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  1. PineBurrowPeeps

    Licking County, Central OH, Laws?

    Hey there Peeps, Does anyone happen to know the laws for backyard chicken keeping in Licking County OH, namely Newark? I'm looking to keep about 4 hens in my backyard. I know a neighbor down the road has chickens as their rooster is always crowing, but they have some acreage in a small "farm"...
  2. PineBurrowPeeps

    Oh. My. God. "Safe" RP?!

    I logged in this morning to look up Ms. Prissy's Cinnamon Roll recipe (I'm showing my forum age there....) and I notice that y'all are RPing in the games section now!! How far we've come!! My question is: Is there an age limit on joining the forum and RPing here? I have a daughter who is a...
  3. PineBurrowPeeps

    Long time no see, BYC!!

    How has everyone been??? I came by today to comment on the Animal Hoarding Chicken show with Nifty but prior to that I hadn't posted on BYC in the better part of a year probably... What's everyone been up to? Anything epic happen while I was away? Everyone still here? I moved from RI to VT...
  4. PineBurrowPeeps

    WTB: Duck hen in RI, MA, or nearby CT.

    I have only one duck hen left after a coon took out 3 of my 4 birds two weeks ago. She had a leg injury that I fixed up and she is back outside in the coop now. She is awfully lonely and quacks her head off all day long. I am looking to purchase a duck friend for her as I feel awful. I would...
  5. PineBurrowPeeps

    YAY, I got my wee Qualies!

    They are SOOO cute! Looks like I have 4 Roos and 4 Hens. Poo. I have them in one large rabbit cage suspended inside my chicken coop. I have another cage ready and empty that I will seperate my extra Roos into once they calm down. I did clip wings already, man they are FAST little critters...
  6. PineBurrowPeeps

    Grandpa prepares to pass on...

    I have been with my husband Keith for 11 years this year. When we met in 1999 I was 15 years old with a family that put the D in dysfunctional. Keith's family gathered me up into their arms and hearts and welcomed me as one of their own from the very beginning. Keith's Grandparents have always...
  7. PineBurrowPeeps

    Picking up my first Cortunix tomorrow, tell me basics!!

    I'm picking up 8, 7 week old Cortunix quail tomorrow morning. I'm really excited, they are always in high demand around here but no one ever has them! A friend of mine got the eggs and hatched them, sold the extra, and then just decided to sell the rest, so she listed them for sale and I...
  8. PineBurrowPeeps

    Thinking about getting a Doberman, anyone else with them?

    Many of my family members have had Dobies and a couple of friends have them too. I have never met a mean Dobie. I really love the tough look of the dog but that it is usually a huge marshmellow with it's family. That is what I'm after. These days I have very valuable rabbits I am breeding and I...
  9. PineBurrowPeeps

    I need advice, neighbor problems...

    Hi guys, Long time no talk here (I'm on BYH much more often now as I only have ONE chicken these days and a ton of rabbits but I knew I could come here and get some support and advice on how to handle a cruddy situation I'm in. Our neighbors moved into the house next door last Oct. they are...
  10. PineBurrowPeeps

    French Angora Rabbits For Sale

    I will have several litters of upcoming French Angora within the next couple of months. I show and I show often, so only the best examples of the breed are retained for my breeding program. I have traveled all over and collected only the best for my rabbitry. My herd consists of Somerhill...
  11. PineBurrowPeeps

    Please Help Me Fiber Spinning Goddesses!

    I JUST finished my first 100% angora skein of handspun. It is 120 yards and a beautiful oatmeal color from my 4 favorite rabbits. My master plan is to ply this single into a double and then to make it into fabulous fingerless gloves/armwarmers. I have more being spun already as I know this...
  12. PineBurrowPeeps

    Over The Moon!!!! PICS!!

    My Fawn FA rabbit doe, Calypso was due to kindle yesterday, Thanksgiving but instead she kindled right in front of me about an hour ago and gave me the best DOOR BUSTERS ever! 9 of them!!! Gorgeous babies!!! This doe was the most terrified thing I have ever seen when I brought her...
  13. PineBurrowPeeps

    Needle Felters?

    Anyone? I am going out to buy my supplies today, I have never needle felted and will be doing so with Angora as that's what I raise and have a ton of. I was told by another Angora needler Felter to use Fine Gaude Felting Needles as the Course Wool Needles didn't produce a very nicely finished...
  14. PineBurrowPeeps

    Oh boy, my DD stinks...

    Literally, BO. She is nearly 8. She has NOT had a strenuous day or done tons of sweating. She just came to me and asked me to sniff her armpit LOL I was like "WOW" I started going through puberty at 9, I was really hoping she would hold off a little longer than that I did She's already...
  15. PineBurrowPeeps

    HANDPLUCKED French Angora Wool

    I have one ounce of prime handplucked French Angora wool, plucked on 11/3/09 from my broken agouti buck, Platt's Peter. More coming. Light as a cloud, soft and SILKY, Pete's wool spins up in a beautiful light oatmeal color that is also perfect for dying. This wool is gorgeous, free of all...
  16. PineBurrowPeeps

    Jenna's French Angora litters BABIES!! Pics post 14 :-D

    I have my first two French Angora litters due in 8 days... I am SO stoked! Expecting Brokens and Chocolates... I can't wait!!
  17. PineBurrowPeeps

    Little Kids and Swine Flu

    Has anyone here had their little kid come down with Swine Flu? If so how did it present itself? How old is the child? How long were they sick? Did they require any medical intervention? My nearly 4 year old little girl started complaining three days ago of a swollen gland on her neck right at...
  18. PineBurrowPeeps

    Mahonri?? Dental Advice...

    My right upper wisdom tooth just broke off about 1/4 of it into a million tiny pieces. I was eating Goldfish crackers, nothing exactly hard. I never even knew there was anything wrong with it, never had a cavity before, go for regular check-ups, etc.. There is a jagged piece that I just know...
  19. PineBurrowPeeps

    It's Snowing

    In Rhode Island right now
  20. PineBurrowPeeps

    Fattening Up Embden Geese

    I have 4 Embdens that were gotten in early April as day olds. I weighed them today and they are only 10 pounds each. They are for Christmas dinner. They are supposed to go to the processor next month! How can I get weight on them fast?
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