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  1. BlazeJester

    Chicks on water oak leaves??

    I am raising 10 chicks for a friend. I started with 12. I have them on water oak leaves because that's what we have available for free. Bedding is changed at least twice weekly and food/water every day. They're in a plastic dog crate in a garage. I've lost 4 so far and have no idea what's going...
  2. BlazeJester

    McMurray freebie - splash Mediterranean/white layer breed??

    Of the two McMurray shipments I got this year, I identified one mystery immediately (silver spangled hamburg) and one I still can't figure out 2 months later. I'm almost certain it's male, and I'm positive it's splash. It came with 25 black Minorca pullets and has not outgrown them, so I assume...
  3. BlazeJester

    Foam 'bator running TOO DRY?

    Hi. This is my first try at incubating. I am using the renowned and beloved () LG 9200 still-air with an egg turner and using the dry incubation method. Here's the deal. The incubator is sitting on the top rack of a 2-shelf mesh shoe rack, about 12" above the surface of the dresser. Plenty of...
  4. BlazeJester

    Raccoon attack *yesterday* - eyes closed, wet breathing, no interest in food/water - no improvement

    I have a 3.5yr-old barred rock hen that was attacked by a raccoon yesterday morning. She is the friendliest chicken we've ever had and is the family pet, so simply putting her down is not an option - both my mother and brother are completely devastated, having lost 3 hens to predators prior to...
  5. BlazeJester

    RESPIRATORY DISEASE - rales, sneezing in all and egg production decline in laying pullets

    I'm looking for a diagnosis for what seems to be ailing my chickens - I would like to know bacterial vs viral before deciding to treat with antibiotics. I greatly prefer treating with natural remedies such as garlic or ACV in the water, electrolytes and feed supplements. I'm not above using...
  6. BlazeJester

    Barred rock pullets or BSL cockerels?

    I got 6 barred rocks from TSC knowing that my chances were pretty bad getting any pullets, but I did my best and I gave them the benefit of the doubt I wasn't getting absolutely screwed. They're now 6 weeks old and I have no idea. I know for CERTAIN that one is a BR cockerel. Based on the...
  7. BlazeJester

    Bantam Arauana cockerel - rumpless, no tufts - UPSTATE, SC

    Wanted: young ladies of mine own. Handsome, barely-legal 21wk old BBR x buff bantam araucana seeks petite ladies to woo with my bump in the trunk and lilting voice. Reign of my domain desired, as I am second best in my current kingdom and my kindnesses to my lady go unnoticed. I would make a...
  8. BlazeJester


    How do I delete this listing??? It won't let me open another but I can't cancel/close this... WHAAAA???
  9. BlazeJester

    This brown leghorn doesn't look very much like a brown leghorn

    Ok, so *she* looks a lot like the others when it comes to everything but her face. I can see how she got mixed up in the BL box. However, I'm not sure what she is. The hatchery supplying my TSC is Mt Healthy. I'm guessing gold laced wyandotte. Thoughts? Any ideas if a rogue chick in a sexed...
  10. BlazeJester

    Wrong breed in sexed pullets bin - is it likely to be a pullet?

    So I just picked up six brown leghorns from TSC and realized as I was putting them into the brooder that one is definitely not a leghorn - the face is much more speckled like a gold-laced wyandotte. The bin at TSC was labeled pullets... my question is, what are the chances this rogue GLW is a...
  11. BlazeJester

    Barred rock chicks - legs TURNED black but weren't as day-olds??

    Ok, this one has me stumped. I walked in this afternoon to feed & water, everyone is up and running around, and.... my 10-day old barred rock straight run chicks now have BLACK legs! We're talking Australorp-black legs. They are SUPER dark. The two slow-feathering ones still have light-colored...
  12. BlazeJester

    Barred rock chicks - legs TURNED black but weren't as day-olds??

    Ok, this one has me stumped. I walked in this afternoon to feed & water, everyone is up and running around, and.... my 10-day old barred rock straight run chicks now have BLACK legs! We're talking Australorp-black legs. They are SUPER dark. The two slow-feathering ones still have light-colored...
  13. BlazeJester

    Push-in nipple waterer - first attempt didn't work, now what??

    So I bought 5 push-in nipple waterers, drilled the holes in a juice bottle, and was on my merry way making a 2-nipple waterer for my chicks. One of the holes didn't bore as well and leaked from behind the plug. I cut open the bottle and took them out, but now I have the nipples stuck in the...
  14. BlazeJester

    TSC "red pullets" are not red... sex link males or buff orps?

    Does anyone recognize what these chicks might be? They were labeled as "red pullets" and as you can see they are not red. I've just about had it with TSC. My "straight run" of barred rocks is 7 roosters and I'm pretty sure the "red pullets" are also males - their legs are just as thick and...
  15. BlazeJester

    "What's wrong with my baby chick?" Symptoms and their association with nutritional deficiency

    Most baby chick issues are not your fault. Nutritional deficiencies in the breeding stock can cause all sorts of deformities in baby chicks. I just found this website and these deficiencies explain every chick problem I've ever had, which are mostly related to the B vitamins...
  16. BlazeJester

    Meatie virgin - Barred Rock roos for freezer?

    Hi folks, I got a straight run of barred rocks from TSC and am thinking about keeping the males to put in the freezer. I understand this takes around 6 months for dual-purpose breeds - what is the best way to get them up to weight more quickly? Should I keep them penned without the option to...
  17. BlazeJester

    Day old barred rocks from TSC straight run - how'd I do?

    I was having a bad day after losing two more chicks this weekend and caved to the TSC chick bins. I took my chances with the barred rock "straight run" bin... yikes. Fingers crossed. For reference, their chicks come from Mt. Healthy Hatchery. I have read on here today that: -males have...
  18. BlazeJester

    Chicks dying - necks wrenched back, legs out behind, sneezing - aspergillosis?

    I picked up some chicks last weekend from a breeder. About half hatched 2/2, the other half 2/9 so they are currently 2 and 1 week old, respectively. One of the older chicks died just hours after I got them home (a 2.5hr drive). It lost all muscle control, started having seizures, chirped VERY...
  19. BlazeJester

    "Split for X" - what does it mean? ARAUCANA question

    Ok, genetics folks - my genetics professor told me to drop the class and consider a change in profession, so I'm not even going to try to interpret what is meant by a "split" gene in chickens. Someone explain this to me (and other clueless non-geneticists) please? I have an Araucana cockerel...
  20. BlazeJester

    6mo wyandotte pullet will not eat, feathers ruffled, very little movement

    1) What type of bird , age and weight Columbian wyandotte, 6mo, normal weight 2) What is the behavior, exactly. lethargic; standing/lying around, not moving, feathers fluffed up as though cold; acts as though in discomfort when touched/held. one foot is warm to the touch and she shows...
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