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  1. ChikinInThePines

    Chicken ate Chicken Twine....

    Hey everyone! One of our smaller, adorable, "bottom of the totem pole" chickens just ate about 5 to 6 inches of chicken twining at once. My wife and I had leftover rotisserie chicken that we just threw out and did not realize there was twining still on it... We chased her (Sophie) around as she...
  2. ChikinInThePines

    Cracked corn feed

    We give our chickens "Nutrena NatureWise 'All Flock'" feed - its a purple colored bag. We have turkeys with our chickens, as well as a rooster, so you cannot feed them "Layer" feed. We did recently buy some "Producer's Pride (Tractor Supply Brand) Scratch Grains" to throw out in the yard for...
  3. ChikinInThePines

    Hawk Attack

    Hey BYC! Today I turned 29 years old...and just had my tonsils ripped out this morning in surgery due to recurring strep throat. 10/10 I would not recommend.... Back to chickens... Yesterday, our white Americana/Brahma mix (1 only) chicken was attacked by a hawk as we were sitting inside with...
  4. ChikinInThePines

    Strep A? (Strep Throat)

    Hey Everyone! I have been fighting strep throat since Christmas Eve. I took one round of antibiotics for 10 days, and 2 weeks later it came back. I just finished my second round of a different antibiotic....I wanted to ask if it's possible to contract Strep A or B from chickens? From tracking in...
  5. ChikinInThePines

    To Heat or Not to Heat?

    Hey everyone! I live in South Carolina and the temperatures have been dropping into the upper 'teens (F). I was curious if it would be worth adding some supplemental heat inside my coop? I have read where people will put just a normal lightbulb, all the way to fancy split systems on their...
  6. ChikinInThePines

    Yellow Diarrhea

    I just wanted to update here. The droppings of all our turkeys have gone back to normal. Some are a little "brownish/green" colored, but mostly normal.
  7. ChikinInThePines

    Yellow Diarrhea

    Hey Everyone! My wife and I acquired 6 heritage turkeys a couple of months ago (Narragansett). These are more of "pets" than anything. Today, I realized that one of the gobblers near me poo'd a yellowish/mustard color which was a little more watery than usual. I walked over to it and noticed a...
  8. ChikinInThePines

    Dusty Run

    That is a beautiful run!! We may end up covering ours as well like that. We live in South Carolina and when it gets dry it gets DUSTY. The only thing I can really think of is to put down a good layer of straw? This will at least prevent some of the dust from getting kicked up?
  9. ChikinInThePines

    Can you eat roosters?

    Roosters contain higher levels of naturally occurring arsenic, clostridium botulinum and...Im joking. YES, roosters can be eaten! We had to shrink our flock a little bit by culling 4 roosters and they are just as good as store bought chicken. Maybe A LITTLE more tough, but it does depend on how...
  10. ChikinInThePines

    Lime Time?

    Hey Everyone! I wanted to ask if anyone uses Lime in their chicken runs/coops? We recently obtained 6 turkeys (I know you aren't supposed to house them together, but these are babies still and our temperatures dropped!), and I wanted to make sure the run is kept as clean as possible. We bought a...
  11. ChikinInThePines

    Cold Weather and Turkeys

    Update: the turkeys have been moved to the chicken coop and are roosting well! The chickens went in for the night a little suspicious but no fighting whatsoever. I went out to check on them. The turkeys seem to be shivering a little bit...our temperature here is expected to drop to 24 degrees F...
  12. ChikinInThePines

    Is it time to remove rooster?

    ...wife and I started with 5 roosters and 16 hens. The 5 roosters were WAY too many to deal with and we ended up with serious injuries on our hens. We *cough* took away *cough* the roosters we did not want, and kept one sweet boy. He is gentle with the girls, and loves us too. I would recommend...
  13. ChikinInThePines

    *GRAPHIC* Any idea what could have done this to one of my hens?

    I am so sorry for your loss!!! This looks like a Raccoon or Possum attack. They will typically start with the head and work downward not messing with the outside of the bird. My guess would be one of those two - raccoons will reach through chicken wire to grab. My experience with cats is that...
  14. ChikinInThePines

    Cold Weather and Turkeys

    I kind of thought that. It's one thing to be in the 50's during the day, but we are dropping down tonight into the mid to upper 20's. I am thinking about covering the little run with more tarp - I also have a brooder/heat lamp I can probably set at the top of the cage facing down onto one of the...
  15. ChikinInThePines

    Cold Weather and Turkeys

    I agree I think I'm going to cover them up just a little more! We don't have weasels around here. Unfortunately our biggest culprits will probably be owls and coyotes (ocassional fox) be honest I have been very concerned about Histomoniasis/Blackhead disease. We have 13 chickens which we...
  16. ChikinInThePines

    Cold Weather and Turkeys

    Hey everyone! My wife and I acquired 6 heritage turkeys (Narragansett) from a friend, and had to build a quick run/coop for them. Here is what we have.... I know the door is a little fancy, but it is was the cheapest available! We are planning to free range these gobblers once they attribute...
  17. ChikinInThePines

    Howdy from Georgia!

    Welcome Scoops! I am just north of you in Abbeville, SC. BYC is an amazing tool for any questions you have! :)
  18. ChikinInThePines

    Narragansett Turkeys

    Thank you R2elk! I have come up with some great ideas. I wanted to ask if you have run into any complications with keeping both Turkeys and Chickens? We are not keeping them "together", but they will be a few hundred feet apart from each other. I have read about "Blackhead" disease among others...
  19. ChikinInThePines

    Narragansett Turkeys

    Thank you for the quick reply!! We are acquiring 6 of them. 5 females and 1 male (could be 2 males and 4 females). My goal this weekend will be to build a "Pen" area using T-Posts and fencing roughly 5 feet high. Do you guys have any QUICK build ideas for a turkey roost?
  20. ChikinInThePines

    Narragansett Turkeys

    Hey Everyone! My wife and I have established a perfect little flock of 13 chickens. We originally had 21, then lost one..gave away some...gave 2 roosters away. Pure chicken math. But now, we have 13 altogether. Something that we have been realllllyyy interested in is keeping heritage turkeys...
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