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  1. Lynndaybrown

    Chicken App?

    Does anyone know of an app or website that has a "What kind of chicken is this " calculator on it? Something where you would answer questions like comb type, shank color, feather color/pattern etc and it would tell you what breed you have. If there isn't one would someone please make one-...
  2. Lynndaybrown

    Strutting Poult

    This little guy is only about 4 weeks old but has started strutting around so much we call him "Little Big Man" It's my first time raising turkeys- Is it normal to strut this young or am I looking a a real handful here? No one else seems to be doing this?
  3. Lynndaybrown

    Want the happiest chickens in the world...

    Dump a bag of peat moss into their run and watch what happens. Mine sprint to it and literally wallow with joy in it. I know there are some ethical questions about the way it's harvested/mined but nothing- not even meal worms- makes my girls happier. Nobody goes anywhere near the sandbox if I...
  4. Lynndaybrown

    What breed is my chick?

    I can't figure out what kind of chick this is. I keep calling her an easter egger but am not certain. Any ideas?
  5. Lynndaybrown

    How did you have your eggs this morning?

    How did you have your eggs this morning ( or anytime today for that matter) We had our hard boiled dipped in a little salt- Yum. My son even got out the egg scale so he could measure all the hard cooked eggs and get the biggest one
  6. Lynndaybrown


    Is this little guy a Roo? I'm thinking so but hatched Sept 28 and never a angle crow like sound. Is my Bantam EE a Roo?
  7. Lynndaybrown

    What breed are these chicks?

    I ordered a bunch of chicks that arrived last week. Some of them were painless to figure out, The rest not so easy. I know I have a white silkie, a black silkie, a partridge silkie and a white cochin. I’m pretty sure I have a silver seabright. I may have a black copper marans, Blue Cochin, Buff...
  8. Lynndaybrown

    Hi There!

    My name is Lynn, I live in Maryland, I've been lurking for a while but am feeling brave enough to start participating. I'm new to chickens and got by first 1/2 dozen chicks last march from my local feed store. ( still have the 5 ladies, the Roo had to find a new home to keep my neighbors...
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