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  1. Forrest_Flock

    this one is for magicpigeon

    hi pidge sorry that I disappeared I have been busy I see you put me in your sig so I thought I may as well honor that with a post to you how have you been?
  2. Forrest_Flock

    woah guys

    LOL stan and robin live with me! we are all buddies, I let them post on here if they want it is not like they are doing it behind my back (well, perhaps stan did once, but I can see all posts they make) I leave my account logged in on my comp they are only curious about meeting you all, hey but...
  3. Forrest_Flock

    just a question

    once a hen has grown past the age for egg laying is it okay for one to cull this hen for food? I do not have the chickens yet but with this small property I do not suppose I would be able to keep hens and have no eggs coming out the yard would soon get veeeery crowded haha
  4. Forrest_Flock

    I'm back

    greetings denizens forrest hath returned I was not feeling well the past few days that has kept me from bothering to check into anything online things are settling down now I told stan and robin not to tell anyone my name... they did not, did they?
  5. Forrest_Flock

    Lol FORREST left his laptop on!!

    The old boy is sleeping on the couch tonight, it seems. LMAO. What's with the Forrest, man?! Where'd you pick that from?! Forrest Gump was a laaame-ish movie Forrest's real name isn't particularly exciting. Not like ROBIN!! Yours truly
  6. Forrest_Flock

    I cannot sleep, so I will ramble randomly

    random thoughts at three in the morning does anyone have family that they do not know? like you could pass them on the street and have no idea you were related? I have a cousin six years younger than me I have never seen her I think she lives overseas, I must ask some time
  7. Forrest_Flock

    Fortune Cookies

    what nice messages have yall got before in these things? I once cracked one open to find two little pieces of paper 1. A cheerful message or letter is on its way to you 2. Faith makes all things possible Another favorite of mine happens to be; A person is only as big as the things that make...
  8. Forrest_Flock

    Happy Forrest day, everyone ;)

    In half an hour it will be Forrest day. 29th July.
  9. Forrest_Flock

    Mutual Awkwardness at work

    anyone else experience this? someone who you feel awkward around they feel awkward around you (in a bad way, I mean) and you are forced onto the same shift and have to work together... I actually find it kind of funny I watch them twitching and grumbling under their breath it is not nice when...
  10. Forrest_Flock

    Do chickens ever lay two eggs per day?

    I have heard from a mate that it happens but I have a feeling he is exaggerating Does it happen?
  11. Forrest_Flock

    overrun with chickens!!

    my title changed did not even notice until now o.o I think I should think about heading to bed soon
  12. Forrest_Flock

    I was cajoled into watching Juno

    anyone seen this movie? bit of a chick flick, but Stan wanted to see it I dunno about any of you but if I gave my baby up for adoption I would like to leave things open, give it a chance to find its real parents when it was older... just sayin anyway, it was not as bad as I was expecting
  13. Forrest_Flock

    Does anyone else sleep in... blocks?

    I slept like a rock for the past four hours or so I usually wake up around now and have a bit of a stretch Then I sleep in till about noon and get ready for work and as some of you will know I stay up at ungodly hours of the night when any good little boy such as I should be sound asleep
  14. Forrest_Flock

    I am trying to learn German

    Old Mr. Forrest here is trying to learn some new tricks anyone here speak German? I do not, might I add, but I thought watching people speak the language might help
  15. Forrest_Flock

    Wondering about the pecking order

    I was just having a thought earlier what if the first-in-command in the flock died and no. 2 did not want to be at the top of the pecking order would they still have to move up into that position? kind of like promotion haha
  16. Forrest_Flock

    Oh dang, I have to wait till October!!

    I thought the chicks would be coming sooner but no, I am on hold till October right now I am thinking that would not be such a bad idea I am hearing many stories of chickens dying in the heat
  17. Forrest_Flock


    We are big junk food fans around here mostly pizza and KFC do chickens eat this sort of stuff? It would be nice if the KFC scraps had somewhere else to go, but I was worried it might be unhealthy to them or something
  18. Forrest_Flock


    Is there any place on here where mods can introduce themselves to newbies? no offence, but most forums have mods that love nothing more than to take advantage of their titles it would be nice if people like myself, the regular citizen, could have an easy way to find some common ground with Mods.
  19. Forrest_Flock

    Heat/Light for the chicks

    I heard chicks need extra heat while they are young so I got Robin to get me one of those clip-on work lamps from the hardware place today. The light is very bright white, I am just wondering how the chicks will be able to sleep?? It gives off very good heat though
  20. Forrest_Flock

    I saw this on the wall of a car park today

    Set the birds free, let them carve up the sky Those who keep their cages locked will never learn to fly had me thinking about battery hens. I think I might get Robin to buy free range more often (robin does the shopping around here)
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