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  1. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    I would add two supers now. Three supers will usually get me through a season. I add all 3 as soon as it is warm and there are lots of blooms. I remove them all and do the processing in the fall.
  2. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Under similar conditions, I do not feed when blooms are available.
  3. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Been there, done that. Fortunately the USPS in Texas forced me to find a different supplier after they held the package bees until they were dead before shipping them on.
  4. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    On my gentle hives, I do not smoke at all.
  5. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    I grew up back east and am quite familiar with a myriad of tree frogs. Google says that the Boreal Chorus frog is the only tree frog in Wyoming.
  6. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Link doesn't work for me. "400. That’s an error. Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know."
  7. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    The bees were not stuck. I have no idea how a tree frog got here. I found it in the grass as I was mowing. I have never seen a tree frog in Wyoming before and I have been in Wyoming since 1970. Prior to my purchasing this property, it was nothing but a sagebrush and prickly pear covered sand...
  8. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

  9. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    I find Captivator and Invicta to be excellent choices.
  10. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    There are no such restrictions here. Usually such restrictions are caused by commercial growers trying to protect their crops. My guess is that they suspect them of carrying diseases that may harm their currant crops. Gooseberries grow wild here and have always been legal here.
  11. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Squash maybe but cucumbers, watermelons and cantaloupe all have small blossoms with nowhere near the size or quantity of pollen on pumpkin blossoms.
  12. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Bumblebees, yes, but I rarely see honeybees on the lilacs.
  13. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    I agree. I have never seen the bumblebees or honeybees interfere with each other. They were both in abundance on my gooseberries.
  14. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    My pumpkins produce a lot of gigantic pollen that bees love.
  15. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Yes they are. They make super gentle hives that are very productive.
  16. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Olivarez OHB Italian queen
  17. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    Gooseberry blossoms
  18. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    For the most part the advertisers are full of it when it comes to their "deer resistant" claims.
  19. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

  20. R2elk

    The Honey Factory

    The big kitties were reported in PA a long time ago. Not that far to NJ. I have seen the big kitty tracks in the two track in the right of way beside my house.
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