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  1. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Quick! - Somebody rescue that poor frog before it get bee-napped! 😏
  2. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Almost! - The ban on families of the ribes plant-family was introduced to protect the timber industry, because these plants may spread pine rust spores. The US government fought an outright war against currants and gooseberries in the early 1900's, including the native species:
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    You grow gooseberries? - Have they become legal in your county and/or state? I have two small bushes here and my county is the only one that allows members of the ribes family to be cultivated. With the exception of the black-currant.
  4. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    What about other members of the squash plant family, like cucumbers, zucchini, acorn-, butternut-, buttercup-, ..., squash?
  5. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    That's why i always keep a fully stocked hive with a single brood box out there. - So far no luck though.
  6. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Two years ago i lost a weaker hive to an ant attack. We have some vicious small ants here, called »carpenter ants«. in 2022 i had my hives on pallets on top of cinder blocks and the ants were actually nesting in the pallet's wood, raiding the bee hives during the night. Since that experience i...
  7. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Wow! - Give it another week and i can eat the first Gooseberries.
  8. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    First round of autumn-olives is through here and the dux ware waiting for the berries. Next are the Tulip trees.
  9. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    OMG! So that's the reason why all fish have vanished from my pond! I was suspecting the dux…
  10. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Does a queen not need any assistance bees? When i receive packaged bees, the queen is locked away in the queen-cage, together with a couple of bees from (i assume) her original hive to care for her.
  11. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Picture? :pop First time i hear of this plant! - Sounds very interesting. By tomorrow evening i shall receive my Haskap shrub, it promises lots of flowers (in a couple of years) and plenty of yummy blue berries (in a couple of years).
  12. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Very interesting! - I didn't knew that something like this even exists. Thank you very much for the info!
  13. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    It is definitely warmer here! - I have planted some of them into a container for my patio and they are already tall: And i have finally decided where in the "wild" to plant the remaining tubers.
  14. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Rinse, then polish with shower-cloth, 30 seconds. Also distracts birds of prey by reflecting the sun's light… 😉
  15. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    The issue with that armor is, that it will make a »ping« sound for every attempted sting… 🤣
  16. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Hair needs maintenance = time-waster. :lau Or another saying: When wisdom grows, hair needs to go, there's not enough room for both. 😜
  17. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    I change the syrup-glasses without wearing an gear, lifting up the cover, take the empty feeder out, putting the full feeder in, close the top. But for everything else i put on my sting-proof suit: Rubber-Boots, Blue Jeans, Hoodie, Hat with veil and welding-gloves.
  18. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    What hair? :lau
  19. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    I received my first bee sting! - I did nothing wrong, was working in front of the garage, cutting plywood for my compost-sieve when a bee just landed on my head and immediately stung me. Must have been a suicidal bee from my crazy neigbor…
  20. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Honey Factory

    Finally an update on the hive with the packaged bees: The queen is fully functioning: Exactly two weeks after installing the bees i found capped and open brood as well as cells with eggs. As recommended i pulled the frames starting from the outside in and on both sides the third frame had brood...
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