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  1. silkielover5

    Affordable incubator reviews?

    I decided to take a break from chickens a few years ago and sold my brinsea incubator :( I regret it but cant afford to buy a new one right now. I was looking on amazon and ebay and found a few digital incubators but have never heard of them before. Does anyone have experience with them...
  2. silkielover5

    aging guinea hen

    My guinea hen is 6 years old. She is no stranger to the show world. She went from winning champion guinea to blue and reds so I know her condition is declining. Using her in showmanship so I need to tell the judge her flaws. What do you notice with aging guineas? Getting more pics soon
  3. silkielover5

    showmanship with guinea fowl?

    this will be my 8th year doing 4h showmanship. i typically use a rosecomb cock but this year will be my last year in 4h so i would like to challenge myself a little more.... ive decided to use my guinea hen she is calmer than a typical guinea. she is the only one we own and lives with our...
  4. silkielover5

    rabbit toys?

    I have an extremely aggressive rabbit (growls, attacks. Ect...) so she isnt handled much lol. Recently put her in one of our empty chicken coops since we felt bad she was stuck in a tiney hutch. Its huge, big indoor and outdoor area. Would like to make it a bit more fun for her so looking for...
  5. silkielover5

    possible project?

    rescued this cute little guy from a swap on Saturday. he's about 8 months old and needs a lot of tlc. Not sure what breed he is, possibly hatchery bantam cochin. But think he has the perfect feather pattern! Any project that he could be good in?
  6. silkielover5

    Homemade wood incubator

    I've been working on this incubator for the past 2 days and looking for opinions :) don't have the door done yet but it's surrounded with 2 inches of insulation, the inside is about 13x18x21 inches. The egg trays still need to be installed doing that by hooking up a metal tube to the bottom and...
  7. silkielover5

    Making a wine cooler incubator

    My 24 egg brinsea incubator is no longer big enough, I would like to pick up a free broken wine cooler fridge I found on Craigslist and make a incubator out of it. Anyone do this before? How much would it cost me for all the materials (need auto turners) and what would I need exactly my dad is...
  8. silkielover5


    I know a lot of people don't think chicks can imprint on people but a few years ago my class hatched 30 chicks my family took home 15 of them. When they were 2 months old they started killing each other we tried putting tar and other stuff on them but it didn't work so we had to separate them...
  9. silkielover5

    Cackle hatchery stock

    I'll be ordering chicks from cackle soon and I saw that there are threads for ideal and McMuary for people to post pictures of birds they have gotten from them. So lets see those cackle birds!!!
  10. silkielover5

    What are the most popular breeds?

    What in your opinion seem to be the most popular breeds? Bantams? Standards? And what breeds are pretty rare?
  11. silkielover5

    Cochins from cackle hatchery?

    I won a gift certificate from a silent auction for cackle hatchery and I've been thinking about ordering white Cochin bantams. Anyone have pictures of birds they got from them?
  12. silkielover5

    Possibility of twins?

    I've been hearing about twins hatching a lot lately but I've heard that the likelihood of it happening is slim. How many people have had twins?
  13. silkielover5

    Indio gigantes? Malays?

    Does anyone raise Indio gigantes in the US? I heard about them on here but can't find any thing else about them and would love to learn more about them. I'm in 4h and was also looking for Malays eggs.
  14. silkielover5

    Help with hatching and brooding quail chicks

    My biology teacher wants me to give him tips on how to raise his hatch rate of the 100 quail he hatches at school and preventing all the deaths they have for the chicks. I've already told him a few things I noticed he needed to start doing like taking the eggs out of the egg turners during...
  15. silkielover5

    Breeding project help

    Years a go I had a hatchery naked neck rooster he was huge probably 12+ pounds looked like a cornish cross he was stout and very wide in the chest. I ended up selling him because he got aggressive and scarred my moms legs. He had the Prettiest coloring! A light blue with a bright bloody red band...
  16. silkielover5

    Quail breeds?

    Thinking about getting some quail. I don't care about egg production mostly just for looks. I have 4ft by 2.5 ft insulated pens out in my chicken shed with heat lamps and dimmer switches so I can control the temps. Was thinking about I think they are called Tennessee reds? Or buttons? And how...
  17. silkielover5

    Wanted white cochin eggs!!!!

    All ads must be in the Buy Sell Trade forum, please. edited by staff
  18. silkielover5

    What to do with birds when I go to college

    My parents and I toured the university of MN today and it got me thinking about what I'm going to do with my flock when I go to college in less than 2 years. It's not an option to keep them at home cause my parents don't like them and I'll be an hour away with no car. I've been raising them for...
  19. silkielover5

    Best type of quail?

    Been thinking about getting quail but can't decide on what type. They would be kept in a large insulated pen its probably about 4 ft by 3 ft in my shed ( lots of natural light, ill post picture later) I'm not a fan of the brown color I like the snowflake pattern and the painted, love button...
  20. silkielover5

    Any good hatcheries?

    I completely understand its near impossible to get good show birds from hatcheries, over the years we got lucky with a beautiful white silkie and a silver laced sebright they weren't perfect but good enough to be a breeders culls they were more like breeder quality. But I've gotten to the point...
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