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  • Users: roxanne
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  1. roxanne

    Rooster shooting blanks

    My year old rooster is not doing his job. None of my eggs are fertilized. It’s been this way for 6 months. I got a new rooster and he hasn’t been any more effective 🙄. What am I doing wrong?
  2. roxanne

    Eggs left out in the open

    Anyone have explaination for why my leghorn hen is laying her eggs out in the open. She laid one right in front of the water dispenser the other day and today she laid one on top of large bolder in the run 🤷🏼
  3. roxanne

    Worries about favorite hen

    This is what is coming out of my favorite hen today😲. I guess I need some help. She never just lets me pick her up, but today was completely different. I have Corid in my first aid kit for the chickens, but is that what I should use? I don’t have anything else 😕. Should I use a dewormer? What...
  4. roxanne

    Someone please explain this hen behavior 🤔

    check this out ladies! I have two crowing hens 😳
  5. roxanne

    Serama couple - when can I expect eggs?

    I acquired a Serama couple about two weeks ago. I gather that the relocation could cause some stress and hinder the hen from laying … what is ab average timeframe for her to start back up? How do I know if she is broody or not?
  6. roxanne

    Old Hen

    Good morning ladies, I have an old lady hen that should be close to 6 years old now (one of the last of my pandemic chickens) that is really not doing well. It breaks my heart to see her like this, all balled up with her eyes closed, distanced from the rest of the flock. Just wanted to know how...
  7. roxanne

    Backside blues 😜

    Good morning! I have a flock of 13 and within the past week, four of my ladies backsides look like they are plugged up with poop. From a birds-eye view, it doesn’t look like “gleek” the clog is not white or green in color, it’s dark. I am going to get my oldest son to help me catch them this...
  8. roxanne

    Raspy sounding hen

    Hi everyone! I have a chicken (she is at least 3) who sounds like she has a chest cold. Any suggestions on what I can do? We don’t have any vets around here that see poultry. I would like to get her well, but don’t know what to dget.
  9. roxanne

    Hey! What happened to the eggs?

    We have had chickens off and in for years while we raised our kids. It’s just my hubby and I now and we decided to rebuild our flock in 2019, and over time five (5) out of the 11 of the flock have passed, so I have added 7 new pullets to the flock. We transitioned the pullets in with the flock...
  10. roxanne

    First time ever attack by a chicken hawk - INJURY

    One of my hens escaped certain doom this morning, but thanks to our fearless rooster and a husband who heard the commotion, the chicken hawk did not win. However, my hen has a wound on her leg where the hawk tried to grab her. Can I use Vetericyn on the would? What else would you all recommend...
  11. roxanne

    Obviously Sick Barred Rock

    1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Barred Rock. Hatched in early 2019 No, she is no lighter, in fact, she seems heavier 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She is very slow (easy to catch), her abdomen seems very bloated and it...
  12. roxanne

    Water glassing question

    Hello everyone! I have been putting up (water glassing) eggs for several weeks now. I had a 5 gallon plastic industrial kitchen container full of eggs that we discovered had cracked and all the water had leaked out. The container has now been sitting without water for over a week. Does anyone...
  13. roxanne

    water glassing question

    Hello everyone! I have been putting up (water glassing) eggs for several weeks now. I had a 5 gallon plastic industrial kitchen container full of eggs that we discovered had cracked and all the water had leaked out. The container has now been sitting without water for over a week. Does anyone...
  14. roxanne


    Hello Everyone, Could someone please tell me what and why my Aracana hens are laying "teeny tiny" eggs. I can not find anything to explain in. The chickens are two years old this March.
  15. roxanne

    Blood coming from hind end of Arucana

    In two short days, our Snow White arucana went from the crazy, energetic chicken to an obviously ill chicken. She isn’t eating much and is staying distant from the flock. I am worried about her. She is one of 2 arucana and neither one of them has been laying on a regular basis all year. They...
  16. roxanne

    Hen pooping thick cloudy liquid

    I have a two year old barred rock hen that has not been acting normal for a week. Today I fed the flock some scratch at 7pm and she didn’t even move. I also noticed that she is pooping out a thick cloudy liquid. It does not look normal at all. Please help!!!
  17. roxanne

    Rooster really beating up my ladies

    Our rooster is MEAN! He is a barred rock and VERY BIG! All of my ladies have bare spots on their backs from where this brutal rooster is mounting them. I have not seen any blood, but the skin where the feathers have been worn off doesn’t look good either. I put aprons on my ladies during the...
  18. roxanne

    2 year old hen with pastey looking hind end

    Hello everyone. I have a barred rock hen whose hind end really is worrying me. I just noticed it yesterday. She is still eating well and drinking, but it just doesn’t look right. Any suggestions on what I should do? I feed my 7 member flock fermented feed, table scraps, and laying crumbles...
  19. roxanne

    Hen with pasty butt 🤷

    Hey guys! I have an Arucana with a butt that looks like pasty butt in a chick. Should I worry? Should I catch her and clean her up? I have never had this issue before with a mature chicken. Please help. Side note ... I have found several eggs over the past few weeks that were not done (no...
  20. roxanne

    Rooster really rough with the ladies

    My barred rock rooster had gotten so rough with my hens that the smaller ones have lost most of their feathers in the middle of their back. Does anyone have any suggestions to stop this rough mating behavior?
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