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  • Users: Eliz
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  1. Eliz

    Big Valentine's Day Surprise!

    First Happy Valentine's Day to all! I have 3 hens and one mean rooster. My hen's nest box as been empty for about a week and a half and I just figured they we all taking a break. I have have not check the box for the last 3 days until today. Well there was 4 eggs in the box and a hen making...
  2. Eliz

    Help!! Rooster with broken leg.

    I think my rooster's leg is broken. It seems to just be hang and limp at the hip. He is still walking around on the other leg and crowing and seems ok other wise. No skin broken. Can I split the leg to heal? If so how? Please help!
  3. Eliz

    What is happening in my nest box???

    I have 3 hens that share one nest box. They have been laying for about 6 mths. Never had a broken egg until two weeks ago. Now almost everyday at least one is broken and the box is all scratched up and the eggs sometimes are buried under the mess of pine shavings!!! What could be going on...
  4. Eliz

    Hen has become the third wheel!?

    One of my hens is the outcast of the flock! The two sex link are older than my rooster and one little hen (brother and sister). The roosters little sis gets pushed around by the two sex link and they will not even let her in their next box. So I got little sis her own nest box and that...
  5. Eliz

    Stray Dogs Trying To Kill My Chickens!!!

    There is two stray dogs that run our very, very rural neighborhood. I have caught them in the act twice cornering and scattering my flock!!! The bad thing is as soon as I open my back door they are gone. Two days ago these PITA's got into my neighbors run and killed one of her hens. Later...
  6. Eliz

    3 Eggs 3 Hens!!!! :)

    We had some bad weather here today and the wind threw around some of the thing I had temporarily rigged for a top to the run. Well while on my mission to fix things I decided to check for my usual one egg in the next box. To my surprise my girl had layed no egg in her box. Something in...
  7. Eliz

    Why is one hen not laying??

    My two Sex-Link are the same age. One started laying on Nov. 5th. The other has yet to lay or get in the nest box but does watch as the egg is getting laid by the one layer. Anyone know what could be going on here?
  8. Eliz

    My hen beats up the rooster!!??

    Well I see alot of post about roosters heading to the soup pot because of their mean streaks. Well I have the opposite problem. I have one hen that I catch fighting with and beating up the rooster that is almost twice her size. I thought he was trying to mate with her but it never makes it...
  9. Eliz

    **Egg Update** Signs of an egg????

    I just went out to make sure everyone got back into the coop for the night and locked up safe. I have two sex links that are 22 weeks old but have not seen eggs yet. I bent down to pick up one of the hens and she did a "squat" and her vent kind of bubbled out!!?? The other hen did not do...
  10. Eliz

    How to tell if hens are about to start laying?

    My 2 sex links are around 15 weeks now. Is there any certian behaviors to look for to indacate they are about to start laying? One of my girls has been acting off a little. She has been laying in fluffly spots in the yard and not getting up for about a hour. She will even watch the others...
  11. Eliz

    How are you helping your birds BEAT THE HEAT :(

    HI I live in Savannah Ga and we are hitting 102 with heat index 110+ this week. I have tried to freeze water bottles and my girls and boys won't have anthing to do with them! What are some things you are doing to help your precious ones deal with the heat?
  12. Eliz

    Could I have a Bantam??

    I have two Black Orpington that that are now 6.5 weeks old. One is much small than the other. Is there such a thing as Bantam Orpingtons? If so, how can I tell if this is one?
  13. Eliz

    Little Runt Chick :(

    I have two Orpingtons that are 5 weeks old. Both were the same size when I got them as day olds, both are feathering in at the same rate. Over the past 5 weeks "Onyx" has become twice the size of "Baby". I have noticed that Onxy will jump up to roost, chairs, ect., but Baby can't or won't...
  14. Eliz

    Black Orps Striking A Pose! PICS PICS PICS! (HEAVY)

    I just had to post these. I went out to see what my guys(maybe both or roos) were up to and I wanted to share! ***~~~Gordie Black Orpington 4.5 weeks old~~~*** "ONYX" "BABY" Ok!! I know it was a little over the top with the pictures, but what do you expect from someone in love.
  15. Eliz

    Is this baby trying to crow????

    I have a "suspect roo" that has been doing this thing where he opens his beak really wide and moves his head up and down. BUT nothing comes out! Is this little guy trying to crow or should be concerned about another problem?
  16. Eliz

    Help!! Are my chicks going to be safe??????

    I was not sure where to post this question! I have had a bad time with fleas in the yard this year. I would like to know, if I spray a chemical (malathion) in my yard will my chicks ever be ok to free range in this area after the chemical dries??
  17. Eliz

    Alright Orpington Experts! What do you think?

    I know these guys or gals are young but it's still fun guessing! I will give you a little information about each to see if you think it's a cockeral or pullet. Both were the same size when I got them and they should be 4 weeks old this weekend. On the left is "Baby" My runt! Seems to have a...
  18. Eliz

    Chicks Purring??

    I first heard my black sex links doing this a couple of weeks ago. Now one of my little Orps is doing it . I am not really sure how to explain what it sounds like, but does anyone know what I am talking about? If so, do you know what it is and why they do it?
  19. Eliz

    Should I worry about squirrels!!

    Well this is why I am interested in this....... I have my two sex links (about6-7 wks old) in a brooder up against the back of my house under a lean to. This is where DH and I sit and relax and where the dogs stay alot of the time. I let my pullets free range when I am home and they stay...
  20. Eliz

    Electric Wire???

    Has anyone tried to put electric wire around the outside of your coops and runs? I don't have my chicks outside yet but I am just thinking ahead about some problems that I think will come up. Here is what I am talking about! This is about 100 yds behind my house. This coop is only about 100...
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