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  • Users: Ldeal
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  1. Ldeal

    Best incubator for hatching silkies

    Im looking to get my own incubator as right now im using a friends. Im so overwhelmed by reviews and horror stories that I have no idea what to go with. Here is my checklist of what I want it to have... Hold at least 20 eggs Automatic Turner Reliable temp and humidity Preferably nothing over...
  2. Ldeal

    Chicks neck turned weird?

    I just hatched my first clutch of eggs from my silkies. So far I have 3 hatched out but i noticed one isn't straightening out its neck. Its like curved? It seems happy and energetic just holds its head weird. Will it eventually straighten out to normal lines the others? That's it in the middle
  3. Ldeal

    Is my hen grieving?

    This year I got my first silkie pair, my hen went broody so I let her hatch. This was my first hatching experience and an experience it was..... not good though. Her clutch failed so we got 7 fertile eggs which 2 hatched 1 survived. Brought home 4 chicks to add which she took too immediately...
  4. Ldeal

    First time letting hen hatch eggs what do I do?

    Im letting my silkie hen Coco hatch 2 eggs from my mystery girl Ginny and 2 eggs from my nonbearded easter egger Minerva. Neville is my silkie Roo and dad to all 4 eggs. Originally the plan was to let Coco hatch her own pure silkies but she stopped laying before that decision was made. I...
  5. Ldeal

    New to Silkies! All tips welcome!

    I'll be adding this beautiful Silkie hen and another silkie younger chick to my flock. I've mostly had EE and other larger breeds. Is there anything special I need to know for having silkies? This last picture is of the same hen just younger. Im so in love with her!
  6. Ldeal

    How hot is too hot for chicks and when can I introduce new chicks?

    I will be getting these two BLRW chicks this week. I currently have 4 12 week old pullets. It's been in the high 90's here and I'm doing everything to keep the girls cool. My questions are... How hot is too hot for my new chicks to be outside? And Can my new chicks go in with my pullets now or...
  7. Ldeal

    Best Flowering Vine for Coop

    I was wanting to plant a flowering vine on the side of my run. Which ones aren't poisonous to chickens because they will eat some here and there. I already have 2 roses and some marigolds planted in the flower box my husband made in front. I live in northern Nevada so its hot and dry in the...
  8. Ldeal

    Easter Egger? Brown leghorn?

    Ok everyone, Ginny was purchased as a Easter Egger and then told she was a leghorn when I called the feed store. But now this is her, what are you're ideas. The only breeds they had when I got my girls were EE, Brown Leghorn, White Leghorn, Black Sexlink and Barred Rock. *I included pics of her...
  9. Ldeal

    Still curious what breed Ginny is...

    She's the 3rd one from the top, my little redhead lol. She was in with Easter Eggers and the only other possible breed she could be is a leghorn but who knows maybe she is something else that slipped in. She's a beautiful red, has yellow legs, comb and waddles. She's not a roo I know for sure...
  10. Ldeal

    How old should my pullets be before I introduce a new hen?

    I currently have 4 6 week old pullets and will be adding a 10 month old hen to the flock. My question is what is the best age to introduce my younger girls to the older girl? These are my pullets they are 3 EEs and 1 mystery. This is the 10 month old hen I will be getting. She is a splash blue...
  11. Ldeal

    Are there Red Leghorns and could Ginny be one?

    Still curious what this girl could be. I'm thinking brown leghorn because that's the only other breed they had besides the EE that I also got. Someone told me she's a Roo but I did goback and they still have a white leghorn Roo left from Ginnys shipment and seeing him I doubt that she's a he...
  12. Ldeal

    Post your Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandottes!

    I will be getting a 10 month old BLRW hen. I've been told she is a splash. I'd love to see some pictures of any you guys have.
  13. Ldeal

    Blue laced Red wyandotte?

    I will be getting this almost year old hen once our chicks are big enough. I was told she is a blue laced red wyandott but I've had other people tell me she isn't. I get she is hatchery quality not show and I really don't mind either way. I was told by someone that she is a splash? She looks a...
  14. Ldeal

    Bailey is my mystery girl

    She was suppose to be a Easter Egger with the other 3 girls I got. She though looks completely different then my other 3 babies. Either way I love this little girl just curious what she could be.
  15. Ldeal

    Broken Off Toenail

    I came home today to find blood all over my porch and so I went and checked my hens. I figured something got one of them but they were all in the coop. I took them all out and did a quick look over to see who was bleeding and found my SLW Chichi had broken her middle toenail off. It looks as...
  16. Ldeal

    Weird Black Feathers growing on hen that never was black?

    So we have had Nugget for almost 2 years now and she is just a Blonde Polish Game Hen Cross. This is her 2nd molt with us and i noticed after this one there are a couple feathers on her neck that are blondeish red, which is normal, that the root to almost halfway up the feather is...
  17. Ldeal

    WOOHOO!!! First Egg from Bossy!!!

    Our Delware laid her fist egg! It is so tiny and adorable. She was hatched 04/26/2012 along with her buddy Rue a RIR. Now its time for Rue to lay! Here it is Anyone else had their first eggs lately?
  18. Ldeal

    Post pics of your growing Chicks

    So this is Bossy the Delaware and Rue the RIR. They hatched on April 26th and I took a pics of them every week to see them grow here they are from Day 1 to Month 1. This is Day 1. So Adorable! Now a Week old playin in some sun Week 2 Week 3. We are getting so big YAY a month old
  19. Ldeal

    Are they too young to not have a heat lamp?

    My chicks are 3 and a half weeks old and when I came home today after work I saw that their bulb was out. Now it gets pretty warm here during the day but its the night time Im worried about. Will they be ok tonight with out their bulb? They do sleep in our room at night so its not like its freezing.
  20. Ldeal

    Strange Tailed Egg?

    So I just got home today and went to collect my eggs out of under Nugget and found this bizarre looking egg. Now I grew up with chickens and I have seen double yolked eggs, tripled yolked eggs, an egg in an egg, a soft shelled etc. But I have never seen this ever in my life. It was laid by my EE...
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