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  1. Chickmagnet9


    I need to euthanize my chicken asap. I do not want to ring or chop off her head. What is something I might have in my own first aid kid that will kill her quickly and how much should I give? It needs to be orally. I do not have any iv or sub-q needles. Thank you.
  2. Chickmagnet9

    Is it a respiratory issue or is it me?

    This is Donna Henli. I've had her a few years now and this is the first sign of her ever being ill. The video says it all but it's almost 5 min of me talking while you admire the queen. I have 21 hens and she is my only dinky. Found her lethargic, eyes closing, wings dropped, didn't even...
  3. Chickmagnet9

    My 6 mo old BR hen has something stuck in her throat

    My young hen began meowing and having trouble breathing. I let it go a couple days to work itself out. It is allergy season here, everything in bloom. I dropped RX Med down her throat twice but no help. My poor baby hen who's only 6 months old and the sweetest of all, has a lump in her...
  4. Chickmagnet9

    Rescued chicks--what are these?

    I have many chickens but I don't have any Barred Rock which is what these look like to me. I have heard and read that you can tell male from female by the dot vs. spread out splatt on their head. If they are a splatt like each of these, they are male. I do not know if this is true and...
  5. Chickmagnet9


    Hi there. I am unable to locate a message I'd saved years ago which explained NO SURGERY, but only washing, packing with some salve or some sort of something, and then wrapping the chickens foot for a week. After a week, take off the wrap and the bumble oftentimes has come off with the wrap...
  6. Chickmagnet9

    Ok, I know Cochins have freaky eyes but something is wrong with my Oprah

    This is my chicken, Oprah. She is my most beautiful, loving, calm, cuddly, gentle girl and I have had her since before she hatched in August 2012. I keep the coop and run very clean, change bedding, dust bedding, dust chickens as needed, sprayed each of their vents and wingpits with...
  7. Chickmagnet9


    SO, SO GROSS! These are not the standard house fly, horse fly, or any other fly. These are just smaller black flies which hover. We keep our coop and surrounding yard clean, power wash our coop and boxes, change bedding frequently, use mite spray on our girls, keep fresh veg up if not eaten...
  8. Chickmagnet9

    MAGICALLY APPEARING CHICKS under a broody butt!?

    --My Cochin is broody again (as usual). This go around, I am considering letting her go full term and on the right night 19-21 (today is the beginning of day 4), putting day olds under her butt that night so she wakes up in the morning with babies. Has anyone had success with this or is it a...
  9. Chickmagnet9

    Is it safe to put hatchlings under a broody on days 19-21?

    My Cochin is broody again (as usual). This go around, I am considering letting her go full term and on the right night, putting day olds under her butt that night so she wakes up in the morning with babies. Has anyone had success with this or is it a bad idea. Anyone who has already had...
  10. Chickmagnet9


    Someone brought me a rescue Guinea fowl last night. Young, healthy, almost fully feathered, unafraid of humans, very interested in us, probably male, and nobody has claimed it. I have made 4 posts on I will need to take it to the shelter if I do not find someone to foster this...
  11. Chickmagnet9


    Someone brought me a rescue Guinea fowl last night. Young, healthy, almost fully feathered, unafraid of humans, very interested in us, probably male, and nobody has claimed it. I have made 4 posts on I will need to take it to the shelter if I do not find someone to foster this...
  12. Chickmagnet9


    Someone brought me a rescue Guinea fowl last night. Young, healthy, almost fully feathered, unafraid of humans, very interested in us, probably male, and nobody has claimed it. I have made 4 posts on I will need to take it to the shelter if I do not find someone to foster this...
  13. Chickmagnet9

    Thoughts On This Floor Cover For Coop???

    Hi. Years ago when I first got chickens, we had a dirt floor. Husband cemented it. Now, it is cracked and moisture/water come up through on rainy days. I feel these mats (see attached) may be cumbersome and not easily sterilized but I also don't want my ladies walking around in water. What...
  14. Chickmagnet9

    Such a weirdo! Pics to prove it.

    My 3 year old hen (Silver Laced Wyandotte) has developed some wicked claws as if she were a roo. What the heck? Has she decided to be the boy? I dont see her acting out. Info, experience and insight is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks, the gang.
  15. Chickmagnet9

    Such a weirdo! Pics to prove it.

    My 3 year old hen (Silver Laced Wyandotte) has developed some wicked claws as if she were a roo. What the heck? Has she decided to be the boy? I dont see her acting out. Info, experience and insight is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks, the gang.
  16. Chickmagnet9

    Such a weirdo! Pics to prove it.

    My 3 year old hen (Silver Laced Wyandotte) has developed some wicked claws as if she were a roo. What the heck? Has she decided to be the boy? I dont see her acting out. Info, experience and insight is welcomed and appreciated. Thanks, the gang.
  17. Chickmagnet9

    What do you think this bump on the beak is? Hatched on 7-3-17

    Last evening I noticed a bump on my babies beak. I have no idea what it is. It doesn't seem to hurt or hinder eating and drinking. Has a lot of energy and is interested in everything and in me. I only had some veterycin on me last night so that's what I used but I'm certain there is...
  18. Chickmagnet9

    My 6 hear old Buff Orpington mix is starting to Cock-A-Doodle Doo! What is that about?

    I've had this chicken for almost 6 years, now. She is my best girl. She is sweet, grandmotherly and still laying eggs, believe it or not. For the past couple of days, she's been coming out of the coop in the morning and belting it out whilst flapping her wings. It's cracking me up and...
  19. Chickmagnet9


    My friend woke up and had 9 roosters in her front yard. She doesn't know where they came from, she's in the city. If you won't fight them, you are welcome to them and A.S.A.P. Please message me and I'll give you more information. Thanks, Chickmagnet9
  20. Chickmagnet9

    I'm finding wonky eggs. They look cracked but aren't. See the pics?

    I believe all of these eggs are coming from my girl, Kyle who is 1/2 Buff Orpington and 1/2 EE. Recently, we've been finding these eggs getting weirder and now appearing to be cracked but aren't. I don't know what's causing this. Her diet has not changed. She gets high grade feed to eat at...
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