...
  15. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    When I checked her for lice/mites yesterday, I did inspect her neck along with under wings, rear end, tummy, and back. I didn't see ANY evidence of either so I really don't think it's parasites. I also didn't see any pin feathers or emerging new feathers around her neck. I also checked the coop...
  16. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    Oh, I see. My oldest girls are a little over 2 and have never lost any neck feathers since they were fully feathered as chicks. I have seen some body feathers and wing/tail feathers shed here and there around the time they should have had their first molt, but NO missing neck feathers on any of...
  17. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    No she's not going to the next boxes. She did lay an egg 3 days ago. Not sure why you are asking about pin feathers on her neck. The feathers I see shedding are on her chest a little below her crop area and some fluffy feathers on her tummy and rear end. This isn't A LOT of feathers, just see...
  18. awagnon

    Could this just be Molting behavior??

    I have a hen who has been acting 'off' the last couple of days. She hasn't laid in a bout 3 days, where as before she was an every day layer. She did take a couple of days off during mid winter, but I can usually count on her to give me an egg every day. She has been acting a bit slow for...
  19. awagnon

    Impacted Crop Treatment

    Hi everyone, I just found this YouTube video that shows a Vet Tech treating a hen for impacted crop. I hope it's OK to link it here in case others may need this information and can't afford or don't have access to a vet that treats chickens.
  20. awagnon

    Advice on Hatcher for mixed breeds

    All our local farm stores use Ideal. I have purchased chicks from one or the other several times and except for TSC getting the breed/sex wrong of the chicks I picked up, they have all been VERY healthy. Waiting on my next 6 as I type this. :)
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