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  • Users: theOEGBman
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  1. theOEGBman

    Canning Problem. HELP!!

    So I am canning dry pinto beans. I followed the recipe in my canning book & put them in the canner. They went over 11 lbs pressure for about 20-25 mins & then I got it set. That went for about 40 mins and then it dropped below ten & wouldn't go back up. All of the jars sealed, but it wasn't the...
  2. theOEGBman

    Well Hello Strangers...

    Hey Everyone, Its me... Jordan,lol. I havent been here in MONTHS. I know there are tons of new people on here but there are still a few of you "oldies" who remember me, Im sure. I just wanted to chime in and tell you guys life is going great on my end! Im in a relationship, working at the local...
  3. theOEGBman

    Would you consider this a safe canning recipe?

    Hey Everyone, My friend's mom sent me this link and asked me if I would be willing to can her some. I've only ever used a water bath canner and would be happy to can some for her, but I have two concerns... butter and eggs. To me, that just does not seem like a safe thing to be canning. So my...
  4. theOEGBman

    Searching for a canning recipe.

    Hello everyone, I'm getting lemons from a few friends plus my grandma's tree and I have quickly become overcome with these things! I'm making a batch of lemon jelly when I get home tonight but while going through the freezer I found a bunch of frozen strawberries. I remember someone posting a...
  5. theOEGBman

    Any deaf BYCers?

    Hello Everyone, Im a college student and this semester decided to enroll in an American Sign Language course. I've known deaf people throughout my life and have always been interested in learning ASL, but never took it any further. I've picked it up really quickly and am really enjoying it. I'm...
  6. theOEGBman


    Now I know I've seen this recipe on here before, and believe me, it felt a little odd typing it in the subject line! I went to the farmers market a couple weeks ago and a man was there selling canned produce. I noticed FROG balls on his table and commented about them, and he let me try them...
  7. theOEGBman

    Plum halves canned in Syrup... what to do?

    Well we had a plum overload this year and after canning a whole mess of jam and jelly, I decided to mess around with what I had. I canned up some quarts and pints of plum halves in syrup, then juiced the rest to make jelly whenever I feel like it. The plum halves have a great taste, but the...
  8. theOEGBman

    Need prayers please... *UPDATE*

    Hey everyone, My mom just called me and informed me that my 9 year old cousin, Courtney, had a seizure in the bathtub this morning. Unfortunately, she is 6-7 hours down south at a dance competition with her parents. We aren't sure what is happening yet but last we heard she WAS talking. She's...
  9. theOEGBman

    Question about my new muscovy! *PIC ADDED*

    Alright, I've had muscovies for a couple of years now. I have a black pied girl that doesnt lay. We found her wandering around a parking lot in the middle of town so I brought her home a couple years ago. Last January I picked up a chocolate pied drake and they've been doing great, living the...
  10. theOEGBman

    PPBA Show - Stockton, California

    So its coming up at the end of the month. I know we had a big meeting a couple of years ago and was wondering who plans on going this year. I'd love to meet up with my BYC buddies again. I'll be there on Saturday.
  11. theOEGBman

    Reptile Photos! **DUW**

    First off, say anything bad about my snakes and I'll drop kick ya! Nah, but honestly, I love them and think they're amazing animals. If you dont, I respect that but Im putting these photos here for other reptile lovers to enjoy them. I've had people say very cruel things about my snakes before...
  12. theOEGBman

    Prayers definitely needed.

    My moms best friend, Deona, is also her co-worker. Deona's sister Mandy works with them as well. Yesterday, Deona had a hysterectomy and she's just 32 years old. Today, Deona and Mandy found out their grandma has a matter of hours to live because she was put on blood thinners and her brain began...
  13. theOEGBman

    Sugar Cookie Recipe, Please.

    Hey Everyone, Wow, its been a while since I've started a thread here on BYC! I am in a poultry class at school called Avian Practices. It deals with various birds, mostly niche markets such as squab production. Its been a blast and the teacher is one of the most amazing women I've ever met...
  14. theOEGBman

    What song are you listening to right this second?

    I know this thread has been created once before, but I found a new song that I love and I wanted to see what everyone else is listening to! Mine is: Until the Whole World Hears - by Casting Crowns
  15. theOEGBman

    My Newest Reptiles!

    Well, I went to a reptile show in Sacramento this morning and met up with Madison (Kanchii). We had a blast and both got some amazing geckos! She even tried to talk me into buying a leo, but Im a sucker for cresties! We saw so many cool reptiles and even a few insects. I held my first hissing...
  16. theOEGBman

    So what am I dealing with here? *graphic photos*

    My mom woke me up yesterday and told me something had gotten my hen and her chicks. This hen ran off about 2 months ago and came back with 3 chicks. All turned out to be little cockerals, but Im a sucker and let they stay. Ever since they hatched, she would not take them into the coop. She would...
  17. theOEGBman

    They're hatching!!!!! UPDATED W/NEW PICS! DUW

    Well, on May 15th, my corn snake laid 19 eggs. I went camping that same day, and when I came home, I was up to 21 eggs. One was a dud, and the rest have been sitting on my shelf. Here is a link to my original post. Anyways, they...
  18. theOEGBman

    These goats are natural comedians! *3 photos*

    Hey Folks, Well, I've owned goats for about 3.5-4 years now and I love the things. I had my two girls, Zoey and Momma, up until last year. Zoey is Momma's daughter and they're very close. Last year my grandma had a little pygmy wether dumped over her fence with a broken leg, and she had no idea...
  19. theOEGBman

    Samson, The Cockatiel That Shouldn't Have Been..... *long*

    Years and Years ago, and a few more, I was a young kid. We lived way out in the middle of no where, dairies all around and I hadnt quite filled up on the animals yet. We had dogs, that was it. I was no more than 5 or 6 years old when my grandparents came for their daily visit, and my grandpa had...
  20. theOEGBman

    She's layin em! *UPDATED WITH PICS!*

    And Im leaving in 3 hours to go camping! My corn snake, Chester, has been gravid foreverrrrr.... She's taken longer than usual to lay them, and I KNEW it would be today or tomorrow since we'll be camping! Dang snake. So now I get to spend the weekend worrying over my snake . Please pray...
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