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  1. happyhens120

    What turkey breeds do I have?

    Hi all! I've had chickens for awhile and have recently fallen in love with turkeys as well. I have two beautiful bronze hens that are super tame, and I had a Tom that I think ran off. I got some more recently and I'm not quite sure what they are. I'm pretty sure the white one is a Royal Palm...
  2. happyhens120

    Mystery Predator... Strange (and graphic)!

    Hi! I've got rather odd situation on my hands... one that I can't quite figure out. We've dealt with predators before... foxes, raccoons, hawks, etc. This is beyond my knowledge on predators and need some help. My hens get locked up every night, but I have two guineas that free range. They...
  3. happyhens120

    Mystery Chicken Deaths...

    It's been a rough winter in PA, but my birds (until yesterday) have done great in the snow and cold as they've always done. Yesterday I found two dead Leghorns - one outside in the run and the other in the coop. There were no signs of struggle, no blood, nothing, so I'm confident this is not a...
  4. happyhens120

    Mycoplasmosis Questions

    A few weeks ago I bought some chicks from a lady that I have dealt with in the past. Within a week one had died, and the others had swollen, weepy eyes but no other symptoms. I texted her and she said that I should try Tylan 50 for them and it helped. In a moment of shear stupidity, thinking...
  5. happyhens120

    A dead rooster & a dying hen... Please Help!!

    I came home about an hour ago, only to find my big, healthy, 1.5 year old Naked Neck rooster dead in his run, and one of the hens on her way out. I examined him but found no signs of foul play, and there are no signs that an animal got into the run. There is also a hen out there that I will...
  6. happyhens120

    Claiming Flock Keeping Expenses on 2012 Taxes

    Hi y'all... I'm considering claiming my chicken expenses/income on my taxes this year. Do any of you do this? I'm not officially a "business" but I do sell eggs for eating and for hatching, as well as baby chicks. If you can lend any insight, that would be great. Thanks!
  7. happyhens120


    I am looking for a breeder of Austra White chickens that would sell some chicks or some hatching eggs. All the hatcheries are sold out of this breed. Thanks!
  8. happyhens120

    Gender of my Blue Cochins??

    I have two beautiful Blue Splash Cochins that I just adore. I can't, however, have any more roosters. I am having a difficult time determining their gender. They are about 4-5 months old and are large but docile chickens. I am leaning toward calling them roos, as they are starting to get...
  9. happyhens120

    Need help with my nipple watering system

    Hi Y'all... My husband just rigged our coop up with a new watering system using the screw in chicken nipples. I've used these before on some hanging waterers, but my gals drain the one gallon setup we have so darn quickly that I thought rigging a new system would be better. He attached a...
  10. happyhens120

    What is NPIP and what is the benefit from becoming NPIP certified?

    Hi all! I may have posted this in the wrong area, so feel free to move this post if you need. I get the idea of the National Poultry Improvement Plan, but I have some questions. I'm wondering how many of you are NPIP certified? Why did you become certified/what are the benefits? How do you...
  11. happyhens120

    Looking for a used incubator

    I am looking for a reliable, used incubator. I know this may be hard to come by on a chicken lover's website, but if you have an incubator (I'd love a Brinsea) that you would like to part with, please let me know. I am currently using a LG still air, and it's so inconsistent and I'm having...
  12. happyhens120

    New neighbors... do I have a right to be angry? HELP!

    We live in Central PA in the heart of Amish country. Recently, the property beside us was up for sale and was snatched up by our Amish neighbors before it even went on the market. They have been arrogant and rude to us since this purchase. They informed us that, "They were having the land...
  13. happyhens120

    Sexing Turkens and EE's? *Pic heavy*

    These are my first turken and EE babies, and I honestly am not sure how to sex them. I just can't seem to find the hackles on these Turkens! Thanks! These Turkens are 7 weeks and the EE's 8 weeks: Black #1: A little bigger than the rest Black #2: This one is the smallest of all my...
  14. happyhens120

    Russian Orloff Pullets

    I have decided to narrow my flock and find a new home for my two five month old Spangled Russian Orloff pullets. I have had them since chicks. They have a calm personality and are really starting to become social. They do well with my other hens and roos, and are in good health. They have...
  15. happyhens120

    Mites? Lice? Ewwww... I'm SO GROSSED OUT right now!

    I was just in the chicken house, and upon inspecting a hen's crop, I noticed some creepy crawlies! There were some tiny, and I mean TINY, little black bugs crawling around, and also some tan bugs that remind me of fleas. I only noticed them on the older Red Star hens... not the younger ones or...
  16. happyhens120

    Need some run ideas!! Please post pics...

    My hubs bought me a new chicken coop, and it arrived yesterday. Now I need to come up with some ideas for the chicken run. It will be about 7 ft. high, and at least 24x40. I know I had seen pictures on here somewhere (and of course now I can't find them!) of chicken runs with fun "playground"...
  17. happyhens120

    EGGS IN THE INCUBATOR 10/8. Any hatch buddies??

    Just set some eggs on Saturday, October 8th. I put EE's, Australorp, Ameraucanas, Bantam Sizzles and Orps in. Two of the batches of eggs were in the Post Office for a WEEK and I didn't know I even had anything there... no pink slips this time. It's not looking great for them but I'm crossing...
  18. happyhens120

    CrAzY FEET!

    I must have a "weird animal" magnet, because somehow I end up with all kinds of crazy deformities and abnormalities. Like... my dom/orp cross who has webbed feet, my black turken chick who has one normal foot and the toes on the other foot are all curved, not straight. And then my new...
  19. happyhens120

    Is something (or someone) stealing my eggs???

    I've gotten ZERO eggs in the last two days from my eight hens, who generally give me 5 or 6 eggs a day. My hens are in two different coops. Could it be possible that something or someone has been stealing the eggs? There are no signs of animal entry, no holes dug under the coop. Although my...
  20. happyhens120

    Oxine, anyone?

    I suppose I could post this in a couple places, but I'm wondering if anyone uses Oxine for coop maintenance/disinfecting? How do you feel about it? Where can I get some? TSC didn't have any, nor did they even know what I was talking about. Surprise! Thanks!
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