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  1. Chick_a_dee

    Integrating young ducks into existing flock

    Okay so my 2 Buff Orps hardly qualify as a flock but we have 2 more Buff Orp Ducklings (Drakeling and a Duckling) that are now 6 weeks old and massive. I'd love to put them out with the big girls pretty well now, this is around the time we put the big girls out and its warm enough out that they...
  2. Chick_a_dee

    Chicken Coop Remodel UPDATE: Lots of photos, Roof is on!

    LOL I know this coop looks awful. It was originally our goat shed and thus was a temporary set-up for the goats over the winter. The goats now live in the old chicken shed (a huge shed, way too big for our needs and it was horrible to clean but worked out awesome for the goats). This shed is...
  3. Chick_a_dee

    EXTENDING coop ceiling height

    I'm extending my 6x6 chicken shed soon and I'd like to also make it taller. Its a framed building and we're hoping to make it tall enough to accomodate a human sized steel door. What is the most effective way to go about doing this? My thought would be to take the top plates off the walls and...
  4. Chick_a_dee

    I hope I don't catch this skunk UPDATE: caught something!!

    I put out the Raccoon trap this evening to catch an especially large raccoon that has been coming around. I looked out on the porch a little while ago to find not one, but TWO skunks out there. Not only that, but the skunks keep going in the raccoon trap. Unfortunately the trap out there...
  5. Chick_a_dee

    Duck MIA

    This evening we took a short trip to the grocery store and arrived just as it was getting dark back at home. We found one of our Buff Ducks calling to her friends on the front lawn, another in the duck shed brooding some dud eggs and the 3rd Buff Duck MIA. There was absolutely no sign a predator...
  6. Chick_a_dee

    LF Raw Goats Milk for my DOGS

    I'm looking to buy some raw goats milk, if at all possible, in Ontario (Eastern would be best, round Belleville-Ottawa) for one of my dogs. She's had an upset stomach for a while and along with other methods of treating her, I'd like to try some goats milk which she has done well on in the past...
  7. Chick_a_dee

    Baldyhen Passed Today

    Baldyhen, aptly named for being bald, passed away peacefully this afternoon at 1:45pm on the front walkway. She had sat down on the porch 10 minutes earlier and mum prodded her to see if she was alright because she looked listless and she just flopped over on her side. She then proceded to have...
  8. Chick_a_dee

    I've got my ducks in a row

    Looked out the window this evening to see where the ducks were to find they were all lined up... ETA, as an aside...can you spot the palomino horse? Did anyone notice the egg in the door of the duck shed
  9. Chick_a_dee

    Stayin' up

    I moved the hens to the old goat shed today and the goats to the old hen house because the hens don't need so much space, and the goats need more space! Well the old goat shed has vents at the top of it, some larger ones, and a few smaller ones but they don't have hardware cloth on them and I...
  10. Chick_a_dee

    Where do they get these people from?! TSC

    I went into the TSC today to buy Virkon to clean out the animal sheds and the lady at the counter goes to me "is this an animal supplement? cause i have to write down the batch number" im like O__O uhh... I wouldn't feed Virkon to MY animals.... Where on EARTH do they get these people from...
  11. Chick_a_dee

    Square Footage per Duck?

    I have Buff Orpington Ducks, so not terribly large, and I'm in the process of designing a new moveable duck house for them. I have 4 ducks and a drake in total, and I was thinking of a 3x5ft duck house for them. Right now I have 3 in a 4x6ft duck house and its way too much space. They rarely...
  12. Chick_a_dee

    Plastic Roof Vents

    I was in Lowes the other day looking at bathroom stuff and a really awesome Electrolux lockable fridge when I saw a roof vent like this one That was CLEAR to let in the light. How cool is that? How well would one of these guys work...
  13. Chick_a_dee

    Would this be enough space..

    4.3 sq. ft. per bird in a coop? I'm spoiled right now with my chickens living in the big old ice shed, but they are moving to their very own chicken palace this summer down the end of the garden. an 8x10ft building would give me 7 sq. ft. per bird, and a 6x8ft building would give me 4.3 sq...
  14. Chick_a_dee

    Duck Coop Sizing

    This could really be in either the main Coops section or this one IMO, but I won't be offended if the Mods decide to move it I need to build a new coop for the duckies this year, one with wheels, that I can wheel around the property and up to the house in the winter so we can hook it up to...
  15. Chick_a_dee

    What are you listening to right now?

    I'm listening to Sunshine State ~ Day Job
  16. Chick_a_dee

    Incubator Suggestions

    Locally I can only get a Hoovabator but I'm really liking the look of the Brinsea Octagon 20, can someone suggest a good smaller incubator with a reasonable pricetag?
  17. Chick_a_dee

    It was -24 Celcius today.....

    Which obviously *rolls eyes* made it a great day to take some photos around the place... Luna's big butt, she's eating dinner here.. she has arthritis and 2 club feet, hence the funny stance... Goaties telling me it's dinner time! The big fat one on the left is Cissy, and the littler one on...
  18. Chick_a_dee

    Mareks Vaccines ~ Where to buy in Canada?

    I'm curious, we will have a rooster and we were planning on having some chicks but I'd like to vaccinate for Mareks. Is the vaccine available to the general public in Canada or do you have to suck it up and get it from the vet?
  19. Chick_a_dee

    Rooster/Hen housing arrangements

    We've never had a Rooster before but we've ordered one with the Dominiques we ordered from PP and I'm curious, how do you house your rooster? .. We do sometimes sell extra eggs for eating and while I KNOW one of my customers wouldn't care about a fertile egg, my other customer probably would --...
  20. Chick_a_dee

    Toyota Recall

    Yikes about this whole Toyota Recall! We're worried because we're currently renting a Toyota Corolla (2010) which is in the recall for Canada. We spoke to Enterprise and they said that they haven't been told that this particular car is in recall and we've heard nothing since but it is...
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