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  • Users: wagoncab
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  1. wagoncab

    Marecks in pigeons?

    Hello All; Do pigeons get Mereck's disease? I have had a few chickens in past years that had it and I managed to get them through it and they survived but I have never seen it in a pigeon. I am currently hand raising a baby that the parents quit caring for. Not my first time doing this. Baby...
  2. wagoncab

    Baby Pigeon Diet

    Hello All; I have an almost 2 week old baby pigeon that I have been hand feeding since 1 day old. He was abandoned by his parents which I have. He is doing great! This is my first time successfully (so far) raising any bird from such a young age. As baby gets a little older, how should I begin...
  3. wagoncab

    My ducks are dying!

    Help! I have never seen this before. I found 3 of my ducks dead in the pond this morning. One young adult and 2 half grown babies. 2 weeks ago I found another young adult dead. Not a mark on them. All are related birds hatched here at home. I have geese also. There are fish and frogs in the...
  4. wagoncab

    Roosters dying

    Hello All; Something strange is happening here. I am losing roosters. All the same breed. D'uccles. Young birds. Last year's and the year before. I have other breeds of chickens as well and they are fine. The first 2 I lost were during a very cold spell so I kind of understand but now I have...
  5. wagoncab

    Chicks hatching NOW!

    Happy New Year everyone. I have chicks hatching right now! I have this broody hen and I have been searching for her nest for a while and just could not find it. I knew the general area and would watch her but to no avail. Today my daughter and I were outside feeding and I thought I heard...
  6. wagoncab

    ISO Black and lavender D'uccle hatching eggs.

    Hello. I want to ad some variety to my little flock of D'uccles and would like to find some black and some lavender. I don't need them right away. No more than a dozen of each. I am in Charlotte Tn Thanks Cindy
  7. wagoncab

    Sick little Cochin chick

    Hi All; I have a very sick 2 week old Bantam Cochin chick.Thursday evening I found him all sprawled out in the brooder with his legs out behind him. (Marecks?) There are 2 other chicks in there and they are fine. I have put him in a brooder to himself. He cannot walk at all, keeps his eyes...
  8. wagoncab

    Strange death of young duck.

    I found my 3 month old Peking duck dead in the pond the other day. My first thought was that a snapping turtle got him as this had happened before. I got him out of the pond and there was not a mark on him. Nothing. I raised this duck and 2 others from babies. He was fully grown and very large...
  9. wagoncab

    LF Cochins

    Hello; I am looking for LF Cochin hatching eggs. No more than a dozen if that. I am located in Middle Tennessee near Nashville. Thanks Cindy
  10. wagoncab

    Rooster with twisty neck

    Hi All; I tried searching this topic first but didn't really find much. Maybe I was entering the wrong search criteria. Anyway.... I have an almost 3 yr old standard Cochin rooster who has gone downhill in the last week or two. He has developed a twisty neck and seems to be quite off balance. He...
  11. wagoncab

    How late is too late?

    It is day 22 and I have 2 stragglers. No pips. I have done a float test on both and one is moving. I think the other one has died. 9 other chicks hatched with no problem. How many more days should I wait. Thanks Cindy
  12. wagoncab

    Jersey Giant Pullet becomes a rooster.

    Last spring I bought 2 Jersey Giant pullet chicks from Rural King. I watched them grow all year and through the winter, neither of them showing any signs of being a rooster. The past 2 months I have been pretty much house bound due to knee surgery. My husband has been caring for all the...
  13. wagoncab

    Something called "Copris"?

    Hello; Has anyone here ever heard of something called Copris? I am not sure I am spelling it right. My Mom just told me about this. It was something our Grandparents used to put into the chickens water. I do not know for what purpose. I tried to Google it but I am not getting anything. Again, it...
  14. wagoncab

    Not a good year for my chickens

    Well this has been a very bad year for me and my chickens. I have lost 20+ birds over the summer. Ducks too. I let mine free range in the day time and close them up at night. Many times it would be dark when I would close their doors. At first I didn't really notice since I had so many but when...
  15. wagoncab

    Swelling on sides of lower beak

    Hi All; I have about a 3 month old cochin chick that has what appears to be swelling on both sides of his lower beak. He seems to have kind of always had this so I did not know if it was something normal to the breed and he has acted normal up to this point so I never paid any attention to it...
  16. wagoncab

    Something tried to kill my rooster

    I went outside to let everyone out this morning and to my horror, one of my roosters is all tore up. It was already dark when we closed everyone up last night so I am not sure just when yesterday this happened. Something grabbed him by the head and he pulled away. The skin from the back of his...
  17. wagoncab

    HELP...My chickens are dying!!!

    I need some help here please. I have lost 4 chicks this summer and this morning a 2 yr old hen. The chicks were a couple of months old. Not all at once but over the coarse of the summer. One day they are fine and then they sit all puffed up and listless. They then just slowly fade away. I have...
  18. wagoncab

    Hernia or tumor

    Hi Everyone; I have a little Millie Fluer D'uccle that is acting not well. She is eating and drinking and runs around but will stand all puffed up and is looking raggety. (I have been calling her Raggety Ann) I was looking her over a little while ago and she has what appeares to be a hernia or...
  19. wagoncab

    My Favorite hen is gone...and her babies

    2 days ago in the middle of the day my favorite hen "Izzy" and 4 of her 6 babies dissapeared. No bodies, no feathers, nothing. We live next to a wooded area that the chickens like to go to. From other posts I have read in this fourm, I think we have a fox. Of all my chickens, she had to be the...
  20. wagoncab

    Duck can't walk

    Hi Everyone, I have a one yr old pekin drake that I have had since he was an egg About a week ago he started limping. I didn't think too much about it at the time, the ducks run all around so maybe a sprain. Yesterday, I noticed he was limping on both legs and really using his wings to balance...
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