Search results for query: *

  1. chickenlover237

    Can I use ibuprofin to put down a baby chicken?

    I have a baby, about 4-7 weeks old, it's tail has been pecked down to the bone (I don't know how) and he's trying to die. He's in a lot of pain and I think he should be put out of his misery, I was wondering if it would be possible to OD him with Ibuprofen. We're looking for the quickest, and...
  2. chickenlover237

    Chickens wing turning GREEN

    One of my white leghorns hurt her wing, I thought she had dislocated or broken it. She lost total movement of it, and today, two days after it happened, I checked on her and her entire wing, from the shoulder is GREEN and I literally mean, Green, grass green. And I don't know what to do! Pics...
  3. chickenlover237

    Chicken coop caught fire two nights ago... Help?

    My chicken coop caught fire two nights ago, luckily we caught it before the fire spread to the nearby woods, but not before it could claim the life of one of my roosters, the other 12 are mostly alright, but suffering severe smoke inhalation, What can I do to help them breathe? one hen in...
  4. chickenlover237

    Crossed beak pullet, how bad is it?

    I have a pullet who's beak is starting to cross, I got her mid march with several other chicks, the others are all doing fine though, i've had a crossed beak hen before but she died of an unknown sickness, along with several others of my flock. I just don't know how bad it really is, and if it...
  5. chickenlover237

    Help! Chickens dying!

    This has happened to 4 chickens, they begin behaving oddly in the beginning of the day, sometimes I don't notice it until about mid-day, they begin stumbling, having trouble walking, and have extremely sudden lost a lot of weight, through the day they start eating less, and laying down a lot...
  6. chickenlover237

    any ideas to help?

    Ok, so here is the issue. We are first time chicken owners and didn't exactly know what we were doing when we built my coop, so the nest boxes are higher than the roost bars, my hens and rooster sleep IN the nest boxes and so the hens won't lay in some of the boxes because of how dirty they get...
  7. chickenlover237

    Alagaesia - a human, dwarf, urgal, elf, dragon, wherecat, and others RP - re-start!

    There once was a land ruled by an evil king, king galbatorix. He was a rider who had lost his origional dragon to urgals* and captured another rider’s dragon, killing its rider and binding it with black magic to himself. After a long reign on the throne a new rider was found, Eragon, he and his...
  8. chickenlover237

    around 24+ weeks and no eggs! whats up?

    so we started with 5 hens in late march then a week later got 6 chicks unsexed. a few weeks later one died because she was crushed by a baby gate then one died of cocoi, then a few months later two died from a dog attack and recently I lost one because it ran away then we had a racoon or possum...
  9. chickenlover237

    Dog attack! need help!

    one of my small brahama muts just got attacked by a dog and has two small puncture wounds on its side, most of the feathers that were on his side have been pulled out, and he doesn't want to stand up. what do I do? when I can get him to stand he leans to one side and totters like a drunk sailor...
  10. chickenlover237

    Alagaesia - Dragon, Elf, human, dwarf, urgal, wherecat, dragon rider, RP

    There once was a land ruled by an evil king, king galbatorix. He was a rider who had lost his origional dragon to urgals* and captured another rider’s dragon, killing its rider and binding it with black magic to himself. After a long reign on the throne a new rider was found, Eragon, he and his...
  11. chickenlover237

    anger management

    how do you manage your anger? i scream into a pillow as long as i can as loud as i can.
  12. chickenlover237


  13. chickenlover237

    share your cute chicken stories!

    i brought my favorite girl chicken inside to put some neosporin on her comb because she got bullied by annother chicken, and when i tried to set her down she made the cutest whining like noise and kept flying over to me until i held her. now she is sitting in my lap quietly, inside for the first...
  14. chickenlover237

    follow the mommy!

    ok so 3 weeks ago, my silver pheonix pullet got out and came to the porch to see me, ok one chicken out is fine she follows me, 2 weeks ago, my silver pheonix pullet AND cockeral get out, ok two chickens out, well they follow me around the yard so it is easy to get them back in the coop. TODAY 3...
  15. chickenlover237

    what happened and what shold I do?

    ok so yesterday I went to let the chickens out in the morning and infront of the door where they usually wait for me there was a really large amount of blood/poo, normally there is a lot of poo there but not blood. so I noticed that one chicken did not want to move, constantly sitting or...
  16. chickenlover237

    what on earth do I have?!

    ok I probobly will not be able to post pictures till tomorrow but i can discribe them. ok, I have now 11 chicks some close to 5 wks and some close to 2 wks, 5 are close to 5wks and the others are close to 2wks. the oldest ones are supposed to be barred rocks and rhode island reds and one I have...
  17. chickenlover237

    how to tell if chick has impacted crop and how to fix it

    how do you tell if a chick has an impacted crop? I think one of my new (just got from the feed store today) chicks has an impacted crop because there is a spot on the back/side of its neck that is bald and on that bald spot you can see the food that the chick has eaten! its really gross and on...
  18. chickenlover237

    hatching eggs/incubator

    I want some polish eggs,some silkie eggs, some aruacanna eggs and if possible an incubator.
  19. chickenlover237


    ok this used to be something different but it should be fine if I change it. anyway today is hatch day and it didnt take long but my nerve broke and I picked open an egg on the side the air sack is on and find the half decomposed remnants of a chick. so thinking most if not all of the others are...
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